"Don't talk to me, I hate you."

"..." It seems that Roman is still thinking too naively.

PS: Speaking of which, there was a chapter yesterday that was recommended by 7000.Hmm, the author who is still trying to get votes today.

Chapter 57 Mayo at Hachikuji Temple

This little devil is so troublesome, do the current little devils only cause trouble for others?Inaba Lingsen is also, and this kid is too, so can't he be as obedient as Xiao Zi?

The little girl had already withdrawn her gaze, and started to identify the position on the billboard and note again, but looking at her bewildered expression, it would be strange if she could find it.But now it seems that there is no way to talk, what should I do?

The people that Roman made friends with were all the easy-to-get-together types. Even Zhan Zhangyuan Hei Yi could get along peacefully as long as he stayed well.But this child is different. It may be because of one person, she is very wary, and she hardly intends to give people a chance to communicate.

Then try some of this.

"I'm going to buy pudding later..." Roman could clearly see the little girl's ears flapping slightly, "If you tell me the address, maybe I'll buy one for you on the way."

"Here, here, here is the address!" The little girl handed over the note excitedly.

"..." I'm really worried about the future of this country, are all the little devils so easy to deceive?

However, I have finally grasped the weakness of this brat. He is a type who is very easy to be seduced, as long as you give him some favors... no, the kind who will obediently obey you even if you give him a bad check is simply a fool, right?

The necessary education is still needed, so Roman pointed to the little girl and said to Xiao Zi: "Xiao Zi, you have to see clearly, and don't be deceived by strange people in the future."

"The weird one is you, Lolicon!"

"Hmph, you are too stupid."

Roman held the note in his hand.I don't know why, but he was able to find a little sense of superiority in this brat, why is that?

Sure enough, it's not that Roman is too stupid, but that all he knows are some very scary people, and the only ones who are really at a normal level are him and Kanako, right?

"Let's go, I still know this position."

"Must buy pudding."

"Got it, I'll buy it for you if you pass by a convenience store."

Roman didn't intend to break his promise, he couldn't do such a thing as cheating a little girl.Besides, if the other party likes sweets, it is not impossible to invite a guest even once.Because ah, people with a sweet tooth are good people.

"Your name is 'Mayao Hachikuji', right?"

"That's right! Mayo Hachikuji, this is an important name my father and mother gave me."

Important names... Roman thought about the origin of his name again, especially the name before "Romani Akiman", and he would cry if he said too much.

But I'm somewhat nostalgic, everyone in the student council.The mischievous Mirei, the funny Livaru, the clever Lelouch, the cute Nunnally... Although they didn't live together for a long time, they were the first people they met when Roman was born, and they were all good people. They are destined to leave an indelible mark on Roman's life.It's hard to imagine what Roman's life would have been like if he had met some scum with ulterior motives instead of them.

"My name is Romani Akiman, you can call me Roman. Xiaozi's name is Mael Belle Akiman, if you think it's too long, you can call me Meili."

"So you are foreigners."

Maya Hachikuji showed a surprised expression.

"You know? We don't look like Japanese, do we?"

However, Maya Hachikuji is just a child, and it is normal for him not to be able to recognize outsiders and locals.

Speaking of it, everyone should have such an experience.When I was young, I lived in a village or a family, and everyone used the same surname, so I thought that everyone in the world had only one surname, and I was surprised when I encountered other surnames.Similarly, when a person has never had contact with foreigners, he may think that the world is only as big as his own country, and he will also feel amazed when he goes abroad or meets foreigners.

Don't ask Roman why he feels this way, it's all mistakes made by youth and ignorance.

"Speaking of which, you came here alone, does your family know?"

"It's really long-winded, as long as you lead the way obediently, do you still want to preach to me?"

This attitude, even if you don't have to think about it, you know what's going on, it must be Maya Hachikuji who sneaked out when her parents were not paying attention.

Tsk, are all the little devils so bold now?Hope she has left a note for the family.

"Then change the question. Who are you looking for here? Are you looking for a friend?"

"Goo, this has nothing to do with you."

Maya Hachikuji still maintains a non-violent and non-cooperative attitude. It would be a headache for others, but Roman has already grasped the weakness of this brat.

"Pudding can buy you a big piece."

"Wow! I'll tell you everything."

Look, she's just a stupid brat after all, she'll say anything if she's given a little sweetness, maybe there's no one in Japan who can deceive her more than her.

"There lives a man named Tsunade at this address."

"Surname? What is the relationship between this person and you?"

"A relative." "A relative."

It seems a little insincere, it seems that Maya Hachikuji is hiding something, this matter may be possible in the first place, it is impossible for any kid to hide it in order to find relatives.In comparison, if you are a close friend or classmate, this persuasive power will be even greater.Because compared with distant relatives, friends and classmates will spend more time together and have a deeper relationship.

Moreover, Maya Hachikuji's huge schoolbag is the kind that goes out for camping, which is the perfect choice for those who run away from home.

When passing by the convenience store, Roman asked the two children to wait at the door, and he went in to buy patches.

"I want strawberry flavor."

"Hey, what flavor does Xiao Zi want?"

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