"Queen Keisha, you mean?"

"It seems that this time I will go to the earth in person, no matter whether Morgana is on the earth or not, I will go to the earth." Keisha quickly recovered and put away the smear on her face. Her expression returned to her previous appearance.

"Who are you going to see? Why don't you let me go instead of you." Yan sniffed tentatively.

"No, this time I'm going in person, I'm going to confirm a piece of news, he...is it him or not." Keisha said.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to Earth."

"Yes" Although I wondered why Kesha did this, but Kesha is the king, and they must carry out her orders [-]%.

PS; Sorry, I got up late today, had a nightmare, got up at 1:[-], and just had dinner again, Chapter [-] has only been written in a hurry, sorry.

Chapter 415;

Earth, Juxia City.

Xu Fan, who was in the police station, seemed to have a sense of it, and looked at the sky outside.

"Is she still here?" In fact, when Keisha arrived in the solar system, Xu Fan felt her presence. She was like a walking star. Even if Xu Fan wanted to ignore the dark matter energy behind her body It is impossible to catch her.

It's just that Xu Fan didn't expect her to come to Earth so soon.

The difference from the original book is that this time Kesha did not go to the top of the Great Gorge, but directly came to the Great Gorge City.

On the Great Gorge, the siren sounded suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the command room, and Ducao happened to be in the command room at the moment.

Lianfeng and Yuqin also started to operate on the computer for the first time.

"Chief, just now, we felt nearly a hundred figures passing through the earth's atmosphere. The energy of the other party is very strong. The person who came this time seems to be Kesha." Lianfeng said.

"Kaisha? So fast? Can you figure out where Kaisha will land?" Although I knew that Kaisha would come to Earth, I didn't expect Kaisha to come so soon.

You know, the Xiongbinglian has only trained for five or six days until now, and let the Xiongbinglian fight against Kaisha, the representative of the justice and order of the universe. Don't be kidding, with their current strength, let alone defeating Kaisha, they will connect There is no ability to approach Keisha.

"Based on Kesha's flight confidence, we predict her final landing will be in...Galaxy City."

"Great Gorge City? Could it be?" Suddenly, Ducao seemed to remember something.

Juxia City, now in Juxia City, except for the Xiongbing Company, there is only one person who may attract Kesha's attention.

"Xu Fan." Ducao narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally pronounced the name.

Half a year ago, he had suspected that Xu Fan was the gluttonous king.

But then this suspicion disappeared in his heart. After all, Xu Fan is a dignified and civilized king, why should he give up those identities and come to the earth to be a little policeman.

The main reason why he came to Earth was that the Deno galaxy civilization was destroyed, he was homeless, and wandered here by chance.

As for Xu Fan, he is a dignified and civilized king. With his status, it is impossible for him to come to the earth to be a small policeman.

But to say that's totally impossible is not the case.

After all, Xu Fan and the gluttonous king Xu Fan Zhang look so much alike that they can't even be said to be alike, but they are completely the same person. Except for the different hair and clothing, their faces are [-]% identical. resemblance.

He once heard that Keisha was also looking for Xu Fan, and this search took tens of thousands of years.

Now it seems that this is probably not a rumor.


On the other side, in the sky of Juxia City, nearly a hundred fires descended from the sky, and the speed of their descent was extremely fast, and everyone in Juxia City could see them clearly.

The same goes for everyone, including the soldiers who are training.

"Look, what is that?"

"It seems to be a shooting star."

"This is from Juxia City?"

In the military region of Juxia City, the members of a company of soldiers also stopped their training.

"What is that?" Ge Xiaolun asked.

"Oh my god, there will be shooting stars in broad daylight?" Liu Chuang said.

"Could it be another alien invasion?" Zhao Dao said.

"Okay, don't guess anymore, it's an angel who descended on your earth." Just when everyone was guessing wildly, Reina said.

"Angel?" Qiangwei was startled.

In addition to Xu Fan, Qiangwei also trained with them in the Xiongbing Company, and at the same time, under the guidance of Leina, she developed her abilities at a faster speed.

"Is it the kind of angel with wings on its back, like the one in Western legends?"

"That's right, and they're all beautiful, young and beautiful female angels." Leina glanced at the men with a smile.

"How about it, do you feel your blood boiling, and now you want to rush over to see what the angel looks like?"

"However, you must not have such thoughts. In the legends of your world, angels represent justice, and they are indeed just as you think, but they stand for justice. Those on their own side, in other words, they may be your friends, or they may be your enemies."

"You guys, be prepared to face them."

"It's really a crazy world. First there were demons, and now there are angels."

"I don't care if Mrs. T's angel or demon is, anyway, I will kill whoever is the enemy." Liu Chuang said out loud.

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