
Looking at Uesugi Fuutarou who was startled by his shocking speech, Miyano boy asked a question indifferently.

"If it's the Sigong Consortium, do you think it can change the results of the college entrance examination?"

"...you can."

After imagining the strong financial resources of the Shinomiya consortium, which is strong enough to affect the country, Uesugi Fuutarou hesitated for a while, and finally nodded his head slowly.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but if we rely on the strength of the Sigong consortium, we do have the strength to do this.

Because for the people of that family, money is no longer considered money in their eyes.

It can only be counted as a status symbol!

"Things that the Sigong Consortium can do, as long as I want to, I can do it if I lose something. For ordinary people, the college entrance examination is the only way to change you. For people like us, the college entrance examination is just It's an ordinary little test. We don't care too much about whether you do well or not. Because our starting point is the end point that you will never reach in your life."

I didn't boast too much about how hard I worked, nor did I deny my sweat.Miyano Tianhui just stood at a very rational point of view, very simple, very cruel, and very ruthless, telling the young man in front of him the gap between him and him.

"...It's still not fair, this garbage game."

After about half a minute, Uesugi Fuutarou said with an extremely disgusted expression on his face.

"Of course it's not fair!"

The boy agreed undeniably.

"You spend the same amount of time studying as Yuwo Chengxing, and your grades are better than his. Is it fair? World, when has there ever been a fair word? Stop meddling in your own business, and you just need to do your duty. Others I'll take care of things."

No longer waiting for Uesugi Fuutarou's answer, after Miyano boy put his words here, he turned around and left.

He was afraid that if he stayed too long, Er Nai and the others would come over and eavesdrop.

"I finally understand why you are called the king!"

Just when Miyano Tianhui was about to reach out to open the balcony glass door, Uesugi Fuutarou suddenly spoke again.

"Once upon a time, I thought that other people called you [King] because of your strength, your invincibility, and your omnipotence! The enemy feared you, so they described you like that. Now it seems that they don't Exactly so."

After hearing this, Miyano boy stopped his outstretched hand.

"The most important thing is you, so realistic! You are a self-centered, bossy dictator. You are also a loner. You don't trust anyone, you only trust your own judgment."

"Why don't you believe that they can reach the passing mark? Why do you have to solve the problem by yourself if you don't tell everyone?"

"Miyano Tianhui, you are too arrogant."

This time it was the boy's turn to be silent, he knew that Uesugi Fuutarou was indeed right in some aspects.


"What's wrong with that?"

Without turning his head, Miyano Tianhui lowered his voice and used his own bass to speak.

"I, as long as I keep getting stronger forever, that's enough!"

That's right!

If Miyano Tianhui will fail, then [King] will not lose!

No matter how hard it is, how difficult it is, he will always go on like this.

Because, he has come this way for so many years.

If you deny it now and change it, wouldn't you deny yourself? Was it wrong for the first half of your life?

Moreover, he didn't think he was wrong.

What's wrong with throwing everything down and wanting the girl you like to live a carefree and happy life?

If being strong is a crime, he would rather add to the crime.

Abandoning the momentary confusion, the boy opened the sliding door.

After seeing the gaze cast by the girl he likes, while his gaze softened, he also became more determined, and he was not wrong.

Chapter 147 He Doesn't Care About Girls?

In that gothic building painted with thick milky white, the rapid neon lights flickered non-stop, making people's eyes blurred.

The handsome and handsome disc player, with the powerful music produced by rubbing, leads the body and pace of everyone in the bar, and leads people to vent the pressure of work and life during the day.

In the wine glass filled with colorful liquids, people's thinking seems to sink slowly along with the music and the atmosphere.

At this time, Yihua, who was dressed up in a gorgeous way, also swayed her fair and alluring body here, releasing her amazing charm to her heart's content, and blending into it.

The deafening music and the noisy crowd soothed the restless hearts that were hungry and need comfort one after another.

However, the ambiguous atmosphere didn't last long before it was cut off by a loud voice from the bar.


At the source of the voice, a middle-aged man with a black peaked cap and round black-rimmed glasses on his nose, with an ordinary appearance and a slightly bloated figure stopped.

After hearing this person yelling to stop, the men and women on the dance floor, the handsome disc player, and the rough-looking bodyguard in a black suit all stopped their movements, relaxed their bodies, and let out a long breath.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone! This shot was very successful! Let's take a break, and after the second female lead arrives, we will continue to shoot the next scene."

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