Of course, this god is the god of the super god world. In a certain sense, Xu Fan is already a god.

One year after the unification of Sirius, Xu Fan started the technological era of gluttonous civilization.

The first thing Xu Fan did was to develop a medicine called wisdom medicine, which is a kind of medicine in the technology tree. Wisdom medicine, as the name suggests, can develop the brain by eating this medicine.

Let your thoughts become more agile and clear, which is the so-called becoming smarter.

Make people's brains more flexible, strengthen their memory, and even achieve the ability of never forgetting.

And Xu Fan also used these medicines to train the first batch of scientists belonging to Taotie.

Xu Fan himself naturally followed suit, while digesting the power of the technology tree.

With the help of the technology tree, the gluttonous civilization has begun an unprecedented development.

And Xu Fan is also using the power of technology to continuously increase his own strength.

The current him, even if he doesn't use any spiritual power and soul power, his combat power is as much as [-]% of what it was before.

The improvement is not that big.

Chapter 379; Angel Civilization.

In less than a hundred years, Xu Fan developed an interstellar warship, which has the ability to fight in the universe. Therefore, Xu Fan launched an interstellar war and began his colonial rule, radiating the entire Styx galaxy from Sirius.

During this period, Xu Fan's rights and strength have also been continuously improved.

The overall strength of the gluttonous civilization is also frighteningly improving.

The first year of the [-]th year of the Taotie civilization.

That is, in the [-]th year when Xu Fan became the King of Taotie, the mechanical life form of Taotie appeared. As long as the will is not destroyed, the life of the machine can continue to exist.

And the Taotie who died in battle, that is, the undead soldiers of the gluttonous warriors who were included in the book of life and death by Xu Fan, after having a mechanical body, they will be reborn and resurrected.

The overall strength of the Taotie civilization has been improved again.

The first year of the [-]th year of the Taotie civilization.

The thousandth colonized planet of the Gluttonous civilization appears.

In the first year of the eight hundred and seventy-fourth year of the Taotie civilization, the [-]th colonial planet of the Taotie civilization appeared.

And Xu Fan has also been in this world for more than [-] years, and it is only a little bit away from the millennium.

This is the longest time Xu Fan has stayed in a world since he traveled.

In the [-]th year of the Taotie civilization, the [-]th colonial planet of the Taotie civilization appeared. Xu Fan also completed the second side task of the Bronze Gate, and he got the blueprint of the God-making Project of the Universe.

But what annoyed Xu Fan was that he couldn't carry out this god-making project.

Because he needs one thing, a very important thing, the wisdom stone.

Moreover, even if he got the wisdom stone, Xu Fan still needs a hundred perseverance as energy to start his god-making project.

But fortunately, Bronze Gate knew Xu Fan very well this time. Instead of asking Xu Fan to find the location of the Wisdom Stone by himself, he gave Xu Fan a coordinate.

For Xu Fan, one coordinate is enough.

Much better than giving nothing.

Over the past thousand years, Xu Fan has developed the wormhole jumping technology, and he already has the ability to move quickly through wormholes in the universe.

After all, just one Styx galaxy is already very huge. If this technology hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have conquered [-] civilizations so quickly.

Afterwards, Xu Fan directly boarded his exclusive king warship, the Taotie King, a [-]-meter-long battleship built by gathering the strongest wisdom crystallization of the entire Taotie civilization.

Possesses a powerful ability to fight across galaxies.

Started another journey of his conquest.

But this time, his goal was the one given by the Bronze Gate.

After passing through the wormhole, Xu Fan soon came to the galaxy with the coordinates given by the system.

Compared with the Styx galaxy dominated by animal bodies, this galaxy is dominated by Shenhe bodies (humans and humanoids).

"My lord, we discovered a civilized planet three light years away from the battleship group. The civilization there is a low-level technological civilization and is still developing."

"However, according to the conjectures from our tests, if this civilization continues to develop, it has the potential to develop into a third-level top civilization."

In terms of civilization level, Xu Fan gave six definitions.

At the highest level of civilization, there are existences with the ability to create and destroy the world.

The second-level civilization is below the first-level plane, has high-end top technology, can fight across galaxies, and has the power of the so-called gods, has the ability to destroy a galaxy in an instant, and can radiate civilization power to the entire galaxy. This is called a secondary civilization.

And the third-level civilization.It is Xu Fan and the others who have the ability to fight across galaxies, and the technology is at the top of the high-end position, but they have never possessed super god-level weapons, that is, the ability to destroy a galaxy in an instant.

And the fourth level is the nuclear age, which is the state of the earth in the original book.

The fifth level is similar to the ancient times of the earth, the era dominated by cold weapons.

As for the sixth level, it is even more ancient. The kind of creatures that drink blood without wisdom and civilization are called the sixth level.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came to this galaxy, Xu Fan encountered a civilization with a potential of reaching the third level, which is interesting.

After thousands of years, everyone will be bored, Xu Fan needs to find some fun for himself, otherwise he will live a very boring life.

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