"Sorry, something went wrong."

What happened in the dream world was too complicated for Magician S to explain it clearly.

"Then I have something to say about the tactics of defeating Hercules. I hope everyone can listen carefully."

Dedicating Yuri Ellie to the Ark of the Covenant is too appalling, it is equivalent to killing one's own companions in exchange for strength.Except for a few people who could listen calmly, impulsive people like Lixiang almost objected when Magician S said it.If the magician S hadn't said that Yuri Allie would stay in his body, he might have been beaten unconscious and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

In addition to the power of the Ark of the Covenant, Magician S also proposed combat tactics, which were drawn up after the half-joking and half-serious discussions between Yuri Allie and Steno last night.

It's rough, but not impossible.

"Is this really going to work?"

"No problem. The only thing that can defeat Hercules is the Ark of the Covenant. The power of the Ark of the Covenant can only be activated through contact. This tactic is undoubtedly the most reasonable."

"The problem is with the executor of the tactics."

David took out his own treasure—the Ark of the Covenant, and handed it to Magician S: "Are you really okay?"

"Of course. Don't worry, the partners who fight with me will definitely protect me."

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone.

Coo coo coo coo coo!

Well, that's it, you don't need to wait any longer, there will be no update today.I'm really sorry, this request for leave seems a little late.In this kind of reunion festival, family members are really more important, and I wish you all a wonderful day with your family.

September [-], [-]

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What? Haven't found the Master of Chaldea yet?"

Since the Golden Deer left, the Argo has been drifting at sea for several days, but the Golden Deer is still nowhere to be found.

This made Jason very angry.Seeing that the final victory is about to be held in their hands, but there is no sign of it, anyone will feel impatient.In particular, Jason is not a calm type, which may be related to his current age.

The age of the Servant when it is summoned is closely related to its ability, and its personality will also be affected. Even if it has the same memory, different personalities will often cause the Servant to make different choices.

"This is the result of letting the Golden Hart go. When you have the advantage, you will get carried away, and getting carried away will often let the opportunity slip away."

The girl Medea said helplessly.She is well aware of Jason's character. This person always has too ideal ideas, but because of his personality flaws, he keeps making mistakes, which makes the plan go astray.

"But it doesn't matter. This sea area has already been closed. If it doesn't work, they will search the islands one by one. They can't escape. Hercules has already been killed by the holy sword Excalibur once, and there is no one on that ship that can threaten him." It's his Servant."

"That's right. In that ship, King Arthur is the most aggressive Servant. If even King Arthur can't kill Hercules, then there is no one to fear."

It was Hector who answered him.This seemingly incomprehensible uncle who is actually very strong has fought against Artoria twice. He knows the power of the holy sword very well, but he also found out about Artoria's details.

Even so, Hector would not underestimate Artoria.

"As long as Hercules is still there, we have no reason to lose. When I capture Euryale and snatch the Ark of the Covenant, the Utopia will be established. That's it, Medea."

"That's right. The Ark of the Covenant and God are the foundations of building a nation. Only by obtaining them all can you build a kingdom that belongs to you."

"You are my wife, and all my hopes are pinned on you, Medea. I apologize for what happened before, please rest assured, as long as my country is established, you will be my only queen."

Jason's face showed fear, and he remembered what happened before his death.Because he liked the new and hated the old and married a foreign princess, the jealous Medea not only killed the princess and the king, but also killed Jason's two children.

This pure and lovely girl in front of her can hide a vicious heart.

"Here again, I don't know what you're talking about." Medea sighed helplessly again, "I didn't know you at all, and I was never married to anyone. Not long ago, I was studying magic in the temple, and How could she be your wife?"

For some reason, Medea didn't admit that she was Jason's wife, as if she didn't have this memory.Although she was a young girl when she was summoned, the Servant's memory should not be lacking.

"Jason, that location!" Hector suddenly stared at an inconspicuous small island, "On that island just now, I seemed to see the shadow of a pirate."

The Argo began to dock, and everyone was on guard in case they were attacked.

Their preparations made sense, for the attack came as the Argo stopped.


It's a Hebrew word that means "five".

Shot out of the woods with colored stones, aimed at fragile Jason.However, the huge Hercules stood in front of Jason, and he didn't even make a block movement. He let the stone hit him, and the stone only sparked some sparks on Hercules' thick muscles.

"This is David's treasure, it seems that we have found the right place." Jason suddenly became excited, David's trace made him unable to control himself, "Medea, let Hercules go and make a big fuss Bar."

"I see. Hercules, go ahead and kill all the people on this island, except Yuri Ellie."

Except for Yuri Allie, there is no need for others to stay.Even David is the same, as long as David dies, the Ark of the Covenant will stay, instead of leaving the singularity with David.

Here are the details that the magician told Medea.

With a roar, Hercules jumped from the Argonaut, and headed straight for the forest.

The stone was shot from that direction, the David was there, and he knew very well that he was no match for Hercules, so there must be other Servants there.

Jason and the others did not intend to leave the Argo.Since David dared to provoke Hercules, it meant that they had other preparations. For example, their real goal was the other people on board.

The target of the attack just now was very clear.


It means "four".

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