
Bayi Yonglin's answer surprised Roman very much, it's daytime now, where are the stars coming from?Wouldn't it be better to choose a moonless night if you want to see the stars?Or is it that Bayi Yonglin is just perfunctory him.

"This is astrology." As if seeing Roman's thoughts, Yayi Yonglin explained tirelessly.

"Even in the daytime, the stars still exist, you should know this. I just see the positions of the stars through the light of the sun, and predict what may happen in the future through the changes of the astrology. Although astrology can only get very Faint traces, but these traces are enough for me to prepare."

After finishing speaking, Yayi Yonglin looked up at the sky again and continued her astrology.

Of course Roman knew there were stars in the daytime too.In fact, the essence of stars is just the light reflected by planets into people's field of vision, which is the light of distant stars and galaxies. Because the distance is too far, the planets that can be seen are very small, so they are stars.In fact, the stars that humans can observe with the naked eye may be several times or even ten times larger than the earth where humans live.The reason why the stars can only be seen at night is because the sun is too close to the earth, and the light emitted all the time is too strong for the neighboring earth people, so it will hinder human beings from observing the stars during the day.

But how did Yayi Yonglin avoid the sunlight and observe the distant stars with the naked eye?

Thinking that Yayi Yonglin is actually a strong man on the moon, it doesn't seem impossible.

Roman looked at the sky, there was nothing there.In fact, Roman has gradually developed the use of his own eyes in the past two years. It is not just as simple as having excellent eyesight. Although connecting Akasha can allow Roman to see many things, as long as Roman wants, he can also use this pair of eyes. The eyes see things that ordinary people cannot see.

Then give it a try, is there any difference between the stars during the day and the stars at night?

Roman's expression became serious, the pupils of his eyes changed unknowingly, and his field of vision also began to change, but it was only for a short moment.


that's terrible.

Unable to be as proficient as Yayi Yonglin, the first thing Roman saw was not the stars, but the scorching sun.

The gasified planet is like a sphere of compressed hot gas. Although there is no mystery there, the power it possesses is so powerful that Roman cannot dispel it.Just seeing it, Roman's eyes became hot and painful as if they were being burned by flames, and the field of vision was now a vast expanse of whiteness, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Stretch out your hand to touch the broken eyelid, the eyeball is already swollen.Although he can't see it yet, Roman believes that his eyeballs must be bloodshot.

"Do not move."

Bayi Yonglin's voice came from beside him.Because her eyes couldn't see anything, Roman didn't know what she was doing, but she still obediently didn't move.

Afterwards, Yayi Yonglin took off Roman's hand covering her eyes, and pushed Roman's eyelids away.Soon, a stream of cool liquid flowed into Roman's eyes, and the burning eyes were instantly relieved. The discomfort disappeared within a few seconds, and Roman's eyes recovered.

"Sorry for making you laugh."

Roman said.

Somewhat embarrassed.Because one's own curiosity brings trouble to others, no one can be calm, although this may be easy for Yayi Yonglin.

"It's okay...but your behavior is indeed too reckless. Your body is a human body, and your eyes are also human eyes. It will feel uncomfortable to look directly at the sun like now, let alone get close to the sun."

"Sorry, I'm just curious about the difference between the stars in the day and the stars in the night."

When he said this, Roman was also very surprised.

In what Yayi Yonglin said just now, in addition to saying that Roman's body is an ordinary human body, she also said that Roman's eyes are close to the sun.Could it be that she discovered what Roman's eyes were doing just now?Or did she just judge by the injury?

"Is there a difference? In the eyes of people who don't understand astrology, there is actually no difference between the stars during the day and the stars at night. For an astrologer, observing the stars during the day and observing the stars at night is actually observing and speculating from a different angle. This is the same as doing a math problem, just change the algorithm to solve the problem. If the answers are consistent, it means that the answer is correct; if the answers are inconsistent, it means that the answer is still in doubt and needs to be repeated. Check the calculations and find where the problem occurs."

Is this... an illusion?I feel that the interest of Baiyi Yonglin has suddenly become high. Could it be that she still has the habit of being a good teacher?

Roman looked at the eloquent Baiyi Yonglin, and felt as if he had opened a certain mechanism, and found Baiyi Yonglin who was different from the usual indifferent beauty.

Feeling that if she was asked to speak on her own, she would probably say some astrology that Roman could not hear at all, so Roman decisively interrupted her.

"And what did you see? Did the astrology tell you what was going to happen?"

In an instant, Bayi Yonglin's temperament changed, from an ordinary cold beauty to mysterious and mysterious in an instant.

Her gaze was very deep, looking at Roman's eyes, Roman's figure was reflected.

"Something happened, but I don't know what happened."

Chapter 40 Love each other Hey

Roman doesn't know anything about astrology, but it doesn't mean he thinks that Baiyi Yonglin is alarmist.

Leaving aside whether Yayi Yonglin would have other ideas, this kind of lie is obviously not something that can be told casually, and it is not too difficult to verify what will happen.For example, now, as long as Roman closes his eyes gently, what will happen will appear in his vision.

Lively beach, quiet night view...huh?Why is she here too?

A girl who had met several times appeared. She found Roman, opened her mouth to say something, and then her eyes turned into a vast expanse of whiteness, and finally she couldn't see anything.

The fog of fate became thicker, and it was impossible to get rid of it by being close to Roman.

Probably, this is what Yayi Yonglin said, what will happen, but can't understand.

It's really troublesome. People feel that there are more and more troublesome things. Can't they let people have a good rest?Obviously it's still time for vacation.

But judging from this time, there are still several days before that kind of troublesome thing, so just slip away early at that time.Anyway, the seaside is the seaside, there is no need to stay here all the time.

After making a decision, Roman lay down with an indifferent expression on his face, and then heard Index calling her name by the sea.

"Roman! Roman!"

Roman turned his head and saw that Index was learning to swim under the guidance of Hime Kami Akisa, and she still looked good.

"Don't get distracted, you'll drown."

Seeing Index's irregular movements, Roman couldn't help reminding her loudly.However, just because of his reminder, Index was distracted to listen to his words, and eventually sank into the water.

In the end, did it fall into the water?

During the time when he was peeping into the future, Roman saw Index sinking into the water.The only difference is that the current Index sinks because she wants to listen to Roman's words, but in the future he sees, Index loses her balance and sinks because she wants to express herself .

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