Ruler covered his mouth and shed tears of regret.

"O merciful Father, forgive me for being unsteady."

As a result, everyone got a Command Seal.Ye Qing also gave in out of sympathy, and only got a swipe.


Ye Qing looked down at Fiore who was smiling, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Ah, do you mean... are you jealous that they can't get fat no matter what they eat?"

No matter how much food a servant eats, it can be converted into magic power, which is why they can put so much food in their stomachs, but it is completely invisible from the outside.

In other words, how much to eat depends only on the mood and appetite of the servant, and the amount of food does not matter.

Anyway, it's a spirit body, no matter how much you indulge yourself, your body won't lose its shape.

But Fiore is different. Although she can only sit in a wheelchair and doesn't have much exercise, she has been using very reasonable and rigorous methods to restrict her diet and control her body shape.

Although she is a magician, she is also a young girl, so it is normal to have such small thoughts.

Even last night, although I was hungry because of the continuous fierce battle, as a lady with ambition, I held back and didn't eat at night.

But after surviving the night, just as she was about to reward herself with breakfast, she received a report of a servant invading the kitchen, and then saw a mountain of tableware, and two girls immersed in happiness... .

...It's impossible not to feel resentment.

"Well... Fiore, in fact, you don't have to be so concerned about your weight—"

"Ah, what are you talking about, Archer?" Fiore's smile was like sunshine in winter, "Sounds so interesting."

Yes, sunshine without temperature...


The hair on Ye Qing's head twitched, making him fall silent.

That... is unlikely, but did I say something wrong?

Is the topic of weight so taboo?Obviously those few in my family don't care much.

【Qingzi, how much do you weigh? ] Ye Qing asked suddenly.

【...Master Qing, I am a spirit body, so I have no weight. 】

[No, no, no, when it materializes——]

[No--yes-body-heavy! 】

【......Oh. 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shishijie Jieli and Saber didn't stay in the castle for long, and left the next day, still acting alone.

Although they joined forces with Black under the pressure of the Red camp, in the end they wanted to obtain the Holy Grail and fulfill their wishes.It is not good to get along with each other, so it is necessary to maintain a certain distance.

Whether it is Lion Jie or Mordred, there are more or less sad pasts in this regard, so they are particularly cautious in this matter.

It's not that I'm worried about being assassinated from behind, it's just that I don't have the desire to build a "friendship".

By the way, the Tree of Thousand Realms provided Shizijie with a new means of transportation for his master and servant—a luxury car, and Shizijie had to sit in the driver's seat this time.

"Speaking of which, that archer knows your real name."

Lion Jie who was driving suddenly said, "Is it really because of your face?"

When he was in the castle before, Shishi Jie had extracted some information from Coles, and accidentally learned that "Archer knows the real name of Red Saber".

Although it passed by without changing his face at that time, he has actually firmly remembered it in his heart.

Saber——Mordred has a treasure that can hide his identity, and the black archer learned her real name before the treasure expired. No matter how you think about it, he should know her...or be with her There is some kind of origin.

"Huh? I don't know that kind of guy."

Saber lay carelessly on the back seat, with her feet raised up on the front seat.

"If I've ever seen that kind of oriental appearance, it's impossible for me to be unimpressed."

Shishi Jie observed Saber's reaction from the rearview mirror.

"Then...he knows someone related to you."

As for why Saber uses a helmet to cover his face, Shishi Jie can also learn something from the myth, so the question is somewhat cautious.

"Don't be so nervous, master." Saber said lightly, "I've looked for Archer... He doesn't know me, but someone who looks like me."

"This is......"

"Ah, yes. My father, the Knight King 'Arthur'."

King Arthur, a legendary hero who ruled Britain in the sixth century AD.

The knight among knights, the king among kings, in addition to the image of a wise ruler who governs the country, a heroic commander, and a brave man who rides like a thousand, he also has a brutal side like the "King of Lan".

As a heroic spirit, it undoubtedly has the highest "character".

If he descends as a servant, he who holds the holy sword is destined to become the most famous [saber].

But from this point of view, it may be a [saber] that is more powerful than the dragon slayer Siegfried.

Lion Jie already had some guesses, but he was still surprised when he found out.

"Have you ever met that famous 'king'...Where is the black archer?"

"It seems that I also met in the Holy Grail War." Mordred continued, "My father seems to have been summoned by someone, and finally won the victory... Well, if it is the father, he will win." In the end, of course."

It's not that Lion Jie can't understand Saber's pride. After all, King Arthur can definitely be said to be the strongest heroic spirit. If he is summoned as a servant, the possibility of losing is relatively small.

He cared more about Mordred's attitude.

"You're surprisingly calm."

In his imagination, the rebellious knight who raised the flag of rebellion against his father should have complicated feelings after hearing the news of King Arthur.

"Nothing... It would be a lie to say that I have no thoughts, but I don't have many feelings either."

Red Saber rested her hands on her pillow and said calmly: "What great achievements that person has made has nothing to do with me, what I have to do is to surpass and deny it!

Now that my father has obtained the Holy Grail, it's good that I get it too. "

"Really." Lion Jie smiled faintly.

Although Saber looks vicious, she is unexpectedly easy to get along with. As long as you pay attention to her and praise her, you will get rewards that are far greater than the praise.

Lion Jie has the kind of care that elders have for children for such a Saber, seeing her face the news of her father so calmly, Lion Jie also feels relieved.

"Having said that, I thought of King Arthur just by looking at your face. It seems that your father n...the two look exactly the same in the legend. It is true.

Unexpectedly, that heroic King Arthur turned out to be such a handsome man. "


Mordred raised his eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course my father and I are exactly the same - physically."


"I mean: I am exactly the same as my father on the physical level, without any deviation." Mordred asked strangely, "Isn't this taken for granted?"


Lion Jie fell into an eerie silence, only the sound of tires rubbing against the ground remained for a while.

[In this way, not only Mordred, but even King Arthur is also a female...

As a woman, King Arthur had a wife, Guinevere, and her sister Morgan gave birth to Mordred-of course everyone is a woman.

Gawain and Aggravin are the sons of Morgan, Lancelot greened King Arthur, Galahad is the incognito son of Lancelot, Bedivere legend is also a handsome man...maybe also a woman.

What kind of organization is the Knights of the Round Table? ! 】

Is there no decent person?

While driving, Lion Jie silently complained about the Knights of the Round Table.

"But there is one thing that is rather strange." Mordred suddenly thought about it.

"Although the father has excellent recovery ability, he also has great demands on the master. It stands to reason that if he is not the first-rate, he cannot support the father to fight with all his strength.

But according to what the archer said, the master of the father at that time was a brat who was barely qualified to be a third-rate magician... How did such a low-level bastard support the father to win? "

"There must have been various accidents, and maybe he will form an alliance with others like us." Lion Jie said indifferently, "And no matter what, it's your father."

"Since you said that she has the same physical performance as you, then no matter what kind of adversity you face, you can turn defeat into victory."

"Hmm!" Mordred blushed, suddenly full of energy, "Yes, that's it! You are very good, master.

Yes, since it is my father, how can it be impossible to do such a trivial matter as simply grabbing the Holy Grail?

If that's the case, I must also get the Holy Grail, and I can't lose to my father! "

"It's good to be more energetic, but can you take your foot off first? This car is not bad, it can't let you run amok like last time."

"Oh." Hearing this, Saber lowered her legs surprisingly obediently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The air fortress of the Red Assassin was moving towards the Black Sea. After confirming this, the ruler asked the black side to attack as soon as possible, but Fiore refused with a bitter expression.

Although a sufficient number of planes can be purchased with Thousand Boundary Tree's financial resources, this is not shopping in a supermarket after all, just push a shopping cart.

Even with Domirenia's influence and connections, it would take at least three days to prepare everything.

"Compared to this, there are more important things waiting for us to deal with now."

"More important things?"

Fiore cast her eyes on the newspaper on her knees, and there was a big and conspicuous headline on the front page - 【Panic!Unknown diseases occur frequently, and doctors and scholars are helpless! 】

It was about reports of a serial killing in Romania—officially, what seemed to be an unnamed contagion.

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