-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Wind and fire are opposite and grow together.

The wind is formless, formless, ethereal and elusive, fierce, fierce, and subtle.

However, the invisible must be separated for the tangible, and the invisible is often held by the tangible.

Therefore, you can use skills, but you can't use strength.

Fire is both strong and pure, with completeness to produce surplus, and with strength to produce no-moment.

Shining brightly, invisible.

However, those who are brilliant must have birth, prosperity, extreme, and decline. The more urgent the power, the more alive the ashes are!

Therefore, although it is used with force, it cannot last for a long time. Although it is prosperous for a while, it must have a moment of decline. 】

Blood Fighting God is more patient with Ye Qing than when he taught Zhabu.

[Wind and fire both have their strengths and weaknesses.

It is certainly feasible to choose one and take it, but it is a pity to abandon the rest, it is better to take both!

Take the formlessness of wind, make up for the rise and fall of fire;

The brilliance of mining fire is better than the erratic wind.

The two complement each other to form the way of wind and fire samsara, which is endless and endless! 】

Ye Qing opened his eyes wide, listened carefully, and then remained still for three minutes.

He blinked suddenly, like a stone sculpture had life: "Sorry, master...can you say it again?"

Blood Fighting God [...]

When this master who was close to a fairy explained it for the third time, Ye Qing, who had not yet mastered the animal conversation skills, barely understood the gist.

To put it simply, the Blood Fighting God's blood fighting method is divided into two major branches: Fengshen and Vulcan.

He believes that "wind" is more than flexible but not tough enough. It can be big or small. When it is strong, it destroys the world and destroys the world.

The upper limit is extremely high, but because it is difficult to control without form and form, the requirements for skills are also the highest.

The disadvantage is that its "fluid" nature is easy to be targeted by the enemy.

"Fire" means more than enough to be strong but not enough to last.

Flame is life, and there are birth, old age, sickness and death, from strong to weak, the more brilliant the fire is, the easier it is to burn out!

The foundation of strength is the "destruction" of a large amount of matter. After the flame passes, embers must remain—for the body, it is the residue after the energy is burned, just like poison.

But if the two attributes are used at the same time, the wind can help the fire, and the two complement each other.Use the length of the wind to support the fierceness of the fire, and use its invisible force to send embers out of the body.

Ye Qing kept these words in his heart, and they confirmed each other with the various blood techniques he had learned. Although it is an extremely simple truth, the deeper it goes, the more magical it becomes.

Wind and fire, this phenomenon is not uncommon, and it is not difficult to understand, but perhaps it is so common that no one is willing to calm down and study it.It's like a fish in the sea who doesn't realize it's in the water.

People always ignore things that they are used to for granted.

But Blood God devoted all of himself to the four characters "wind and fire", not only developed many highly compatible moves, but also created the two branches of Fengshen and Vulcan.

The most commendable thing is that he simplified this extremely difficult "compound blood method"!

Even if you can't have two attributes in one person like him, as long as you are a person who has cultivated Fengshen and Vulcan, the combination of two can still exert the power of the compound blood technique!

This also ensures the inheritance of the blood fighting method. Even if you can't find people who practice both attributes at the same time, you can still find two people who are suitable for practicing the single-line blood method.

Ye Qing's realm is extremely high, but he can't help but feel admiration for the Blood Fighting God.

It should be noted that there are three thousand roads in this world, some are complex and some are simple, but each road is not divided by difficulty.

Even if the simplest attributes are mutual generation and mutual restraint, you can see an unprecedented new world at the end!

Wind and fire, the combination of the two attributes may not be difficult, but when the blood fighting god sublimates it into an independent skill, it is no longer as simple as mutual generation and mutual restraint.

"Thank you Master, Ye Qing has benefited a lot from these words!" Ye Qing said seriously.

He is good at swordsmanship, but his skill in manipulating attribute energy is extremely rough, far from being as handy as holding a sword.

Although Blood Fighting God only said a few words, to Ye Qing it was equivalent to opening a new door.

【No need to say much, it’s just a causal cycle...】

Blood Fighting God didn't say any more, and leaned on a wooden stick to the edge of the roof, looking at the dark night covering the brightly lit city in the distance, it was extremely quiet.

Due to the cover of the cow bone helmet, his expression cannot be seen, so it is impossible to guess what he is thinking.

However, amidst the lonely wind, the eyes peeking out from under the bones seemed so lonely...

Ye Qing looked at him deeply for a while, the old man's back made him feel a bit of bitterness even when he was used to seeing the vicissitudes of life.

Blood Fighting God, this Yashou with mysterious origin, unknown age, and unknown gender (from the name, it should be male...but not necessarily), was born with extremely tyrannical strength, no one knows He is the descendant of which hidden genre.

He walks alone, does not cooperate with other Yashuns, and does not join any organization. He wanders in the world like a ghost, hunts down blood family members like a hound, and fights fearlessly like a madman...

No one knows what he wants, what his purpose is, and what kind of hatred he has with the blood family members. The only thing he knows is that he has been tracking a certain powerful blood family member.

And in this process, some miscellaneous fish encountered were all killed by it!

Over the years, many relics where high-ranking blood family members were annihilated by him have even been discovered...

It was also in one of the enemy's strongholds that he discovered the murloc kept as a pet, and took him in as disciple No. [-].

In his long life, he accepted two disciples and passed on his skills. It can be said that the biggest responsibility has been relieved.

But in the end, his real goal, his long-cherished wish, a certain blood family member code-named "Earl", one of the legendary "Thirteen Elders of Creation"...he still hasn't caught up.

Of course, it's not over yet!

He won't die, since he won't die, he will keep chasing him!

Until he burns that person into ashes at the atomic level and drives him into the abyss of Naraku, he—the Blood Fighting God will never stop chasing and killing him!

The immortal curse of eternal loneliness, at this moment, has instead become the biggest motivation for him to persevere forever.

The reason why this dilapidated body has not died even though most of its internal organs have been lost, and has not been transformed into a member of the blood world after continuously overloading the complex blood method... Invisibly, it is precisely this "Cursed" credit.

The source of the curse is that blood family member, and the day his so-called "sorrowful wish" is fulfilled is the day when this sad soul is wiped out.

Just as Fighting Blood God was staring blankly at the dense fog outside the city, thinking about something, Zhabu walked over with a cigarette in his mouth.

He didn't look at his master, but looked up at the starry sky, counting the stars boredly, after the third failure at the [-] mark, he gave up and leaned against the railing decadently.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled smoke rings as cloudy as urban fog, Zabu's eyes were fixed on the toes of his shoes, and his lips squirmed.

An inaudible and extremely deep words were passed on between the master and the apprentice.

"Don't worry, old man... I will take good care of him. I don't dare to say too much, but I will still fulfill the responsibility of a senior brother. And Vulcan... I will definitely inherit it down."

In the back, Zhabu's voice was a little hoarse, but he quickly recovered.

He knew very well that he was a scumbag, so he didn't intend to let others know that he was not a scumbag.

Fighting Blood God's figure remained unmoved, but the atmosphere around him was relaxed invisibly.

He has no good memories in his life, a bad life almost filled with rotting flesh, but even so, he still has two things to be proud of.

One is to spend half a lifetime selecting the purest and most powerful "Fenghuo" from the "compound blood method", and transforming it into two independent blood methods, eliminating the hidden danger of "mutation" and making the compound blood method The popularization of law has become possible.

The second is to find a disciple who can pass on his hard work!

Due to the curse, it was theoretically impossible for him to accept disciples, but he met two disciples who could avoid the curse.

As an experimentally created half-murloc, it is neither a native life nor a "Jeter" of people from another world - the descendant of the wind god.

Since the curse cannot cover his race, it is unaffected.

Although he is a human being, his vitality is surprisingly tenacious. He has survived in the secret realm and has a very high talent "Zab" - the successor of Vulcan.

Although affected by the curse, it has very bad luck and is extremely vulnerable to injury, but it seems to have extremely high resistance, and belongs to the very few people who can resist the call of death.

【My life...is really bad, but...】

Fighting Blood God sighed slightly, looked towards the sky and stopped talking, he was waiting for his second disciple to arrive.

——But... It's not like I didn't encounter good things.

How lucky he was to meet these two disciples when he was in despair and pass on his skills and will!


A huge roar came down from above the clouds, it was the engine of the passenger plane.

However, ordinary airplanes don't make such a loud noise, even the background noise of the city is covered up. Only the engine on the verge of collapse can make this kind of sound, just like the hoarse roar of a dying person.

"come yet?"

Ye Qing, Blood Fighting God, and Labra looked at the sky together.

On the plane that was about to crash, it carried the other half of the blood family member in the daytime, and they came here to find the half body and integrate them into one.

And there was another person on the plane, the inheritor of the Fengshen, the half-fish man Jeter, and it was his continuous efforts that could bind the family members of the blood world to this plane.


It is huge, like the tentacles of alien gods protruding from the sea, covering the sky and the sun!

The plane was easily rolled up, and with a little force—the explosion, the head of the plane carrying two people flew towards the building where everyone was, and the members of Labra, including Zabu, immediately started combat operations!

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing and Dou Xueshen didn't move, they just observed all this quietly.


A steel behemoth crashes into the Empire State Building!


Protruding from the wreckage is a fusion of a wriggling monster of flesh and the upper body of an ordinary man.

The lower body is mutilated, and with only half of the body, he has been fighting against the elites of Yashou headquarters for more than ten hours... Is it worthy of being an elder-level blood family member?

Even at this step, it can still show a strong oppressive force, making it impossible for people to get close.

But what is here is not the ordinary Yashou, but Labra who is at the forefront. With the joint efforts of Klaus, Stephen, KK and others, the blood family members are gradually suppressed.

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