PS: After the exam, I feel... If I can pass, I will lose.By the way, it's not a school exam, I've been graduating for almost two years now.

Chapter 67 Scum

Monday, what a day.

If Sunday is a day of rest created by God sympathetic to the working people, then Monday must be the beginning of the disaster dominated by Satan.

Looking back on more than two years of high school life, even with the time spent attending classes at Ashford College, Roman has never tried to be so uneasy.It was even more uncomfortable than being roasted in the stove, and the occasional glances gave Roman an urge to run away, even though he didn't know why he wanted to run away.

Roman's work is in the corner of the classroom, and it happens to be near the back door.Relying on Xiao Zi's influence to eliminate the sense of presence, no one will notice even if she quietly leaves the classroom, but now Roman's sense of presence is simply beyond the charts, and has become the focus of the whole class as early as noon.Roman even felt that this was Xiao Zi's deliberate action, and her act of being coquettish or even self-willed undoubtedly pushed Roman into the fire pit, but it just couldn't make Roman angry.

There was a "sizzling" sound from under the table, Xiao Zi sucked Roman's fingers, and her little tongue kept stirring on the fingertips.Feeling that saliva was about to overflow from her little lips, Roman was about to pull his fingers out of Xiao Zi's mouth, but was bitten by Xiao Zi who had expected it.

The bite force is very small, as long as Roman gently pulls his fingers out, and when he sees Xiao Zi's angry eyes with grievances, Roman, who is about to let it go, can't bear it anymore.

——So why are you so angry?

There is no doubt that Xiao Zi has become the biggest obstacle for Roman to escape from the classroom, but it is not the only obstacle.In fact, when Roman was about to leave when Xiaozi's lips were numb, Hanekawa, who had sensed it, would turn around and warn him with serious eyes, making Roman's plan to skip class completely scrapped.

——But, I obviously did nothing wrong.

The deskmate who had never seen his face turned his head suddenly. Roman, who had seen this action, put a chocolate bar into his mouth with the other hand as quickly as possible. The glares of classmates.

"Student Akiman, don't eat during class, and don't make strange noises to disturb other students."

Roman smiled bitterly and apologized: "Sorry, sorry, I will pay attention."

Speaking of it, it was the first time he talked to this classmate, but he didn't expect that the first time he was preached.Because Roman has no sense of presence on weekdays, and he has never done anything out of line, so he has always been in the state of Akalin.Only today, Xiao Zi seemed to let go of the sense of existence she had taken away from Roman. Coupled with the incident that happened at noon, the entire Class 1 of the third year noticed the inconspicuous figure of Roman.

Of course, everyone's sense of Roman is very bad, which can be understood from the eyes of the girl in front of her, "It's disgusting, scum".

And one of the chief culprits of this incident was Hei Yi, who was sitting on the other side as if nothing had happened.

Time back a bit——

Going back to the noon recess.After the morning classes, there is an hour of lunch time at noon for students to control.

As a lazy man who is obsessed with games and can go without food or drink for two days, Roman will never have the spare time to make such a luxury as bento.If there were leftovers from the night before, Hanekawa would make a bento for the next day before leaving, so that Roman could heat it up in the morning and bring it back to school.Unfortunately, Hanekawa had already left on Sunday afternoon, so it was natural for Roman to solve yesterday's dinner by himself, and there would be no such thing as a bento.

Usually, at this time, Roman would choose to have lunch in the school cafeteria. If he didn't want to spend time, he might as well buy a piece of bread.But Hanekawa is not the only one who knows that Roman is too lazy to make bento by himself, ah, it’s not about Senjogahara, but he just entered the first year of the private Naoetsu High School today, and if there is no accident, he is going through the withdrawal procedure and will leave soon Japan's lovely younger generation - Dongfeng Gu Sanae.

As the bell rang for the end of class, the students in the classroom began to leave the classroom one after another, leaving only a few people to take out the lunch boxes that had been prepared.

After realizing that no one would leave, Hanekawa also started to leave his seat, carefully avoiding the sight of his classmates, and quietly walked towards Roman's place.From this point of view alone, Hanekawa has great potential to become an assassin, maybe giving her a sharp knife can perfectly sneak in without anyone being able to find out.

"Good afternoon Roman, don't you go to the cafeteria first today?"

According to past habits, Roman, who was sitting next to the back door, would leave the classroom first, then go to the cafeteria to order food, find a corner seat and wait for Hanekawa to pass.Waiting for Hanekawa in the classroom like today is only a rare moment of lunch.

"Although I really want to do this, but... when I went out, I realized that I had no money."


Roman smiled and scratched his face, looking at the surprised Hanekawa in embarrassment.

This is impossible.The work of the Moriya Shrine is not so much a job, but rather a voluntary help from him.It was okay two weeks ago. At that time, the Moriya Shrine was full of incense, and the cash box in front of the worship hall would often jingle, but it is different today. Now the Moriya Shrine can’t even see a few tourists. It was almost infinitely close to zero, how could it be possible for Roman to get the money back there?

Whether it is the Moriya Shrine or Roman himself, they are now in a state of making ends meet.

"Roman needs to find a new job, otherwise he will starve."

Hanekawa sighed.She has pocket money given by her parents, but the amount of pocket money is not much, even she can barely spend it herself, it is really impossible to use this little money to support the daily consumption of two people, no, It should be said that it is the consumption of three people.

"I'm looking for it. In fact, I still have some in my passbook, but I forgot to take it out of the bank."

He didn't leave the house all day yesterday, and Roman didn't know that he was penniless, which is why he couldn't even go to the cafeteria today.The deeper reason is that that part of the budget is actually the budget for tuition fees, and it will never be used unless it is necessary!

"Sanae will leave Japan next week, and I will go to work part-time at that time. I will leave the family affairs and Xiaozi to you."

Although Xiaozi complained for a long time because of leaving her behind on Saturday, it can be seen from the side that Xiaozi can accept Roman's absence, and then he can rest assured to go out to work alone.

As for why he didn't take Xiao Zi out together.It's strange to say that about a week ago, Xiao Zi began to resist hiding in the shadows. If it wasn't for Roman repeatedly telling her not to run out in front of other people, she might have slipped out when everyone was not paying attention.Even so, Xiao Zi always pops up when everyone is not paying attention—this literally means that Xiao Zi, who is hiding in Roman’s shadow, has a cute little head emerging from it, while her body is still Stay in the shadows.

If someone saw this scene, they would probably faint from fright.

PS: I'm so sleepy, I'm dying, good night everyone.

Chapter 68 Scum

Two days ago, that is, Saturday night.

"Sanae, haven't you thought about it yet? You must know that after entering Gensokyo this time, you may never have the chance to meet Roman again."

Before dinner, Kanako whispered in Sanae's ear in a seductive tone.

"No, no, Roman said he would definitely find me."

But even if she said that, Sanae's tone became unconfident.Because Roman is just an ordinary person, it is almost impossible to enter Gensokyo, where even the two gods cannot enter, so it is better to pin their hopes on them coming out of Gensokyo to find him.

But is that possible?Maybe they hold these hopes to some extent, but from the casual words of Kanako and Suwako, they also understand that this is almost very slim, which can be seen from the fact that no other monsters and gods have been found in the outside world.

Discovering Sanae's tendency to act intentionally, Kanako naturally knew what it meant to throw stones into a well. For this reason, she even disregarded that she didn't have much faith in her body, and her words permeated with a touch of divine power.

"You have to know, this may be your last chance. Sanae, you are so cute, no boy will refuse your confession, and according to Roman's character that doesn't know how to refuse, maybe he will agree right away. Possibly. Besides, anyway, we will leave soon, even if Roman agrees, it will definitely not cause trouble to him after leaving, maybe that brat will be secretly happy that he was confessed by the cute Sanae."

Sanae showed a shaken expression on her face. It was obvious that she had been persuaded by Kanako. Under the influence of the words with divine power, she never thought about the possibility of being rejected by Roman.Perhaps she also felt that as Kanako said, Roman, who was not good at rejecting people, was more likely to agree on the spot.

I never thought of the possibility that Roman already had a girlfriend.After all, that man is lazy and greedy. He is addicted to games all day long, and only knows how to fish when he is working.Apart from being a little handsome, it seems that there are no advantages.

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