"Ah, because I suddenly wanted to walk around. Don't worry, these little soldiers can't hurt me, and I don't want to disturb Matthew's training, so I left secretly. Anyway, I will come back soon .”

"This kind of thing just doesn't work."

Olga Marie said, at this time everyone found that she was held in Lixiang's arms, Matthew and Cu Chulainn looked at her in surprise, and then stared at Olga Marie and Lixiang with strange eyes.

"What, what are you doing? Staring at me all of a sudden."

Suddenly being baptized by everyone's eyes, Olga Marie curled up her body subconsciously and approached Lixiang.

And this subtle movement of hers made everyone's eyes even more strange, and Lixiang became expressionless in an instant, and let go of the hands holding Olga Marie. The defenseless Olga Mary fell to the ground a second time.

"It hurts—what are you doing?"

"It's already here, you don't need to continue to rely on me."

"Who is relying on you!"

Olga Marie stood up, slapped the dust off her body, and rubbed her sore buttocks from the fall.

The actions of the two made Cu Chulainn laugh heartily.

"It seems that something interesting happened somewhere we don't know. Hey, shield soldier, how do you feel at this time?"

"Feeling? I feel good. Although I can't use the treasure yet, I have mastered the fighting skills of that Servant."

"Yes, is it? It seems like a little girl who doesn't understand, but things are getting more interesting."

Originally, it was only the eyes that were entangled with Olga Marie and Lixiang, but a third person has been added.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit off, Roman inserted the topic in a timely manner.

"Pause your bad taste, Mr. Cu Chulainn. Lixiang, if you want to sneak away from Mash, this matter will not work."


Lixiang, who also felt that the atmosphere was very bad, was very cooperative with Roman's topic.

"Have you forgotten? You have signed a contract with Mash. Mash's actions require your magic power as energy. The consumption of magic power is more intense during battle, so you can feel the flow of magic power more clearly when Mash fights. Change. So after you left here, Matthew soon found out."

"That's it..." Li Xiang frowned, "In other words, Mash and I cannot be separated, otherwise, Mash wouldn't be able to fight?"

"It's not absolute. Have you forgotten that Chaldea's heroic spirit summoning system is connected to Chaldea, and Chaldea's electricity is used as magic power. As long as it is a Servant who has signed a contract with Chaldea's Master, it is considered alone. It doesn't matter if you act. But this doesn't mean that the Master should be separated from the Servant, because they are one, and although I haven't figured out why, the Servant who acts alone is different from the Servant who fights side by side with the Master."

"Really? Forget it, let me ask, Matthew, how do you feel after training?"

"After training...it's more handy than before."

"It seems that the harvest is great, isn't that great?"

"It's not good at all!"

The person who refuted Lixiang was Olga Marie. She didn't intend to get used to Lixiang. Rather, she was the kind of person who was so sexy and harsh that she couldn't tolerate a single mistake.So even if the object is Lixiang, Olga Marie does not intend to back down.

"Listen well, Fujimaru, for a Servant, fighting is the first priority, but fighting skills are not the key to winning or losing a battle. What can really determine life and death is often the treasure possessed by the Servant."

The Noble Phantasm, which is the ultimate armament of the Servant, is the materialization of miracles.For Servants and even Heroic Spirits, there is nothing more important than Noble Phantasms.It is the crystallization of human beings' thoughts of praying for miracles, and it is armed with human fantasy.

The Noble Phantasm can be said to be the avatar or even the incarnation of the Heroic Spirit, and the Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit represents his status.In history and mythology, heroes often possess powerful weapons, or have accomplished great feats. These weapons and achievements have been bound together with heroes and cannot be discussed separately, and these achievements and weapons are praised by human beings. , and finally become a Noble Phantasm that is one with the heroic spirit.In other words, a Heroic Spirit without a Noble Phantasm is incomplete, just like the Servants who lost their minds that they met not long ago. They lost the glory of Heroic Spirits and are useless except for their instinctive fighting skills.

"It's okay, senior. Although the Servant who merged with me did not leave behind his real name and Noble Phantasm, but one day, I will see his name clearly. So please wait patiently, one day I will grow to a reliable look."

There was no look of frustration on Matthew's face, and she didn't know whether it was Roman or Cu Chulainn who poured some chicken soup into her to keep her hopeful for the future.

"Really, the Master is like this, and the Servant is also like this. Are you overly optimistic or just crazy?"

Olga Marie felt very impatient, and was already rubbing her meticulous hair regardless of the image of the nobility.

"Don't you listen to this? The immature Master and the immature Servant are gradually growing up, and one day in the future, it will definitely become a good story for a generation."

Well, it's all over, even Cu Chulainn said so.Could it be that both Servant and Master should be so unreliable?

"Okay, the chatting is over, the special training is over, everything is ready, and the next thing is business." Cu Chulainn looked around at the three people in front of him, and the frivolous smile on his face has been replaced by seriousness, "Next , we are going to bring down that Saber who made this city into such a ghost, are you ready?"

"Of course, I can't wait, I don't want to be in this place for a minute at all."

"That's good, if you contact Saber without any preparation, the result will only be death."

Cu Chulainn spoke murderous words, and deliberately glanced at Li Xiang, as if saying - even you.

Lixiang could also hear what Cu Chulainn meant, and she stared back at him unwillingly.

Under the leadership of Cu Chulainn, everyone walked towards the mountain, and finally came to the entrance of the cave in a hidden position.

Looking in from the entrance of the cave, the inside is completely dark, but the things inside can be seen clearly unexpectedly.

"Hey, there is such a place in Fuyuki, I never knew it."

Lixiang looked at the cave in surprise. She had traveled all over Fuyumu Town, but she had never heard of such a place.Suddenly seeing the entrance of the cave appear in front of him, Li Xiang almost wondered if he came here.

"This is a place that is half natural and half artificial. It is a studio developed by magicians over the years. This is a magician's workshop. Naturally, it cannot be placed in the eyes of ordinary people. The owner of the workshop has arranged magic and enchantments here. Ordinary people will subconsciously ignore this place. Even if they accidentally enter the workshop, they will be killed by the traps in the workshop. For some unknown reason, the magic at the entrance of the workshop is gone. Be careful, next we have to deal with all kinds of things arranged in the workshop. kind of agency."

An orthodox-educated magician, Olga Marie may be unremarkable in other aspects, but she is impeccable in her knowledge of magic.

"Don't worry about that. The traps in the studio have already been cleared, but there is a believer inside. No, it's more like a guard."

"I don't even remember what kind of guard I was. My job was just to issue an order to evict guests who came in."

A black figure appeared in everyone's field of vision, holding a longbow in his hand, exuding a different aura from ordinary people. He was obviously a Servant, but he looked different from other Servants.

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