"You?" Mito Yanmen said subconsciously.

"I'm the Minister of Anbu!"

A very firm light drink, like a morning bell and a twilight drum, hit everyone's heart.

But Chen Feng's voice didn't stop for a moment because of the crowd, he said slowly.

"I suspect that these two have a great connection with the hostile Yun Ren Village, and they are likely to betray me Konoha. They are Yun Ren's spies, so as the Minister of Anbu, he will be killed on the spot!"

After saying these words, the audience was silent, so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle clearly.

"You, who has a different opinion?"

It was clearly a laughing voice, but it made everyone present feel the invisible killing intent.


Just as a ninja was about to say something, Chen Feng's extremely cold eyes, like the eyes of two frost knives, swept over directly.

What swept past at the same time was a heart-shattering killing intent!

The corners of his smiling mouth are shrouded in terrifying murderous intent; the slightly raised sword eyebrows have a chilling murderous aura.

"I have nothing!"

That ninja said word by word, and when he finished saying this, he almost collapsed, the thin beads of sweat on his forehead fell, and the scalp also continued to send signals of danger from the state of numbness. .

"very good."

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes, smiled lightly, and said something.

All of a sudden, the ninja's heart seemed to have no restraints suddenly, it was beating loudly, and he couldn't stop panting.


These two words appeared in everyone's heart, and the air in the entire camp seemed to be stagnant. Only the gasp of the ninja just now echoed in people's hearts.

Everyone knew that Chen Feng was threatening them and forcing them, but no one dared to refute even a single sentence, even a single word.

Yun Ren's spy?Don't make trouble, it's still possible to say that they have a connection with Yun Ren, but is it a traitor?They are the direct descendants of the big family with roots in the red!

The first one to be killed was the only son of the Great Elder Uchiha!How could they betray!

Everyone knows it, but everyone dares not say it.

If the first person can still be explained by Chen Feng's rash attack, what about the second one?That is an elite jonin!

Strength is like a big mountain, no one dares to bet on the possibility of 'Chen Feng still dare to kill the third person'.

"Then let's continue to discuss this topic." Chen Feng clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"We are going to attack Yun Ren tomorrow, what do you all mean?"

He narrowed his eyes and glanced at everyone's faces with a dangerous gaze, but no one dared to collide with his gaze.

"Are there any opponents?"

The audience was silent, and everyone seemed to have slowed down a lot, for fear that they would be killed by Chen Feng on the spot.

"Very good." After a while, Chen Feng raised his mouth slightly and nodded.

"It seems that you are all loyal children of my Konoha, so tomorrow we will launch a large-scale attack on the Yunren defense line, and please go back and prepare well."

Suddenly, his voice turned cold.

"Please don't do anything that makes me, the Minister of Anbu, think that you may be a spy of Yun Ren. After all, it is a war now, and there is no time for me to investigate carefully one by one. I have no choice but to—"

"Quick, knife, chop, chaos, hemp!"

Word by word, as if a sledgehammer had struck them in their hearts.

"Don't dare..." Incomparably bitter voices responded one by one.

"Then get ready."

It was like an amnesty, they almost ran away from the camp at a much faster speed than before, for fear that they would be completely left behind.

In the camp, only Mito Yanmen and Xiaochun were left, and there was no sound. After a long time, Mito Yanmen said in a hoarse voice.

"Chen Feng, why are you..."

Chen Feng held a bottle of wine indifferently, drank it casually, and said casually.

"Do you know the quickest way to master an army?"

He stretched out a finger with great interest and said, "Kill the first person who spoke out against him, and then kill the second person who complained about him, and the minds of the army will be pure."

Mito Yanmen said in a bitter voice: "What if there is a third objector?"

"Then kill the self-righteous third one!"

The calm voice made Mito Yanmen and Zhuanxiao Xiaochun all over the cold, looking at Chen Feng with frightened eyes, leaving only two words that kept echoing in their hearts.


Chapter 0047 Everyone Insomnia

War is never prepared for only one day.

Material transportation, personnel allocation, logistical support...

Even in the most sophisticated modern times, no one dares to say that they can be pulled into the battlefield in just one day. Although ninjas are very efficient, it is too difficult for the army to directly attack the enemy's defensive line in one day.

But in the face of Chen Feng, who was standing there with a cold face and murderous intent, no one dared to find excuses to delay.

No one is sure if he delays for even a second, if someone is afraid that he will be killed by Chen Feng because he affects him, so he will complain to Chen Feng.

Don't ask, if this happens, the chance of being killed is absolutely [-]%!

"Chenfeng, that...you see if we postpone the attack for a day." Mito Yanmen said hesitantly: "Although we acted a lot faster under your shock, but..."

"We are still too underprepared, and the time is too short!"

He bowed his head slightly, and turned to bed Xiaochun also followed him, hesitating to say anything, but finally said.

"Such a loss would be huge!"

Chen Feng smiled disdainfully and shook his head: "That's why you have problems, so the second generation has to rush to the front line, if it was Danzo, he would never tell me such a thing, and Sarutobi would also like it. Be more compassionate, and make a decision without hesitation.”

The two bowed their heads silently, but there was still a trace of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Your Chenfeng is very strong, and we can't beat you, but when it comes to arranging troops and arranging reconciliation, can you Chenfeng have the experience of people who have been in front of us for a long time?

Chen Feng didn't even need to look at it, he knew what these two intrigues were thinking.

Suddenly he laughed, pointed at their noses and said, "It's no wonder that you small-minded people can't make a big deal!"

"You only see that our Konoha is not fully prepared, but we have been preparing for a day anyway!"

"Where's Yun Ren? Are they more prepared than us?"

"In war, I never go to war when I'm ready, but when I'm more ready than the enemy, go to war!"

"I'm giving you the merits for nothing. If you don't even want to eat the merits that are delivered to your mouth, then you will be at this level in your life!" Chen Feng laughed and scolded: "If you want to chat with me, you might as well go to supervise Look at the others, anyway, the battle tomorrow is settled!"

The two looked at each other and went back silently.

Mina watched from a distance behind her, filled with emotion.

"I didn't expect that even if I didn't investigate deeply and look for clues, the teacher would still convince people directly, and immediately attacked Yun Ren like crazy..."

It is obvious that something like going to war cannot be concealed. Although the external circulation of personnel is restricted, there are not too many internal restrictions. Mina easily understands the truth of the war, and then she can only be speechless.

"Do you have a plan? Want to use outsiders to kill my disciples? Well, I'll see if they will have time to do this kind of assassination when I attack Yun Ren!"

Even to the conspirators within, Chen Feng mercilessly attacked.

On the same day, after learning that Chen Feng killed two high-level executives without hesitation, Mina asked Chen Feng: "Teacher, why did you kill people so decisively?"

Chen Feng smiled very simply: "You know that if Konoha launches an attack, then that person's calculations will definitely fail, so he will definitely try to delay and refuse."

"Although the possibility that the person who directly opposes me is the conspirator is very small, there is still a chance."

"A ten percent chance is enough for me to kill him!"

The language is ruthless and decisive.

For the sake of less than ten percent possibility, Chen Feng dared to slaughter high-level officials for the sake of the students!

At that time, Mina's face was very complicated and strange.

The political education she received in the past is one point - in order to protect herself, anyone around her can give up!All for your own purpose!

However, when I saw a person who was completely inconsistent with the education I had received, I suddenly had a strange thought in my heart.

Weird and clumsy, but approachable!

"And even if that person is not the conspirator, he is also his pawn. If he kills him, he will kill him."

Mina pursed her lips: "What if that person is just an unrelated person?"

"Then he's unlucky!"

Words without hesitation, very cruel words, but listening to them, they are very reassuring.



"You are such a tyrant!"

"Dare to say that the teacher is a tyrant, little girl, you are very courageous. It seems that I will conduct a special extracurricular teaching tonight, so that you can fully understand the gentleness of the teacher!"

"Hehe, I don't want it!"

One day, in Tsunade's eyes, it seems that the sky has changed.

Konoha, the commander of the Yun Ninja Front, went to bed, and Xiaochun stayed by Tsunade almost day and night. Occasionally he went out a few times, and he had to arrange the elite guards before leaving.

No matter where Tsunade walks, almost everyone treats it as a fragile item, for fear that she will knock or fall.

"Hey, don't be like this, I'm not used to it." Tsunade said it to Koharu for the nth time, but the answer he had to bring was just silence, and then he followed silently.

"Oh my God! It's the first time I know that my Qianshou clan has such a great reputation, but this is too unbearable!"

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