One second, two seconds?

This strong body will eventually be burned to ashes by the sun!

Ah, just admit it, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Even the Holy Sword at its maximum power is completely inferior to Lancer's God-killing Spear. This is an unshakable fact like a rock.

'This is my defeat...' Saber thought so.

Suddenly, the words of the Master (Gold) appeared in his mind.

'Order it with a spell—'

Gold's voice sounded a little annoyed, but it didn't make Saber feel bad.

'Saber, take the glory of victory! '

Mu Mu's sword energy suddenly surged up, entangled the sun's brilliance under the arousal, although it was reluctant, it did block Yang Yan's spear blade.

'Saber, what are you doing!Are you going to break the oath you made! '

'What you said - bring me victory, win the Holy Grail! '

Suddenly, Saber seemed to see Gold's appearance.

A timid and withdrawn magician with mediocre talent, although he talks about the dignity and pride of a magician, he is actually a person with the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of an ordinary person. Just an ordinary middle-aged man with nothing out of the ordinary.

But such a man still has a dream that he can be persistent and dedicated to, this is what Saber admires most about him.

——Because Saber herself is a person who has lost her dream.

What Gold said is right, Saber is not someone who will break his promises, so - can't give up yet!

If the body can still move, then don't give up!

Weakness does not mean the end, the moment of admitting defeat is the end!

Even if the other party is far stronger than you, you have to grit your teeth and hold on, entangled with it to the end.

right!Just like defeating the dragon once!

Image: "As a Warrior!", Location: "Images/1532778376-100059781-102200889.jpg"


Gold was walking up and down beside the cistern anxiously.

The situation can be described as terrible. Even if the Thousand Worlds Tree can win the final victory, the Magicians Association will definitely not let them go. There is only a slight possibility of reaching an unequal agreement.

And now, his servant Saber will also be wiped out by the enemy's Noble Phantasm, but he can't do anything about it.

Once again, he deeply felt his own incompetence.

This time the Holy Grail War, he did not play the slightest role, what he did was to cultivate cheap meat in the dark underground.

Whether it is a magician or a master, he doesn't have enough talent, and he is a mediocre mortal who can't be more mediocre.

Most of the Thousand Boundary Tree family are mortals, only Danic and Fiore have the exact [ambition].

One wants to continue the glory of the family, and the other wants to restore his legs.

Except for these two, the magicians, including Gold, are all fighting for some empty concept.

...Looking back, it was just that Darnic came up with a plan and they followed it blindly.

For them who are being manipulated by others like this, the dignity and honor of a magician are nothing worth mentioning!

In the final analysis, magicians are useless in this war, and the only thing the Master can do is to offer demons.

As the Master, Gorde is a third-rate one, unable to provide even the most basic support, and now that Saber is about to be burned to death, he has nothing to do!

A swipe of the Command Seal is nothing more than a dying struggle, even if the Command Seal is used to transfer Saber... No, that is meaningless.

Although safety can be guaranteed for the time being, for the current Saber, evasion is defeat.

Even a mortal like Gold knew what this battle meant to a hero.

"Forget it, I don't care!"

exclaimed Gould in self-defeating greatness.

"Anyway, all I can do right now is supply mana, so I'll give it all to you - win for me, Saber!"

The light of two consecutive Command Seals flashed across the dark basement.

Excluding the swipe used to strengthen the master-slave relationship and the swipe used just now, these two swipes of Command Seals are Gold's only bargaining chips.

At this time, Gold brutally smashed the remaining chips on the gaming table!

The manly appearance is like the gamblers in the pirate era!

As the purest mana filling—this is the cheapest of the many uses of Command Seals.but......

"Order it with two strokes of the command spell, Saber, push your treasure to the limit!"

A huge amount of magic power surged within Saber Black, all of which were used to increase the power of the Twilight Holy Sword in his hand!


"Ah, thank you, my Master."

Saber closed her eyes, feeling an unprecedented surge of power in her body, that huge magical power almost overflowing from this body.

He calmly opened his eyes, and the courage of the magic dragon appeared on his body surface.

"Then, I will bring you immortal glory!"

Dusk's sword energy stubbornly blocked the god-killing spear, and for a moment it had the power to resist the court.

Chi Lancer frowned slightly, showing a puzzled expression that didn't match him.

The power of Saber's Noble Phantasm has increased, this is an obvious fact, and the reason behind it can be easily guessed.

What makes Lancer feel puzzled and envious is the fact that Saber's master is willing to give everything to Saber to fight.

What an enviable trust.

Lancer doesn't have that kind of trust, he's been fighting alone in a sense from the beginning of the Holy Grail War until now...

However, the command spell is only a magical resource, and cannot play a decisive role in this confrontation.

Even if the power of the holy sword is raised to the limit, it is impossible to beat Indra's thunder gun!

"Sure enough, you are strong, Siegfried. If it weren't for the decisive difference of the Noble Phantasm, I might not be able to defeat you in armor—no, I would be defeated by you."

Lancer didn't have the space to speak, he was at odds with Saber's sword spirit, any negligence could lead to his own failure, but he still couldn't bear to be silent at such a time.

It was like making an oath to guarantee victory.

"This is a weapon exchanged with the favor of my father. This sharp spear that I am proud of will never allow defeat!"

Even though it was out of character, Lancer let out a snarl.

Tear the void, stab the god-killing spear, and burn your magic power to penetrate the barrier of twilight!

In order to decide the outcome, for the glory of the fathers, for——to present a hymn to the enemy in front of him.

He, Karna, goes all out!

Burn down this great world!

'My sword... show your strength, Balmonk! '

Siegfried stepped on the ground, straightened his chest, and pushed the big sword shrouded in sword energy forward in the scorching sun.

He raised the great sword, clenched his hands tightly, and turned the hilt.

Ripples of blue rippled from the jade inlaid on the hilt of the sword, and did not change its color even in the burning of the sun's fire.

The holy sword in his hand is a masterpiece made by the dwarves, and the [True Ether] passed down from the ancient times is hidden in the blue gem.

Only a small amount of it can be drawn out to increase the power of the sword to the "proper limit", regardless of the amount of magic power consumed, and it can violate the law to increase the power of the Noble Phantasm out of thin air.

This is [True Ether], a rare treasure even in the Age of Gods!

But at this moment, with the help of the command spell, he extracted all the [True Ether] from the precious jade, and poured it into the great sword with a huge amount of magical power!

"The evil dragon will eventually fall—"

Saber raised the holy sword and chanted the liberation language in order to maximize the increase.

"Everything, cut off, light and shadow!"

The temperature of the sun is scorching the skin, the armor is instantly torn, and the blood armor of the dragon is nothing at this moment.

Saber showed pain on her face, but forced her body to take a step forward——

"World, it's sunset time!"

This is a blow that burns both the soul and the body, enough to touch the Dusk Sword in the God Killing Domain.

"Knock you down—【Fantasy Great Sword·Balmung】!"

Keep your eyes open and see!

This is my great cause, the strongest sword that shoots down the dragon!

Picture: "Arrival, the strongest dragon!", location: "Images/1532778426-100059781-102200889.jpg"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fiore and Corles followed the rider, and they touched magic traps several times along the way, but they all disappeared when they touched the rider.

Even the trap of Empress Semiramis is useless in the face of [Declaration of Destruction].

Even if encountering enemies like Dragon Tooth Soldiers, Fiore can support Rider and make a breakthrough without injury—of course, Coles is not considered a combat power.

"I said, this courtyard (maze) is too big. Although it is not in danger yet, it is too boring."

"Rider, even though I know that you are a normal follower who has regained his rationality, what you said just now still makes me very uneasy... Please don't mess around, okay?"

"Well, it's okay, it's okay, that guy Archer took good care of me beforehand, telling me to obey you obediently, otherwise he will come back and spank my ass... I still know what shame is.

So don't worry, I won't do anything dangerous—hey! "

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