Today's weather is not good. As for what will happen after a while, I don't know.The weather in the UK can change quickly. In this country where the weather can change every four hours, no one can accurately predict the future weather.Besides, Steele doesn't think that anyone will spend their time trying to predict the weather that changes at any time. Although there are satellites in the sky over London to see it, it is still the human brain that judges the weather changes, and not all places have it. A computer such as "TreeDiagram".

It is said that it is the most useful computer in the world, with huge data and computing power, but the function of making it is only to predict the weather.Of course, no one would believe such nonsense, and it would be too wasteful to spend such a useful thing only on predicting the weather.

—Perhaps one such satellite should be placed in England.

Stiles said in his heart.If there is such a satellite over London, then the small movements of the entire country will be exposed, and even the time to go out and investigate will be saved.

Although it is true that he is a magician, he is also destined to be an enemy on the side of science, but Stiyl did not deny the excellence of science.On the contrary, Stiyl, who has entered Academy City twice, has seen the world's best technology, and is more able to appreciate the convenience of technology than others.

A robot that can clean itself automatically, a drink machine that can mix the proportions at will, a pancake machine that can make a finished product in half a minute...all of these expose the inferiority of human laziness, which is really enviable...sadly.

But no matter how easy the technology is, it is impossible for Stiyl to really propose to the Supreme Bishop to introduce it.

Because the science side and the magic side are enemies, it is a very dangerous thing to bring the enemy's weapon with you at will. Who knows if the electric toothbrush in your hand will suddenly explode some morning, blowing off the whole head of the person Woolen cloth?

Speaking of this, Steele, who was carrying several mobile phones, felt uncomfortable all over, and had the illusion that he would be blown to pieces at any time.

——In this weather, no matter how mischievous you are, you won’t come out, right?

Stiyl watched the drizzle that didn't stop.This rain has been falling since eight o'clock in the morning, and it seems that it has no intention of stopping. If it really continues to rain like this, Steele feels that the witch will continue to hide in a certain basement.

——"This kind of thing can't be taken as a fluke. So far we still don't know who that witch is, what's her name, what she looks like, and what kind of personality she is. Use your own subjective thinking to speculate , it is easy to fall into the trap."

——"I also understand this kind of thing, so I will sit here all the time. If possible, I would like to go back to my little room and sleep."

Steele's mouth didn't move, but his words were unreservedly transmitted to another person's mind, which was related to the amulet on his body.A talisman for calling, you don't need to speak it out with your mouth, as long as you think about it, the words can be transmitted to the brain of another person holding the talisman.

In a sense, it is also a very bad thing, because no one can completely control their brains, and the information they are exposed to can make a person's brain constantly thinking and working.As it is now—

--"so bitter."

——"Steer, this is the seventh time you've said this sentence. Also, your coffee money is not allowed to be reimbursed."

——"What do you think I drank so much coffee for?"

Bishop Lola's apprehensive voice came from his mind, it sounded lifeless, more like trying to annoy him on purpose.

According to Stiyl's understanding of Laura, this is probably the reason.This supreme bishop looks so lofty in public that he is not like a mortal, but in private, she is a very willful woman. She will do some dumbfounding things because of her own whim, which will always bring embarrassment to others. Trouble, like a naive and romantic girl.

Obviously an old woman.

——"Steer, are you thinking of something very rude?"

——"Don't say such stupid things, if you really thought about it, wouldn't you have heard it?"

——"The message transmitted by this talisman can be controlled. If you really don't want to pass the message, how can I hear it?"

Tsk, this woman is always so keen in insignificant places, since she is so lofty in front of everyone, wouldn't it be good to keep being lofty?

But if it really looks like that, it will make people dislike it.Although the supreme bishop should have the majesty and bearing of the supreme bishop, while maintaining a holy appearance will be worshiped by people, it will become unbearable after a long time.It's as if believers believe in God and hope that God can listen to their voices and bless them.

But if God is really omnipotent and omniscient as the Bible says, and can know what everyone thinks, it will become a terrible thing.

No one's hands are always clean, and no one does not have dark thoughts. Things that violate the teachings are always done intentionally or unintentionally.If there are heaven and hell, and if there is really a judgment after death, then human beings can only go to hell.

But because of this, the world needs priests, doesn't it?Priests can represent the will of God, wash away the sins of believers, and let them repeat the same mistakes with peace of mind... That's why there is such a thing as the Atonement Scroll.

So, the supreme bishop who can act cute is a good Lola.

——"And I can be sure that the witch will definitely do it today."

——"What do you mean? Why do you know? Could it be that she has issued some strange criminal declaration?"

——"No, this is a girl's intuition."

——"What strange intuition? Then it must be inaccurate, you are just an old woman."

——"This month's salary is gone."

At this moment, the rain stopped.

PS1: The original plot is really troublesome, especially this kind of work written based on reality. In addition to reading the original work, you also need to find other real-life materials, which makes writing slower.

PS2: Mr. Roman will probably be absent for a while, after all, it is still far away.Speaking of which, I don’t know what changes will be made to the plot of the original work. You might as well imagine it, and it’s best to speak out your imagination.

PS3: I want to buy an iPhoneX, but I can't help but flinch after looking at the price.Do you have that...

Chapter 42 London Storm ([-])

——"Supreme Bishop, is there any problem with you?"

Seeing that the rain was about to stop, Stiyl asked anxiously.

——"You are too anxious, Steele, even if you attack, you will not choose St. George's Cathedral as the first target. This is one of the bases of Puritanism. If you appear here now, you will only receive a fierce counterattack .Since the witch was able to escape unscathed in Italy, it is impossible not to understand this."

——"I hope she can be stupid."

But this is unlikely.Just as Laura said, the one who was able to escape from Italy would not be able to make such low-level mistakes that monkeys would not make.It's just that, as Laura said, Steele is very anxious now, which is the result of not getting a rest for a long time.

— "How about St. Paul's Cathedral?"

——"Everything is normal, and there is no shadow of the enemy."

——"Don't look with your eyes, no one has seen the appearance of a witch so far, I will check the enchantment carefully."

——"Holding, sorry, everything is normal in the enchantment."

Hearing the other party reply in a flustered tone made Stiyl very worried.Because it has been predicted that the witch will come to London, all combatants have been preparing for battle since yesterday, and many of them have not had a good rest until now.It's like Steele, he hasn't closed his eyes for seventeen hours, even changed coffee shops several times, and spent last night in a terrible KFC shop.

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