Senjouhara didn't sleep well last night, not only because of the noise made by Roman, but with her habit of insecurity, she probably woke up from the moment Roman made the sound, and then waited until After Roman came back, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep again.

She asked for leave to go back to the apartment to rest. After sleeping all day, she went back to bed early at night, maybe it was for this moment.

It's really scary, Zhang Zhanyuan Heiyi, what are you thinking?

She had a serious expression on her face, her eyes were fixed on him, and she questioned Roman almost word by word.

"Answer me, Roman, what the hell are you doing?"

PS: Sorry, today's update is a little late.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facing the aggressive questioning from Senjouhara, Roman was speechless for a moment. She would follow Roman to come here, obviously not for the simple questioning.

—Are you worried about me?

Senjougahara asked Roman such words more than once, but in the end Roman avoided answering them.

—Yes, I am worried about you, just as you are worried about me.

What are you doing here?It doesn't matter anymore, what Senjougahara needs is not an answer.

Recalling all the things the two got along with, Roman had a feeling of whether to laugh or cry, why did they become angry without knowing it?They are classmates and friends, they care about each other, but they seldom say frankly that they are wrong, and even Senjougahara has nothing to say after saying "I like you".

——Looks like I don't really deal with the Tsundere type.

Roman came to this conclusion, and at the same time, he also understood that when one dishonest person meets another dishonest person, everything can go wrong.

"Stupid, what are you doing running out at this hour?"

Roman scolded him, then took off his raincoat and put it on Zhan Zhanyuan.Because he took off the raincoat, the divine robe on his body and the cross in his hand were also revealed in Zhan Zhangyuan's eyes.

"Huh? To be called an idiot by Roman, that's the only thing I can't accept."

Even at this time, I am still competitive, should I say that it is worthy of Senjougahara?This woman is always so strong, not allowing herself to show a little weakness in front of others.

Drops of water dripped from her bangs on her forehead. When she put on a raincoat just now, Roman also found that her clothes were wet from the rain. If she didn't change them quickly, she would catch a cold soon.

"Are you worried about me, Roman?"

"—" Her words caught Roman's attention for a moment, and then he nodded, "Yes, I'm worried about you."

Senjougahara showed a satisfied smile, as if he had gained a perfect vitality in a war.Forget it, if they continue to be angry like this, the two of them will be endless. If they are too tough, they will only hit each other badly. When the time is right, they still need to compromise, but why is he the only one who compromises?It is better not to continue asking this question, anyway, he is very good at this kind of thing.

"Since you are so obedient, Roman, I won't pursue the matter of you running out without telling me."

"That's really thanks to Senjougahara-sama for his mercy."

"You just accept it gratefully."

Narcissism and ego are part of Zhan Zhanyuan Heiyi, don't like it if you don't like it.

Sometimes, the word "tolerance" is really terrible, it is completely twisting a person's mind.

"Well, now, come back with me."

Senjougahara stretched out a slender hand, grabbed Roman's wrist and said.

It sounds really awkward, shouldn't this be someone who said it, and then took away the beautiful girl with a tough attitude?

"Not yet."

"No? Does Roman still want to escape?"

"The word escape was wrong from the beginning, why should I escape?"

"Isn't it?" Zhan Zhanyuan pondered for a while, and then showed an expression of sudden realization, "I understand, Roman, are you acting like a baby to me? If this is really the case, I can't accept it, although I think It would be disgusting for a man to act like a baby, but I won't show it directly, and then keep pretending that nothing happened..."

"You already said it!"

This woman really doesn't let go of any chance to speak venomously, can't she calm down a little at this time?

"At least let me say hello to others. It would be too irresponsible to leave without saying goodbye."

"So that's it, Roman wants other accomplices, is it Oshino?"

"No, it's another senior. At least give me a little peace of mind when facing him."

Senjougahara did not continue to argue, perhaps because knowing that the object was not that flamboyant man Oshino Baba, Senjougahara also showed the respect due to elders.

Tonight's action obviously cannot go on, at least it is impossible for Roman to continue the search for Heart Under the Blade. If he does not follow Zengyuan back now, maybe Zengyuan will follow Roman until the matter is over.She will definitely, because she knows what Roman is doing, and she also knows that doing so will definitely make Roman compromise.

The original intention of Roman joining Kiro Jincada was to maintain the ordinary daily life. If the battlefield is involved, this is something Roman absolutely cannot agree to. I hope Kiro Jincada can understand.

Roman couldn't hide the matter of vampires from Zhanjouhara. When she said the name "Oshino Baaaa", he already knew that Zhanjouhara knew that this incident was related to weirdness.It's just that the person who acted with Roman this time was not Oshino Meaa, because Oshino Meaa had already left the city, and at the same time, a new weird killer had settled here.

"So Roman plans to use his god robe and a cross to deal with powerful vampires?"

Questioning, anger, and worry, these are the emotions Roman felt from Senjogahara's words.

Roman also told Zhan Zhanyuan about Heart under the Blade, and she took the initiative to talk about the topic of "very interested in this weirdness", so Roman mentioned it a little bit.What she needs to pay attention to is that when she finds a suitable character, it is enough to leave as if nothing has happened, because Heart under the Blade will not be interested in ordinary people.Although Senjougahara was deprived of his weight and memory by the heavy crab god, if he hadn't been assisted by such a cross given to him by Chirokincada, people would not have discovered the secret of the heavy crab god...probably.

Roman walked in the direction of turning back, and the cross was no longer able to function, because the battlefield was by his side, and the cross in his hand was always hot.

What made Roman feel bad was that although he didn't stop calling Chirokincada, no one answered until now.

Roman gradually became anxious, and his pace quickened a lot.Senjouhara found out what was wrong with him, but he didn't make a sound to disturb him, but accelerated his pace to keep up with Roman.

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