"Oh? Touma and Sha have been there?"


The data kept flickering, and after Baruda collected the data and analyzed the composition of that world, he finally came to a conclusion.

It's an ordinary world with no danger.

She started to edit the task... At this time, the four girls also met in the task space.

"This is the mission space..."

Yumiko Sakaki looked at the dark and weird space, but there was nothing there, so she glanced at it, and her eyes fell on the other three girls.

"Is it a reincarnation like me?"

There is actually a nun, it seems that there seems to be everyone here.

Sister Asia glanced at the crowd, and was the first to speak, "Well, hello, my name is Asia. Are you all reincarnation?"

"Is this guy an idiot?" Future was speechless, watching the blond nun rolling his eyes wildly, "He actually revealed his name directly, without any precautions, it's very dangerous here."

"Well, after all, they are newcomers. The reincarnated people in the main god's space are almost dead, and now they are finally recruiting newcomers."

It's just a little strange, why are they all beautiful girls?

"Rookie? Does that mean she's not a newcomer?"

Zhuge Xuecai looked over immediately, she was a girl in a grade younger than herself, she couldn't see the aura of a strong person at all, but she didn't dare to underestimate her, "Are you... a high-level reincarnation? "

"That's not true, I'm just an intermediate reincarnation, but it's enough to face newcomers like you."

With his hands on his hips in the future, he snorted, "If you are obedient and honest, I won't do anything to you, don't worry, although reincarnation..."

Seeing those ponytails pretending to be aggressive, Mu Xiaoxiao covered her face, shit!I asked you to be assigned with them not to threaten them!It's for you to protect them!

Sure enough, shouldn't he choose that idiot girl?

Mu Xiaoxiao bit her finger, "Baruda, arrange a new mission for the future, the goal is to protect all reincarnations!"


"The mission of the main god is released!"

A sudden voice interrupted Future's pretentiousness, and then the mission set by Baruda was sent to their mission interface.

World type: [? ? ? 】

Mission Mode: [Killing Mode]


——Main task: [Successfully capture a half-price bento! 】

——Subquests: [None]

Completion reward: [? ? ? 】

Task time limit: [ten days]

Failure penalty: [none]

Difficulty: [C]

Tip: [none]

As a newcomer's task, it's not too difficult, but what the hell is this half-price lunch?

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little confused, but in the future, she was even more confused, because her mission was different from others.

World type: [? ? ? 】

Mission Mode: [Killing Mode]


——Main task: [Protect all reincarnations alive! 】

——Subquests: [None]

Completion reward: [? ? ? 】

Task time limit: [ten days]

Failure penalty: [Eradicate! ! 】

Difficulty: [C]

Tip: [none]

The main quest is different. Seeing this quest, Future is a little startled.

Protect?Is it actually a protector of reincarnation? !And still in this killing mode?

Who designed this task?No, I should be the only one doing this kind of mission, right?

"Well, what is your mission?"

"Get a half-price bento."

"Get a half-price bento."

"That's weird, what does this mean, half-price bento?"

Stop talking, my mission is even more strange!

This is definitely targeting me on purpose!The future pursed her lips, and she clearly sensed the malice that came from the main god's space!


I can't kill the reincarnated people, but I have to protect them, otherwise the mission will fail and be wiped out... But this is a killing mode, a mode in which the reincarnated people can kill each other!If they want to kill themselves...

Oh my god!

"Ahahahaha, Baruda, look at her expression, I laughed so hard, ahahaha!"


Watching Mu Xiaoxiao rolling and laughing on the ground, Bailie and Ballaro also appeared, and said sadly.

"Bad taste."

"Xiao Xiao, it really is a bad taste."

"Hmph, who told her to pretend to be aggressive in front of me? The thing I, Mu Xiaoxiao, can't see the most is when someone comes to pretend to be aggressive in front of me." Mu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, "So to punish her a little, I'll go first This world is over, Baruda, you will send them here later."

Mu Xiaoxiao stood up, waved her hand, and disappeared in place.

He entered a new world.

The three women of Baruda looked at each other, "Finish the work here, and then continue to stare at those high-level reincarnators..."

"Throwing all this kind of work to us, Xiao Xiao is really free."

"Aren't you going to say he's disqualified?"

"Disqualification... Actually, it doesn't matter."

"I agree, this kind of life is not annoying."

After speaking, the three figures disappeared into the space.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao, who had come to the new world, looked up at the sun shining brightly above her head with an embarrassing face.

"It's a two-dimensional world again... If I knew it was a two-dimensional world, I could search for information by myself..."

Chapter 705: Snatching lunch?

Cross the world?

Is this crossing a different world?

This is the first time for Yukina Ogiso to experience this kind of space-time travel, not only her, but also the others. Except for the future, the remaining three are newcomers who participated in the mission of the main god for the first time. They are very curious about this kind of time travel. .

But in fact, there was no special feeling, just a little trance, and then appeared in another place.

Moreover, this different world is also different from the imagined world. It is not a different world of swords and magic in comics, but a modern city that is no different from the original world.

If the mission hadn't already started, they would even think they had returned to their own world.

Looking at the bustling city streets, the bustling crowds, the vehicles coming and going, and the high-rise buildings, the scene of heavy traffic emerges in the eyes.

"Is this really another world?"

"There are many different worlds." Future spread his hands and explained, "In addition to this ordinary world, there are also many very dangerous worlds, but because you are all newcomers, the task becomes easier. Bar?"

It's embarrassing to think about it. The world she used to be was also an extremely dangerous world. She never dared to imagine such a peaceful world, but now...

"For this mission, I suggest that everyone gather together to act as a group," Future looked at the other three women, and said seriously, "This is also safer."

Do we act together?Yumiko Sakaki hesitated, but Asia and Yukina Ogiso immediately agreed.

In such an unknown place, it might be a good choice to follow the boss.


Finally, Yumiko Sakaki also agreed.

Seeing their responses, Future breathed a sigh of relief. If they refused, I really don't know what to do. It's all this damn task, so why should I protect them.

It's a good thing he's a rookie, otherwise, it would be almost impossible to complete the task in this killing mode.

What a headache.

"But now, where are you going?"

Ogiso Yukina asked, "How to complete this task?"

"I don't know either. I haven't been to this world. It seems that I'm just slowly picking up the news," the future said, "Now find a place to live, I still have some money..."

"No need, the main god sent us some currency," Yumiko Sakaki interrupted her, looking at her backpack, where there were a few banknotes lying quietly.

"Isn't it? So humane?"

Opening her mouth in the future, she found that she also had... When did the Lord God become so amiable?In the past, it didn't have any benefits, not even a little ordinary currency, which made reincarnated people often sleep on the streets.

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