Whether he is fighting Earth or Ye Lingyun, he needs a satisfied mental state.


And a little farther away from the earth, just entering a void within the scope of the solar system, a larger battleship group is flying in the void.

"Lion King, Bat King asked you to go there." In a battleship, a warrior of the Lion Clan in black armor said.

"I see, I'll go now." The lion king with long golden hair heard the words.

He is also wearing a battle armor, and on his left shoulder, he is carrying a huge golden lion's head, giving people a very domineering feeling.

After passing through a series of gates with a sense of technology, the Lion King soon came to an even more empty space, and this place belonged to the Bat King Ye Lingyun.

In the very center of the space, a black throne stands there, and on the throne, a handsome man with purple hair and a purple battle armor is sitting on it. His body exudes a king's aura all the time. Domineering, making the people around subconsciously look away, not daring to look at him more.

And he is the real master of this fleet, Bat King Ye Lingyun.

"Bat King, you call me." When he came to the main hall, he paid attention to the man on the throne above. The Lion King put his right hand on his chest, and saluted Ye Lingyun respectfully.

If this scene was seen by Huo Linfei on Earth, he would be shocked. The Lion King is obviously Pluto's most loyal subordinate, but at this moment, he is kneeling in front of Ye Lingyun, which is unbelievable.

"I just got the news that the Golden Shark King guy has already walked in front of us. I am bound to win the earth this time, so I want you to bring a small army to stop him first and delay enough time for the I arrived with a large force."

"At the same time, I will send a message to Pluto, asking him to bring the people of the wolf clan to join you as soon as possible and join forces with you. What do you think?"

"The full-screen Bat King is the master, and his subordinates will not hesitate to die." The Lion King heard the words, and did not refuse, but said out loud.

"Okay, then go down and get ready, I'll have someone contact Pluto right now."

"Yes." The lion king raised his hand again and bowed respectfully before getting up and leaving.

"Golden Shark King, if you want to snatch what Ye Lingyun is bound to get from me, it depends on whether you have the strength, and the White Tiger Clan, since you have joined the Golden Shark King, don't blame me for being cruel." Looking at the lion Looking at Wang Li's back, Ye Lingyun frowned and said gloomyly.

And people far away on the earth don't know that they have been targeted by inexplicable forces.

In Shangjing, a secret base, Huo Linfei and Slender Jun entered the base easily after checking in.

Then turned left and right for a while, and came to an inner square with a relatively large space, and a lot of people had gathered in the square at the moment, some looked like bodyguards in black, some looked like research doctors in white, of course , Huo Linfei's line of sight began to search for the figures in the field from the moment he appeared, and soon stopped on a pink figure.

Then he walked directly towards the pink figure.

"Tian Yu."

"Are you back?" The pink figure heard someone calling her, turned around, just in time to see Huo Linfei and Slender Jun approaching, and suddenly smiled.

But there was a trace of worry in her smile.

"Tianyu, what's the matter with you, and you, why are you all downcast, did something happen that we don't know about?" Naturally, Tianyu's expression couldn't escape the attention of Huo Linfei and Slender Jun.

What's more, the expressions of the people in the entire square are not very good.

At first glance, these people are people from special departments, they are considered colleagues, and many of them have performed missions with them, so they are not strangers.

Moreover, the two of them are the kind of carefree people, the kind who will ask questions when they have doubts in their hearts, and they will not hide them at all if they have doubts in their hearts.

"Huo Linfei, slim and handsome." At this moment, a calm middle-aged man's voice came, and the two turned around, only to see a middle-aged man in military uniform standing behind them, looking at him. The military rank on his shoulders turned out to be a lieutenant general.

"Chief." Seeing the person coming, the two immediately put away the smiles on their faces, put their feet together, and shouted in salute.

The middle-aged man also returned a gift to them.

"Let me tell you what happened this time." Ye Jianjun looked at the two and said, with a serious expression on his face.

This made Slim Jun and Huo Linfei understand that something terrible must have happened this time.

Chapter 589;

"So, there is a hostile civilization coming towards the earth with the goal of enslaving us?" After Ye Jianjun finished speaking, Huo Linfei said with a slightly ugly face.

The same is true for Slender Jun on the side. An alien force invades the earth and wants to enslave the people on the earth. This looks like a scene from a European and American science fiction blockbuster, but it has indeed appeared in front of them now. And it has been confirmed, and this confirmation comes from those people they arrested today.

It turns out that Jin Moke and others are indeed foreign mercenaries, but they are not ordinary mercenaries. It is not difficult to see from their skills that if it is not for Huo Linfei and Slender Jun, those of them, with sufficient firepower A few people can face a regular modern armed force of hundreds of people.

However, in various countries, genetic warriors have always been regarded as a goal of research, but human beings want to study genes, make genes controllable, and then improve genes to create super warriors, even in China, it is the same, but no matter where A country, although genetic warriors have invested a lot of money, but so far, no country has had a clear success.

However, Jin Moke and others came from the hands of outsiders. Jin Moke and others also paid a lot of money to get the help of those people. Originally, Jin Moke and the others would not say these things at all Yes, but their organization happens to have a person with a special ability, who can pry into the deepest secrets of others.

In front of him, no one can hide his secret. Of course, except for this ability, that person is no different from ordinary people. Otherwise, a person like him is too dangerous.

It is precisely because of his ability that everyone knows a shocking secret, that is, there are more powerful civilization systems outside the earth, and these civilization systems have discovered the existence of the earth. In the memory of human contact, they learned about the naked aggressiveness of those people on the earth. In their words, the powerful civilization enslaves the weak civilization. Once their civilization reaches the earth, the earth will only be enslaved.

Jin Moke and others are mercenaries. For them, even if they are the king of heaven, their interests are not as important as theirs. As long as they can live well, even if they are slaves to the ball, he will not mind at all. If it wasn't for these guys who happened to be eyeing Xu Fan, and then happened to be caught by Huo Linfei and the others, it is estimated that the earth is still kept in the dark.

"Yes, this civilization calls itself the Golden Shark Race."

"Golden shark family?" Huo Linfei was calm on the surface, but his heart was completely exploded. King Shark, how could it be that guy, shouldn't he be in the third parallel universe?Moreover, now that one hundred thousand years have passed and the seven parallel universes are not connected, how he crossed the cosmic barrier and came to the first parallel universe is simply unexplainable.

Although he knew it in his heart, Huo Linfei didn't say anything, because he knew that it was useless for him to say anything now. Based on his understanding of the Golden Shark King, if that guy really came to the earth, the earth might really fall into a trap. In the era ruled by him, it is impossible to oppose the Golden Shark King with the current strength of the earth's civilization.

Suddenly, Xu Fan's figure suddenly appeared in Huo Linfei's heart, "By the way, that guy, it seems that we must go to him this time."

Although there is no power lock, he can still enter the super beast state as long as he is willing, but the problem is that it is impossible for him to resist the King Shark King alone, and Slender Jun and Tian Yu, at most, can Just enter the armed state, and you can't enter the super beast state at all.

Otherwise, if the three of them teamed up, they might still be able to fight against the King of Shark. As for Long Jian and Ye Lingyun, they are just ordinary people in this world. He didn't have the idea of ​​becoming a super soldier, so only Tianyu agreed to him. As for Slender Jun, he was given for nothing. Who made the two of them good friends?

It is simply impossible to form a super beast team in the first parallel universe, after all, there are not enough people.

Then there is only one way left, and that is to find Xu Fan.

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