On the way, Xu Fan called Father Xu.

In my impression, my father is an honest farmer, simple and honest, Xu Fan has traveled through many worlds, and there are many cheap fathers, this one can be said to be the worst, but it also happens to be the most accommodating Xu Fan's father is the most like.

Because in Xu Fan's own world, Xu Fan's father was also an honest farmer.

"Hello." The phone was connected, and a slightly tired middle-aged man's voice came from the opposite side. According to the memory in his mind, Xu Fan immediately judged that it was his father's voice.

"Dad, it's me."

"Xiaofan, what's the matter? I'm outside right now, busy." Xu Zhengyan on the other end of the phone said.

"I'm back, and I heard from my mother that you are borrowing money for grandpa's surgery fee. There is no need to find someone else. I have the money. You can come to the hospital directly." Xu Fan said.

Xu's father is a stubborn person. After Mr. Xu's accident, Xu Zhengyan told Xu's mother not to call Xu Fan, because he knew that Xu Fan had just graduated from college, and even if he called him, Xu Fan would not be able to help him. What, it will embarrass Xu Fan instead.

But Xu's mother finally called Xu Fan, and Xu Fan knew about it.

"Why did you come back? Besides, what money do you have, go back quickly, your grandpa's money and I and your second and third uncles will find a way." Xu Zhengyan's slightly serious voice came over the phone.

Xu Fan smiled helplessly. Although it was a different world, his sternness was almost the same as that of his biological father.

"Dad, I have partnered with someone to set up a company. I am the boss now. It's okay to ask for leave. Besides, I'm really rich. You go back to the hospital first. It's useless for me to tell you anything now. Wait until you come back. I know." Xu Fan's tone contained a trace of helplessness, but also a trace of majesty that could not be rejected.

Xu Zhengyan on the other end of the phone was taken aback. If it wasn't for the familiarity in his voice, he would have wondered if the person on the other end of the phone was his son.

PS; Third watch, please recommend a ticket for a reward, I just can't afford a meal.

Chapter 583; Xu Zhengyan's doubts.

"Boss, who is calling you?" Xu Jianmin, Xu Fan's second uncle, said beside him.


"Xiaofan? Why is he calling you? Well, don't talk about it. It's important to deal with business. I will be at Lao Xu's house soon, and I don't know if that guy is at home."

"Xiaofan said he has money, so let's go straight back to the hospital." Xu Zhengyan put down his phone and said.

"What, he has money? Where did he get the money? I remember that Xiao Fan seems to have just graduated for half a year." Xu Fan and his third uncle said with a look of surprise.

"He said he started a company with someone else, and his tone doesn't sound like a joke. Why don't we go back and have a look first?" Xu Zhengyan said. He still believed in his son. He knew Xu Fan Xu Fan's character is not the kind of person who likes to lie, and Xu Fan should know the seriousness of this matter, and it is impossible to make any jokes about this kind of matter. After all, what he is borrowing now is the old man's life-saving money.

"That's fine, let's go back and have a look." Several other people agreed after hearing the words.

They had a glance at Xu Zhengyan's thoughts. This time they borrowed the old man's life-saving money. It is impossible for Xu Fan to joke about this kind of thing. After all, Xu Fan is also a college student who graduated from 985. He should know about this kind of thing. Serious.

On the other side, Xu Fan had already driven to the entrance of the county hospital. After finding a place to park the car, he walked directly to the hospital.

There were quite a lot of people coming and going in the county hospital, and they probably accompanied his family to the hospital to see a doctor. Xu Fan did not call Xu's mother, because he knew that Xu's mother and the others should be waiting outside the operating room, so Xu Fan directly Walking in the direction of the emergency room, Xu Fan saw a group of people dressed as farmers and workers just outside the emergency room. Based on the memory in his mind, Xu Fan immediately recognized their identities.

They are all Xu Fan's relatives, and in the crowd, there is a woman wearing a checkered shirt. If you don't look carefully, you may think it is an old woman. There are many wrinkles on the woman's face. Her appearance seems to be the most typical. The village woman has all the time and suffering written on her face, with dry skin, she looks like she is in her fifties, but in fact, she is just forty years old this year.

And she is Xu Fan's mother in this world, Tian Xiaoling.

"Mom." Xu Fan called out. To him, the Tian Xiaoling in his memory was his mother, and there was nothing unfamiliar about calling her. What's more, at Xu Fan's level, how to call her was actually Xu Fan's mother. Fan already didn't care.

"Xiaofan, you're back?" Tian Xiaoling heard a familiar sound by chance, turned around, and saw the figure of his eldest son, and immediately had a feeling that the backbone had returned.

The current Xu Fan is taller and stronger than before, the greenness on his face has long since disappeared, and the rest is only mature, which makes Tian Xiaoling doubt whether Xu Fan is still hers son.

"Well, I came here just after getting off the plane, how is grandpa?"

"Your grandpa is fine for the time being, but surgery is for sure, but the money..." When talking about Xu Fan's grandpa, Tian's mother suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, sickness, this is absolutely no one wants What happened, in the past, once the poor got a serious illness, it was almost equivalent to a death notice. Although the government has made changes in medicine, ordinary people, encountering such a disease that requires major surgery If you can't afford the surgery fee, it's no different from waiting to die.

Some people may say, why didn't the hospital know how to send out kindness, let the money be owed first, and perform the operation first, but the hospital also has difficulties in the hospital, and opened a first, and the hospital will probably have more troubles in the future. Moreover, the materials of many medical drugs are not cheap. If it is a state-owned hospital, it is okay, but a private hospital cannot afford it.

"It's okay, I'll pay the money." Xu Fan glanced at his mother and said.

"Are you Xiaofan?" At this time, the group of people behind Xu's mother also noticed Xu Fan's arrival. What's more, Xu Fan is still talking with Xu's mother.

"You are auntie, I am Xiaofan." Xu Fan smiled and nodded to the person who spoke.

"It's really Xiaofan. I haven't seen him for a few years, but he's grown so tall, and he's a handsome guy."

"It's really Xiaofan, I'm your second aunt, remember? You were naughty at my house when you were a child, and you were chased by dogs."

In addition to the relatives of her natal family, Erniang and Sanniang were also there. In Lao Xu's family, Xu Fan's father was the eldest.

For these adult past events, Xu Fan just laughed it off and didn't talk too much about this topic.

"Mom, you guys talk first. I'll go and pay grandpa's surgery fee, and let grandpa finish the surgery first." Xu Fan still clearly distinguishes the seriousness of the matter, and now is not the time to chat.

"Xiao Fan, are you really rich?" Mother Xu asked Xu Fan, holding her back.

As soon as Xu Fan heard her words, he knew what she was worried about.

"Don't worry, Mom, I didn't steal the money. I will explain the matter to you later, and I will tell you when Dad comes." Xu Fan smiled.

Seeing Xu Fan's calm expression, Xu's mother no longer suspected that Xu Fan's money came from improper sources, and now he really needed money to operate on the old man.

None of Xu Fan's relatives came up to ask anything. The evil relatives that appeared in the movie did not happen to Xu Fan. If they were really evil, they would not appear here at this moment.

Instead, he just avoided coming. When paying the fee, Xu Fan just knew why he had to ask someone to borrow money, because just one operation costs [-] yuan, which does not include medical expenses. No wonder they would Can't get it out.

For ordinary farmers, a family with a deposit of [-] yuan is already considered too much. Most families do not have much savings, and it is impossible for them to take it all out for the old man. After all, not everyone can give selflessly. When a person grows up, there are more things to consider. This has nothing to do with filial piety or unfilial piety.

If you have never experienced a life without money, you will never imagine how difficult their life is.

After paying the fee, the doctor also started to touch the old man directly.

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