Of course she knew that the newcomers who were assigned with Mu Xiaoxiao were reincarnations, and Berry, who was a reborn person, of course knew, didn't she send them away in the morning?Why are you here again?

Could it be aimed at Mu Xiaoxiao?

This is very likely.

"What are you doing here?" Berry looked at him, "You have your own job, right?"

"Ah, the warehouse has been cleaned. I came here to see if there is any need for help." Takashi Murakami glanced at the girl in front of him with a slightly excited expression, "If there is..."

"Sorry, someone is already in charge of the work here, and I don't need your help. Let's leave now."

Berry still rejected him.

Hearing this sentence, Takashi Murakami's face suddenly turned ugly. This kind of differential treatment was very obvious. When he was with the reincarnation just now, the expression on Berry's face was in sharp contrast with the current indifferent expression. Murakami Takashi's mood fell to the bottom.

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what the relationship between those two people was. Did that person come to this world, so he knew Berry?

Takashi Murakami couldn't figure it out at all, but this didn't hinder the jealousy in his heart, and the killing intent that burst out because of jealousy...

"It's hard for me to clean up by myself, let him help," suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice came from beside him.


Berry was stunned, what did Xiaoxiao mean by the words?He... suddenly saw Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes, Berry seemed to understand something, and nodded.

"Okay, let's clean together..."

Hearing this, Murakami's killing intent gradually dissipated.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him coldly, and also withdrew his gaze. He felt the murderous intent on this reincarnated person, because his hidden attribute soul value was very high, and he was also very sensitive to this aspect.

The killing intent of this reincarnated person is fine for him, but if it is directed at Berry, it is not so good. After all, Berry is just an ordinary person and cannot fight the reincarnated person.

Although this strawberry's attitude towards her was a little strange, she didn't have any malice towards her, she even helped her yesterday, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to watch her get killed like this.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Takashi Murakami started to clean the dormitory, and the couriers all went to eat. Berry looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with some concern, and then went to have dinner with those friends.

After Berry left, only Mu Xiaoxiao and Takashi Murakami were left in the dormitory. The atmosphere was about to freeze for a while, and the battle was about to break out.

No one else here, whether it is Mu Xiaoxiao or Murakami Takashi, has the idea of ​​fighting, until...


A red figure rushed in, breaking the frozen atmosphere, it was 02.

"You are still cleaning here, have you had dinner yet? I brought some delicious food~" 02 walked in with a smile, and then saw the scene where Takashi Murakami and Mu Xiaoxiao confronted each other.

Takashi Murakami froze slightly, nodded at her, and immediately turned to wipe the floor.

"Little..." 02's eyes turned cold, "That person..."

"Ah, you came here with me to clean."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't tell the identity of that person's reincarnation, but she didn't know that 02 already knew it.

Found that the reincarnated person seemed to be looking this way intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes seemed to be on his body? 02 rolled his eyeballs, and a smile appeared on his face. With his heart in mind, he moved to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, and suddenly stretched out his hand, pressing him against the wall.

"Wall dong—"

"Hey? Hey?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't react for a while, "That? 02?"


No. 02 didn't speak, just picked Mu Xiaoxiao's chin, and kissed it without saying a word. The warm and soft touch made Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widen, and the whole person froze there. Takashi Murakami in the distance also saw it All this, a look of disbelief flashed across his face.

What's happening here? !

Except for 02, Mu Xiaoxiao and Takashi Murakami had this kind of thinking in their minds.

Who the hell is that guy? !

Forget about the previous raspberry, why even 02...

Who is it? !

Everyone is a reincarnator, so your treatment is too good, right?How can there be such a big gap between people? !

Takashi Murakami felt that he was about to go crazy, and the strong, almost substantive jealousy was about to burst out of his body, burning his whole body. Seeing this scene, his eyes were completely red, and his brain only felt The heat surged up, and a samurai sword appeared in his hand, and he rushed over without hesitation.


"Hmph," 02 had already guessed this scene, and was about to fight back when Mu Xiaoxiao pulled him away.


Thunder and lightning flashed, and Mu Xiaoxiao went up to meet him.

No. 02 looked at all this with a smile and did not stop him.

Of course she did this on purpose, in order to stimulate the reincarnation, she could see that the reincarnation seemed to know herself?So I borrowed a little kiss to let him reveal his true nature, by the way...

"You can also take away the little first kiss, the best of both worlds~"

She didn't know that Violet had snatched Mu Xiaoxiao's first kiss long ago.


The fire of jealousy quickly cooled in front of this thunder, Takashi Murakami was a little surprised, how could this ability be different from the previous one...

He has fought with Lu Ming, and he also knows the lightning ability of the reincarnation.


When the long sword collided with the katana, Mu Xiaoxiao's physical attributes were greatly improved under the stimulation of lightning, and with the blessing of Gundaruff...

"Bang bang bang bang—!?"

The long sword turned into afterimages, and Takashi Murakami was quickly suppressed.

"This guy's strength..." Suppressed by the stormy attack, he has no ability to counterattack. He can only defend with all his strength. Even so, the scars on his body are gradually increasing. The strength of this reincarnation is actually so strong? !

Among the five reincarnators, he is the strongest, right? !

Thinking of this, a wound was drawn on his body.


"Ahem..." The body flew upside down and hit the wall fiercely. Takashi Murakami was about to retreat, but at this moment, 02 jumped out from nowhere.


Punch out.

When Takashi Murakami fell out again, Mu Xiaoxiao's speed soared, and he rushed forward with a wave of lightning in his body.

Rather than using lightning for long-range attacks, Mu Xiaoxiao is more suitable to use it to bless her body and weapons.


The samurai sword was blown away by Mu Xiaoxiao.

This person's swordsmanship seems to be quite good, but facing Gundaruff, he still has no advantage.

"Asshole! The mission is..."


The long sword pierced into the opponent's heart, seeing the reincarnated person's unwilling eyes, already desperate look, Mu Xiaoxiao became ruthless, and turned the long sword in her hand.

"Puchi Puchi—"

The blood flowed wildly, and in the end, the reincarnated person closed his eyes unwillingly...

"Xiaoxiao! How do you feel?" 02 happily came over, hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's arm, and smiled intimately.

"It's okay... this person suddenly attacked... you..."

"I'm not talking about this, but the kiss just now."


Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her blankly. After a while, he turned his head and put the reincarnated person's treasure box into his backpack, and decided to ignore her.

"The one just now was your first kiss, right?" 02 asked proudly, "Don't worry about it, because I'm also the first..."

"Sorry, that wasn't my first kiss."


After staying there for a while, 02 pounced forward, put his cheek close to Mu Xiaoxiao's face, and asked anxiously, "Who is it?! Who was your first kiss?!"


Chapter 072: Goro's Contact

Who was the first kiss?You don't even know.

"Why do you care about this, and... why did you suddenly kiss me?" Mu Xiaoxiao's face was a little hot, "Just to let that person attack me?"

"Of course not, because I want to take your first kiss away. Unfortunately, it has already been taken away by someone else. Who is it? Xiao Xiao, tell me quickly."

Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head, glanced at the scene where the corpse of the reincarnation slowly disappeared, and changed the subject, "Speaking of which, why are you not surprised by this? That person's attack, the disappearance of this corpse, strange abilities, etc... ..."

This is also what Mu Xiaoxiao is curious about. Why does she feel that she is not curious about these things like Berry?

"What's so surprising about this, aren't all reincarnations in the Lord God's space like this?"

"You...you know the reincarnation?!"

"Well, I know," 02 shrugged, with a look of indifference, "I've seen reincarnated people, so I know something about them..."

What a surprise, she actually knows about the main god space and reincarnators, no wonder...

"So, Berry also knows?"

"Yes...she knows too."

"Then why are you helping me?"

These people know that they are reincarnators...Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't understand.

"Xiao Xiao, just treat it as fate." 02 stretched out his hand and caressed his cheek, "Fate let us meet and made me fall in love with you, so of course I will help you."


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