For example, now, after agreeing to play games with Xiaoxiao, Tacheng Kitty is not polite, just walked up to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, and did not sit down beside him, but did it directly on Mu Xiaoxiao's body. .

"Huh? Kitten?"

Loli's petite body just sat on Mu Xiaoxiao's lap, then turned her head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, "What's the matter?"

"Um... why are you sitting like this?"

"I like."


"is it not OK?"

"Well, if you like it, so be it."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the little loli sitting on her lap, and pressed her forehead. Anyway, the kitten is not heavy. Her petite body is sitting on her lap, and she doesn't feel anything, still feels some.

It's just a little hard to imagine that such a cute little loli has such terrifying power hidden in her body, not only power, but also her own aura, and another kind of power hidden.

Just as Mu Xiaoxiao was about to ask, the kitten meowed.

"Ah, the game has begun."

The screen of the game began to flash on the TV in front of him, and the kitten was holding a controller in his hand.

"Many of the commissions I received were to play games together. I'm very good now, and I won't lose to Xiaoxiao you," Kitty said.

"I'm not very good at playing games," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "But that was before, and I'm still very good now, hehehe~"

"Then let's compete."

The kitten's fighting spirit was aroused, and he hummed and started a game fight with Mu Xiaoxiao.

This is a fighting game that two people can play together.

However, not long after playing, the attention of both of them has shifted.

The first one was Mu Xiaoxiao, he didn't know what was going on, a little girl like this sitting on his body, although it looked a little intimate, but it was not like this kind of scene had never happened before, he should be very happy It's right to be calm, but for some reason, my mind is always in a trance.

The kitten's soft and delicate body always made him dizzy, and the fragrance on his body also made him look weird.

Under such circumstances, Mu Xiaoxiao actually had some indescribable reactions! !

impossible!How could I be to a loli...absolutely impossible!It's fake!

As for the kitten sitting on his lap, she didn't notice it at first, but soon, she also noticed something strange, something hard pressed against her ass.

The body of the kitten was stiff, and its little face was flushed with naked eyes. It turned its head and glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao angrily, "Xiaoxiao, H!"


This is a misunderstanding.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to cry, but she felt that she would not be able to wash herself off by jumping into the Yellow River. She deserved death for being in heat with such a small loli.

"Xiao Xiao, it really is Lolicon..."


Only this, absolutely will not admit it!

"I'm really not a lolicon, little cat, but I got too angry in the morning," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, and pressed her forehead, "I can't vent my anger, that's why."

"Lolicon, Xiaoxiao is Lolicon."

The kitten snorted, and said relentlessly, looking at her, she seemed to hope that Xiaoxiao was a lolicon.

"I'm really not a lolicon, kitty," Mu Xiaoxiao felt tired, and reached out to pat her on the head, "I like kittens, but I just like you kittens, not like Lolita." Anything to do, kitty, do you trust me?"


Little Lolita blushed, Xiaoxiao, is this a confession?

"Well, believe..."

The kitty didn't insist on Lolicon's statement all of a sudden, Mu Xiaoxiao raised the corner of her mouth and made a victory gesture, it's done!

But before Mu Xiaoxiao was happy for a while, the Tacheng kitten sitting on his lap suddenly twisted its body and rubbed gently.

"Little... kitty?!"

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned by her actions and was dumbfounded!

"Little cat, you can help Xiaoxiao relieve her anger," Little Loli blushed, as if she had been overwhelmed by Mu Xiaoxiao's confession just now, and now she even made such a bold move, that hard thing was crushed She was pressed down, and then moved her position, embedded in a certain mysterious ravine.


The bodies of Mu Xiaoxiao and Tacheng Kitten trembled at the same time.

"Little cat, stop quickly, don't do this thing," Mu Xiaoxiao said tremblingly, "It's very dangerous."

"It's okay, the kitten is willing to..."

"Little cat, don't you hate H?"

"Small words, don't hate them."

Little Loli turned her head, water was about to flow from her pupils, and she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a spring look.

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