Aliangliang Muli, who has the hair to distinguish bad luck and right from wrong, sensed that the atmosphere was not right, especially the beautiful girl Zhan Zhanyuan Heiyi who was sitting next to him, who exuded a cold aura that made him shiver. The non-stop spinning dumbo kept urging him to leave the school, and recently there were only two left, Yu Chuan Tsubasa and Zhan Zhanyuan Hei Yi.

This was originally the best time for Senjouhara to leave.She has always been like this, waiting until almost everyone in the classroom has left before leaving her seat leisurely, because this will prevent her from contacting other people, and it will also prevent others from discovering the secret of her weight.It hasn't changed in two years, and I don't think about wasting time in the classroom.

But today is an exception.He picked up the book in his hand and placed it on the table, his eyes fixed on capturing the words inside, Zhan Zhanyuan Heiyi seemed to be intoxicated in the world of books.

"I'm sorry, Senjouhara-san, I asked you to stay at this time."

Hanekawa came to Senjouhara's side.After Aliangliang Muli left the school classroom, she had already walked over, and after knowing that he would not look back, Hanekawa sat in the seat of Aliangliang Muli, which was the same table as Zhan Zhanyuan.

"It's nothing. Since it's the monitor's request, I'm just an ordinary student and I don't have the right to resist at all. At this time, it's better to stay obediently." Zhan Zouyuan said sarcastically.This is very abnormal behavior.Although Senjouhara has always admitted that he hates Hanekawa, he still maintains a kind attitude on the surface, which is completely different from the behavior of constantly using verbal violence to attack Roman.

It should be the first time in front of Hanekawa to directly expose the disgust in his heart.

"It's not a request, it's a request." Hanekawa's expression was very sincere, and his serious attitude moved people, "I hope Senjouhara can stay, and then do me a favor."

"..." Senjouhara's eyes dodged, unable to look directly at Hanekawa's, "Speak, I am listening. Although I am willing to listen to your request, it does not mean that I have agreed to you. As long as there is a little trouble , as long as it is a problem that bothers me, I will reject you."

"If this is the case, Senjouhara-san should reject me, but I still hope Senjougahara-san can listen to my words."



The girl kneeling upright in front of the low table was holding a teacup gently in her hand, her long flowing hair rippling with the breeze.Her dignified appearance and slender body made her look like a lovable sick girl, and the tranquil and peaceful atmosphere calmed down the impetuous heart.

What an infectious girl.

"Are you back, classmate Romani? Is it really making me wait, or is it the way of hospitality in your house to let guests sit in the living room? By the way, that's it, every time, it seems that classmate Romani needs to be careful." Education will do."

—if you didn't speak.

This is probably the legendary death by sight.If Princess Huiye is such a bad girl, it's better to let Her Royal Highness live in the memory forever.

"Why are you here!"

Before Roman could speak, Xiao Zi had already jumped out.This question was sent out for the second time, but it was completely ignored by Zhan Zhangyuan. Roman vaguely remembered that Zhan Zhan Yuan hated children very much. Probably this was the reason why Zhan Zhan Yuan ignored Xiao Zi.

"I'm here as a guest."

Where would someone come to be a guest like this?Not only did he barge in without the owner's presence, but he also unceremoniously pointed at the hospitality of the owner who had just entered the door.

"You are not welcome here, hurry up..." "Xiao Zi! You can't be so rude!"

Seeing that Xiao Zi was going too far, Roman reprimanded Xiao Zi and said.Even if she showed an aggrieved expression to Roman, Roman didn't waver at all.

Perhaps it is true that Xiao Zi hates Zhan Zhanyuan, but the most basic manners and etiquette are still necessary. This is probably the defect that Xiao Zi has grown up to now. This cannot be made up for by individual strength and spiritual growth.

"Good evening, um... what a... accident?"

"Don't you welcome me?"

"No, I'm just surprised."

Zhan Zhanyuan's eyes became very indifferent, as if seeing the tiniest dust, with pity for a single-celled creature: "I didn't expect, student Romani, that your memory has degenerated to such an extent. Was it eaten by the amoeba? Or is Alzheimer's already ahead of schedule?"

"..." Even though he was more or less used to Zhan Zhanyuan's poisonous tongue, Roman couldn't stand being ridiculed by her with such vicious words.

"But it doesn't matter, even if Romani-san is so bad that he forgets to have guests visiting, and tolerates a lot of beautiful girls—Miss Battlefield will forgive you mercifully."

"Who will ask your forgiveness?"

"What? Is classmate Romani enjoying the feeling of being despised?"

—Forget it, I'd better not talk.

Speaking of which, it has been a while since Senjougahara has come over after school, probably since last week.Two days ago, they met because of the issue of Kanbara, but at that time, Zhanjouhara did not mention the issue of the heavy crab god. Roman thought that Zhanjouhara had given up.Speaking of which, since just now, there has been a very strange thing. Senjogahara seems to have always used "Romani-san" instead of "Roman-san" or "Roman" to address him, right?

"Don't you need to accompany Shen Yuan today? She is very inconvenient now, I thought you would take care of her."

"Although it's rude to say that, Kanbara is more reliable than Romani-san."

If you feel rude, don't say that.

"Even if only one arm can move, she can cook by herself and clean by herself, unlike classmate Romani..." "Even if she can understand both hands, she might not be able to clean, right?"

"Well, I admit, Kanbara's personal hygiene seems a bit sloppy."

It's not a little problem, her room is no different from the utility room, if not many useful things can be found, even if it is described as a junkyard.

"So? Why didn't you help?" "Because her grandparents have come from the country to take care of her."

That's how it turned out, because Kanbara's grandparents came back from the countryside to take care of Kanbara after they learned that Kanbara was injured.And Zhan Zhangyuan is just a mere senior, and there is no reason to intervene in front of his relatives, so he can only come here in embarrassment?But Kanbara must be very sad, maybe she was crying and biting a bandage to bid farewell to Senjouhara.

Xiao Zi sulked and ran to the bed, then hugged the computer and didn't know what she was doing.Since Roman deleted the game, Xiao Zi's computer ban has also been touched. After all, there is no entertainment equipment at home, and it is too difficult for Xiao Zi, who is still a child, to be quiet.

"I remember you live alone, too?"

"Are you trying to laugh at me? Come on anyway, I've been through a lot of battles, and it's wishful thinking to try to hit me with words. It's worth mentioning that I haven't had dinner yet."

"Actually, I want to ask you if you mind eating here... okay."

All in all, Roman has nothing to do with this sharp-tongued girl.

As for the matter of Zhan Zhangyuan, she didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and Roman didn't plan to worry about her.

The ingredients for dinner were very rich, but it was a pity that Roman's craftsmanship could only be described as mediocre, and he was evaluated by Zhan Zhangyuan as "a very ordinary dinner, wasting good ingredients".Regarding his cooking skills, Roman is very self-aware, probably only at the level of "acceptable".

"Then next..."

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