Fortunately, Roman recently found a job as well.Although it is a part-time job, and he doesn't need help every day, it can make his life a lot richer anyway.

Lunch at noon is butter bread, which is not to say how delicious it is, and it is not nutritious at all, but it is a bit sweet, so Roman will choose it when buying bread.

"Roman's spirit has not been very good these two days, didn't he sleep well at night?"

After Hanekawa swallowed a mouthful of bread, he looked at Roman's face and asked worriedly.

In fact, it's not a problem of poor mental health anymore. Roman has been drowsy during class, and even fell asleep lying on the table in the last class.

If it weren't for his sense of existence becoming thinner, he might have been criticized by the teacher by name, and then he was punished to stand at the door.

The eyelids seem to be unable to open, and they look half awake. There are thick dark circles on the eye sockets and thick bags under the eyes.This reminded Yu Chuan of Roman, who was unrestrained in the past. He used to be addicted to the Internet for three days all night, and he probably was in this state when he returned to school.But at that time, he had completely given up on the classroom, treating the classroom as his own bedroom, instead of forcing himself to cheer up like now.

"Hmm~ha~~" Roman yawned, then looked at Han Chuan with confused eyes, and said, "I haven't slept very well these two days, but I'm almost used to it, and I should be able to sleep soundly tonight .”

The ownership of the big bed in the room has been snatched away by the hateful Zhan Zhanyuan, and it would be somewhat uncomfortable for Roman to sleep on the Japanese-style tatami all of a sudden.But this is not the point, more importantly, Senjouhara has woken him up from the middle of the night for two consecutive nights.On the first night, he confessed his love to Roman on his own, and then left Roman, who was messed up in the evening wind, to sleep heartlessly.And last night, Senjouhara woke Roman up again because she needed a reply from Roman.

So how can he reply?

How can he say that he also has a daughter and a girlfriend, and he is suddenly confessed by another girl, what else can he do besides rejecting it?You can't accept Senjougahara's confession and break up with Hanekawa, right?Roman asked himself that he is not a person who likes the new and hates the old, and he doesn't think that a mere Senjogahara can cut off the relationship between Roman and Hanekawa, and he himself doesn't have much feeling for the Senjogahara.

Being woken up in the middle of the night for two consecutive days, Roman would be a little angry. At that time, he thought of rejecting Zhan Zhanyuan on the spot, but in the end he shied away with the saying "Let me think about it".Because he knew that if he really said no last night, maybe Hanekawa would only find his body on the floor of the apartment today.

I really don't understand, what kind of mentality does Senjougahara hold in order to still hold a paper knife while sleeping.

Roman is now very worried about how he will spend the night safely, and there are only two roads before him.One of them is to tell Senjouhara that she and Hanekawa are Roman's wings, but the ending of doing so is likely to make Roman an angel with broken wings.The second is not to go back to the apartment, just find a place to spend the night, maybe you will spend it this way in the future, and become a homeless wretch from then on.

Turns out, is that why weirdo experts become bums?Roman suddenly understood the cause and effect of Oshino Baa-baa falling to this level.

"Hanekawa, have you ever been confessed by a boy?"

Roman, who really couldn't find a solution, could only find a solution from his girlfriend.

what is this?Because you can't refuse a girl's confession, do you find a special acceptance skill in your girlfriend?



"Isn't it a lie? A girl like Hanekawa would never confess to a boy?"

Are all boys blind these days?A girl with a serious personality like Hanekawa, and she is so cute, how can there be no boy to confess?Although this pair of glasses is a bit rustic, the three-strand braid tied up is a bit out of date, and the serious personality also gives people a feeling of obsessive-compulsive disorder... In this way, it seems that it is basically impossible to have an intersection with boys.

In this way, it seems that Roman who confessed to Hanekawa is the abnormal one.

"I've only had one confession from a boy."

Hanekawa looked at Roman's slightly surprised face and showed a gentle smile.

——That person is you.

Those words came out from those bright eyes.

"Me too uh..."

Roman originally wanted to say "I only have one experience of confessing to others", but remembered that he had only confessed to Sanae before that, and the reason why Roman confessed to Hanekawa was because of Sanae's stimulation.

For a while, Roman was depressed.

Originally, Roman wanted to confess that he was confessed by the plaintiff on the battlefield, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it in the end.He didn't intend to accept Zhan Zhangyuan, so could it be that that woman would really kill him?

"Speaking of which, another homicide happened today."

The topic suddenly turned to this morning's news.It must have been prepared. It has been spread wildly on the Internet. Those journalists and editors who make troubles never think it is a big deal. Such a weird murder is the best thing for them.

"Everyone is discussing this matter, is Roman curious about the murder?"

"It's not because I'm's just that this incident happened next to me, so I can't help but care about it."

The murder happened in the same city, which meant that his own safety was also affected, especially if the murderer was a serial murderer.Although Hanekawa and Senjouhara are not the type who like to go out and die, there is no guarantee that the murderer will break into the residential area one day and make a night attack, and there will be no place to cry at that time.Especially in Zhanchangyuan, where the apartment is an old city, security is a big problem, and wooden apartments are almost equated with defenselessness for those who are interested.In this way, it may not be a bad thing to move to Zhanjouhara.

"Three people were attacked this time, two of them were passing policemen, but they were just stunned, and their lives were not in danger. The deceased was a foreigner. The cause of death was the same as the previous one. His heart was dug out. , and it was the only wound on the body of the deceased, so it is certain that the murderer is the same person."

Hanekawa still used his know-it-all ability to tell the information that he couldn't find in the news.However, in addition to these, Roman got more information.

In addition to the deceased this time, the photos and information of the previous deceased were also released today. From those photos, Roman found the commonality of the two deceased: they were people like weird experts and exorcists. .

Neither the twin swords in the hands of the first deceased nor the cross of the one discovered today are anything ordinary. If Roman guessed correctly, they should be weapons used to fight off weirdness.Don't look at Oshino Meaaa's avant-garde attire, in fact, the two crosses on his neck and ears have a certain effect on the weirdness. Ordinary resentful souls will even touch him the moment they touch him. Dazed.

Therefore, the murderer was not a perverted murderer, or a fighter with special hobbies, as the journalists said, nor was the first victim whose heart had been dug out because he lost in a duel.They are all weird experts, and they tried to get rid of the active weird in this city, but unfortunately, they failed.

Failure means death, and a weirdo expert is such a cruel profession.

It was Oshino who worried Roman.Although that guy disappeared half a month ago, it's hard to guarantee that he will come back after hearing the news.Mea Oshino may seem unreliable, but when it comes to weird problems, he can be surprisingly reliable.Judging from the current situation, it seems that the only target of this weird kill is the weird expert, and the two patrolmen were just stunned. If that's the case, I hope Oshino Bae-baa will not run back.Even if he insists on coming back to cure the weirdness, I hope he can come back with a perfect plan. Roman doesn't want to lose a friend.Roman even suspected that the reason why Oshino Baa-baa left without saying goodbye was because he was already a terrible and weird murderer.

"Roman don't go out these few days, especially don't wear that robe."

Hanekawa unconsciously started nagging like an old lady.

"God robe? Why."

"Because the first two deceased were dressed in a different way, this may be one of the factors of the murderer's attack, so Roman should not wear strange clothes."

Hanekawa said worriedly, looking at Roman's eyes is not pure, she seems to know something.No, with Yu Chuan's keenness, she should have already understood what happened, but because Roman has been living as an ordinary human, Han Chuan will also avoid topics related to this aspect.Speaking of which, Senjouhara and Hanekawa seem to have gotten very close some time ago, does it mean that Senjogahara's weight problem has also been discovered?

This woman, Zhang Zhanyuan Heiyi, is really capable of causing trouble.

However, Yu Chuan also reminded Roman, since this weird target was attacked, does it mean that Roman can actually lure him out by pretending to be a weird expert?Compared with other people, Roman's "Temple of Time" is the strongest armor. Roman believes that even if the earth explodes one day, what kills Roman is not the impact of the explosion, but the lack of oxygen after the destruction of the earth.

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