You know, Dashang was led by him to destroy them, and those guys from Dashang Kingdom will definitely come to trouble him.

But his worry was completely superfluous, because neither Xu Fan nor King Zhou took him seriously at all, and it was like this from the beginning to the end.

There is only one goal for them, and that is the Protoss.

PS; don't ask me why I didn't update it a few days ago, there is a reason, the mood was not very good two days ago, and I haven't rested for a long time, I plan to take a rest first, I have been tired for a long time.

Chapter 638; Yan expressed a look of confusion X.

In the battle at the Beishan Mine, the Dashang Kingdom won a great victory. The people of the Dashang who were held as slaves in the Beishan Mine also regained their freedom. When they learned that the Great Shang King Zhou was resurrected, they were all very excited. No one thought that the dead King Zhou could still be resurrected.

Afterwards, under the escort of twenty resurrection troops (Da Shang soldiers resurrected by Xu Fan), more than [-] Da Shang people returned to their homeland.

The moment they set foot on the land of Chaoge City again, half of the people cried.

And the population of more than [-] also added more vitality to Chaoge City.

Afterwards, Xu Fan also began to train the resurrection army. Of course, everyone from the Shenyin Department and King Wu Geng and King Zhou were also among them.

Xu Fan treated their training as hard as he could, just to strengthen their strength.

In this case, time passed very quickly, and a year passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

The Protoss has never launched a war against the Human Race. Perhaps they never thought of coming to the human world to fight the Human Race, but were waiting for Xu Fan to fight in the God Realm.

After seeing the destructive power of the Yellow Emperor, even the sky felt a little jealous of Xu Fan. Of course he knew what happened in the Beishan Mine, but he still didn't launch a war against the human race after all. Because he knew very well that fighting the human race in the human world was not good for the god race.

The God Realm is full of divine power, so it would be very beneficial to the God Race if there was a war with the Human Race in the God Realm.

Not to mention that this place is their territory, they can set up a large formation in advance, and the divine power that is full of God Realm can also allow him to recover faster when fighting, and even be blessed to exert [-]% of his power. combat power.

This year, Xu Fan can be said to have lived a very comfortable life, and he lived a very leisurely life every day. Others are different. It can be said that their daily life is like a student in military training. Chickens are early, sleep later than pigs, and still have a normal amount of training every day, which can be described as very fortunate.

But fortunately, the rewards are still very good, and it can even be said to be very good.

Wu Geng is the son of destiny. In one year, this guy's strength has at least doubled from the original basis.

The current him, even against Xuanfeng, can easily defeat him.

Although King Zhou was a little weaker, his strength was not weak, at least he was at the level of a holy king.

In addition, the strength of the people in the Shenyin Department has also increased greatly, more than doubled compared to their previous ones.

And the strength of the revived army has also improved terribly. Every great merchant warrior in the revived army is no worse than ordinary high-level gods, and some are even comparable to the six great gods.

Moreover, they are an army, and under the battle formation, the power they can exert is even stronger. Xu Fan knows that he can already launch a war against the Protoss.

After Xu Fan's actions, the Protoss also got the news immediately.

With the Skypeeping Mirror, it can be said that the growth of the human race was completely carried out under the eyes of the god race, but God's eyes can do nothing except watch the growth of the human race.

As long as Xu Fan is outside Chaoge City, he can't send people down to trouble the human race. Xu Fan's strength alone is enough to stop them all.

In fact, he couldn't understand at all why Xu Fan had the power to rival the sky, so why didn't he just attack the God Realm? With his own strength, he had the power to destroy the gods without the sky waking up. Strength, even if the sky wakes up at that time, his strength just awakened must not be at its full strength, and he might be Xu Fan's opponent, but Xu Fan didn't do this.

Instead, they went to train the traitors of the Human Race and the Shenyin Department. No matter how their strength improved, God Eyes didn't care at all. After all, their highest point was there, and no matter how they grew, they still had an end point.

As long as it is not the level of combat power of the sky, they don't care at all.

And after learning the news of the human race's actions, Shenyan also told the sky the news immediately.

"God, those mortals of the human race have started to move, and they are heading towards the God Realm."

"Has it started? Prophecy? This time, I must break you."

"Notify everyone, get ready for the battle, this time, I will wipe the human race from the earth directly." There was a trace of coldness in Tian's eyes.

The divine eyes below felt the icy cold, and trembled suddenly.

Just because he dares to hide the cloudy sky behind his back, doesn't mean he really dares to face the sky.

The reason why he dared to cloud the sky was nothing more than wanting to make trouble for the sky with the help of Huanglong's power.

But the current situation is that Huanglong has not been resurrected, or awakened. In this case, facing the sky, he still has nothing but awe.

"Yes." His eyes commanded, and he was about to step back.

"and many more."

"Is there anything else? God."

"Go and wake up the yellow dragon and the red dragon."

"Ah? What are you?."

"Can't you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away." Shenyan always looks aloof in front of other people, but only in front of Tian, ​​he is like a good son, only nodding his head.

When the god's eyes left, Tian's face suddenly became gloomy.

The rebellion of the human race is definitely not good news for him, especially when he needs the human race to dig blood mines for him.

Once the human race rebelled, he didn't even have anyone who could dig him a blood mine. In this case, it was even slower for him to revive his wife.

Especially now that Xu Fan is still aggressive. Although he hasn't fought against Huang Di yet, he is not completely sure of defeating Xu Fan. In this case, he can only let his eyes wake up Huanglong and Chilong.

Although these two people were the ones he had to feign death to sleep when he beat them, he already knew what the God Eye guy was up to, and he also knew that Huanglong and Chilong were not dead.

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