That's probably how it feels.But now is not the time to be so emotional, and this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice, so don't be surprised by it.

Because it is a single dormitory, the room is not too big, about [-] square meters.The furniture and equipment are very complete. Chaldea has not treated the staff badly. It is only standard in other dormitory rooms, but there are no superfluous things.

There are densely packed books on the summer vacation table next to the desk. The strange thing is that the owner of the bookshelf actually placed the spines of the books inwards, making it impossible for people to know what kind of strange books are on the bookshelf.This kind of deliberate concealment, on the contrary, has aroused the attention and curiosity of others, but it is probably a very tiring thing to take these books out one by one to find out what type of books they are, so even I am very curious about the books on the shelf, and no one will turn it over, especially without the permission of the owner here.

The narrow single bed is close to the closet, and the side of the closet is a window. It seems that the dead corner of the closet is intended to block the light coming in from the window.An orange-haired man fell asleep on the single bed. His sleeping position didn't look very elegant, and he didn't even put on his pajamas, as if he lay down in a hurry.

The brunette beauty who had already thought of this couldn't help but twitched her eyebrows, then walked to the side of the single bed and looked at the sleeping man.

After thinking for a while, the black-haired beauty put down the cane in her hand, and took off her delicate high-heeled shoes, then climbed onto the bed and straddled the orange-haired man on the bed.Neither close people nor strangers would do this kind of thing, but the brunette beauty seemed to be used to it.Not only is the orange-haired man wrapped around his body, but he will also hold one of the man's arms, and then——

——Cross solid! ! !

The sleeping man woke up suddenly, with a painful expression on his face, his eyes almost popped out.Because of too much pain and surprise, his throat could no longer make a sound, but his body slapped the bed board reflexively.

One, two, three...

If anyone noticed, they would find that the rhythm of the man slapping the bed board was once every second, exactly.

Until the tenth time, the man's hand stopped, as if he had given up.

"Clang clang! The winner is Isleworth Mona Lisa!"

As if she had won the competition, the black-haired beauty—Isleworth Mona Lisa cheered loudly and raised her hands high.

Correspondingly, the man who was attacked by the cross had a look of dying.Compared with Mona Lisa, his body is much more fragile, and he suffered such a terrible joint attack while he was asleep, which can already be included in the scope of murder.He felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, his joints were rattling, panting heavily, enjoying the fear of the rest of his life.

"What are you doing, Mona Lisa, are you planning to kill me? I almost thought I was going to die, or I was killed lying on my bed without knowing it. Do you want me to be the number one in Chaldea? Is there a case where the death was at the hands of a Servant?"

"What does it matter? Anyway, it's not the first time, Roman, you will survive every time. Don't worry, I will take care of myself and not let you be killed so easily, Roman."

——You might as well just kill me.

Roman stroked the arm that was still in pain. The feeling of being entangled by the python and being killed in the next moment was not at all pleasant, and no one would want to suffer a second time.However, it is sad that this is not the first time that Roman has encountered such a thing. He was awakened by a black-haired woman in various strange ways while he was asleep.Although it is not that Roman has tried to resist, it is obviously a wrong choice to resist Mona Lisa. According to the ranking of force, muscle strength, magic power and even charm, Mona Lisa is definitely ranked first in the entire Chaldea .

"It hurts, why did I encounter such an attack early in the morning, and I just fell asleep..."

--not good!

Realizing that he accidentally slipped a strange word, Roman decided to quickly change the subject, and then he thought of the Mona Lisa that appeared here.

"Mona Lisa, why did you come into my room?"

"Haha?" Mona Lisa's face was very natural, and there was no abnormality at all, and then she said the reason that appeared more than once, "You forgot to close the door. It's not the first time, why not Do you know how to lock the door? Fortunately, I was the one who came in. If other people have strange ideas, I really don’t know what will happen. Magicians are not good people. An unsuspecting man like you is like a full street It's as dangerous as a wandering white rat."

"I'd like someone else to come in..."

Roman muttered in a low voice, but was heard by Mona Lisa, who had a keen hearing.

"What did you say?"

"No, I mean, it's great that the Mona Lisa came in."

The door of the room has two modes of normal entry and exit and locked door. Generally, the door will be locked when sleeping and going out, and it is normal entry and exit at other times.Because Chaldea is a human rights continuation protection organization, sometimes there will be very urgent activities, and there is no time for you to open the combination lock, especially the current director is the type who is picky in all aspects.

I remember that Roman once forgot to tidy his hair because he was too anxious, so he was scolded by the director for this point, and it is still fresh in my memory today-because there were many such scenes in the later days.

So under normal circumstances, Roman will not lock the door, except when going out or sleeping, everyone seems to do this.But since when did he forget to lock the door while sleeping?

Having said that, what is Mona Lisa doing here at this time?

Although she often visits the house, it is usually after nine o'clock. At this best sleep time, Mona Lisa will not disturb people's dreams inexplicably. Could it be that...

The newly bought Mei Li poster was found?No, no, he hasn't told anyone yet, and he hasn't posted it yet.If it was really discovered, the Mona Lisa would be a little too scary. He didn't know that Da Vinci had the ability to read minds.

In other words, the newly bought Meili figure?But he has already placed it in the most inconspicuous position. This is the latest limited edition. I saved two months' salary to buy it, and then put it in an inconspicuous corner with all my heart.But if Mona Lisa really found out that Roman spent his money on the figure, she would have grabbed the figure by now and said something terrible like "your wife is in my hands".

Could it be that he secretly learned magic?

Finding that his thoughts were getting more and more terrifying, Roman quickly stopped his cranky brain and asked very directly.

"Mona Lisa, what are you doing here so early? You probably just woke me up."

The expression on Mona Lisa's face froze, and the mysterious smile disappeared immediately, and a very anxious expression appeared instead.

"The big thing is bad, Roman!"

What's wrong?The atmosphere has been good since just now, so good that you can call me up with your knuckles, and you can triumphantly declare your victory.

"You are already late!"

"Late, late?"

That's a terrible word.Being late means disqualification, disqualification means punishment, and punishment means Olga Marie's face... Wow, Mona Lisa, can you stop saying such terrible things all of a sudden?

"Sure enough, you forgot. Roman, today is the time for the monthly regular meeting. Olga Marie holds the regular meeting at seven o'clock in the morning. You are going to be late now!"

"What, what? Is it already the fifth day? What's going on? Why didn't anyone notify me? Clothes! Where's my clothes? Mona Lisa, why didn't you tell me earlier? No, Mary will be angry of!"

Roman immediately realized that today is the regular meeting time of Chaldea, and all management must be present.Of course, Roman, who is in charge of the medical department, must also be present, but he didn't expect to miss the regular meeting time at this time.No, it should be that since returning from Fuyuki a few days ago, he has been obsessed with the study of magic, and has completely forgotten about the regular meeting.

Roman immediately ran to the closet, rummaged through it, and finally found his uniform, only to find that the Mona Lisa was still there.

"Why are you still here, Mona Lisa?"

"No, I just wanted to see what you could do to help."

"Help? No need. I'll come to you again at noon. Today is just the time to adjust Matthew's body. You also come to help. You are second to none in research on the human body."

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