What he wanted was not just the simple answer of suppressing the old Montenegro demon, but also the scene of him suppressing the old Montenegro demon.

Now that the audience has not yet arrived, he has suppressed the old Heishan demon. Wouldn't the role of the old Heishan be too weak?

The Black Mountain old demon probably never dreamed that in Xu Fan's eyes, he was just a tool to achieve his goal, and as a tool, he could only do what a tool should do, which was to hit the big formation in Luoyang City.

And after the big formation in Luoyang City was strengthened by Xu Fan, even if the Black Mountain old monster hit it with all its strength, he would not be able to break through it in three days.

So Xu Fan was not in a hurry.

On the contrary, the old demon from Montenegro was anxious to die, as if the meat had already been delivered to his mouth, and he could eat it with a slight movement of his neck.

But now, his neck was stuck by someone, and what he had to do was to break free from the other party's shackles.

Therefore, after a failed collision, the Black Mountain old demon once again controlled its huge body to attack Luoyang City.

boom! .

boom! .

boom! .

Every impact will make the whole earth vibrate continuously.

Everyone in the big formation looked terrified.

Although there was a large formation blocking it, everyone could still see the huge body of the Black Mountain Old Demon clearly through the golden barrier.

With that mountain-like body, all the people are so small in front of them.

When facing a huge monster, people can't help being frightened, just like people are in awe of nature and mountains.

When the huge body of the Black Mountain Old Demon appeared in everyone's sight, even though they knew that there was a big formation blocking them, people still couldn't help being terrified.

Especially the Montenegrin old demon is really not flattering.

As time passed, more and more people came to the gate of the city, and even the prefect of Luoyang came to the city wall.

As a parent official, he naturally couldn't escape at this time. If he escaped, if the higher authorities were to blame for this, he would have to bear the blame.

And Fu Tianchou's father and daughter on the city wall naturally also met the prefect.

When he saw Fu Tianchou, the prefect was still a little happy, after all, the two were friends, if Fu Tianchou hadn't insisted on it, he would not let people arrest Fu Tianchou.

"Brother Fu, what's going on here." Prefect Liu Yi said.

Sister Fu Qingfeng naturally didn't like this Liu Yi, neither of them spoke, Fu Tianchou naturally wouldn't be like this, hearing Liu Yi's words, Fu Tianchou said immediately; "I don't know the specifics, I just know it's There is a powerful evil spirit attacking Luoyang City."

"Evil?." Looking at the huge body of the Black Mountain old demon, Liu Yi also turned pale for a while.

If that thing were to rush in, the entire city of Luoyang would die countless times.

In particular, behind the old Black Mountain demon, he also saw many evil spirits.

Don't ask him why he knows, as long as their arms are missing and sore, and some even have no heads, no matter how stupid he is, it is impossible for him not to see that they are ghosts.

The almost blackened green light fully demonstrated their identities.

"Master Taishou, look over there." At this time, someone pointed to a higher sky and said.

Liu Yi heard the sound and looked, and suddenly saw a white figure standing in the sky, the robe was swaying non-stop by the wind, and it was even more extraordinary against the golden array.

Just now Liu Yi was only looking at the old black mountain demon, and didn't notice Xu Fan in the sky.

At this moment, after hearing the reminder from his subordinates, he just noticed Xu Fan's existence.

"That is?."

"Brother Liu, let me introduce you, that one is an immortal." Afterwards, Fu Tianchou told him everything that happened before.

Especially Xu Fan's mysterious and unpredictable means, he even said all of them.

"So, the reason why the evil creature didn't rush into Luoyang City was because of the immortal master?"

"Naturally, I think, the immortal master didn't do anything at the moment, probably because he was accumulating strength."

Hearing the exchange between Fu Tianchou and Liu Yi on the city wall.

Wang Xiaoling and Lu Xiaoman could only suppress their smiles.

Although the conversation between the two was not great, each of them had extraordinary cultivation and amazing five senses. What the two said on the city wall could not escape their ears at all.

What about accumulating strength? They are very clear about Xu Fan's strength. With Xu Fan's strength, it is just a matter of raising their hands to destroy the old Black Mountain demon.

The reason why Xu Fan didn't do anything was probably waiting for something.

After bumping into each other for a long time, seeing that there was no change in the Luoyang formation, the old demon of Montenegro was so angry, especially when he saw the smugness on the corner of Xu Fan's mouth, he was even more upset.

The movement of bumping into the Luoyang formation became more and more ruthless.

Xu Fan didn't need to turn around, as long as he let go of his consciousness, he saw that there were already many people in Luoyang City behind him.

Roughly counting, there are almost [-] to [-] people.

Several thousand of them have already climbed the city walls, and the rest are under the city walls.

But they could still see the old black mountain demon attacking Luoyang outside the city, and Xu Fan in the air.

"It's about time." Seeing that the number of people coming was almost there, even if people continued to come, they couldn't stand still, so Xu Fan planned to make a move.

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