Well, whether it is father and daughter or mother and daughter, or whether it is father and son or mother and son, this literal gender seems to have no meaning to them.In the legend, they are all men, but in fact they are all real women. This kind of confusion between rumors and reality can't be sorted out even by the parties, because both Artoria and Mordred are used to men's behavior. identity.

"I said, what are you two talking about?"

Sensing that Lixiang and Mash were speculating about the gender and relationship between her and Artoria, Mordred stared at him unhappily, but couldn't turn his eyes away when he landed on Mash.

"You are... your shield..." Mordred was attracted by Matthew's face, no, it should be attracted by something deeper, and then saw the shield in Matthew's hand. What a surprising result to see.

"It turns out that you are—"

When Mordred was about to speak, her mouth was already covered by Artoria's left hand.But Artoria didn't stop there. Vibrant magic power burst out from her body, and she used a huge amount of magic power to release it. She clenched her slender right hand and punched Mordred in the stomach.

Lixiang and the others could see that Mordred's eyes were about to fall out, and then his body flew upside down like a cannonball, smashing a shop behind him into ruins.

Are you really your biological mother and daughter?

PS: Sorry for the late update.

Singles' Day is here, everyone should be cautious when shopping.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Black Saber has appeared, so Black Joan must also be in this singularity."

"Well, before Black Saber left, Black Joan also appeared. Although I don't know why Black Saber left suddenly, it must not be a good thing. But Black Joan and Black Saber are both there, so Joan must be in a very difficult situation now. Safety."

Both Black Saber and Black Joan of Arc appeared, which means that Joan of Arc has not encountered any of them. If it is just an ordinary Servant, even if Joan of Arc cannot defeat the enemy, it is not difficult to get out of the body.

Artoria was covered in dust and dust, and although she no longer had the embarrassment of fighting, her messy appearance could still make people see the battles she had experienced.

Lixiang is also an "old man" who has experienced four singularities. Although he is protected by many Servants, he can be regarded as experienced.

"Please don't worry about this. I saw Miss Joan of Arc when I came here. She...should be fine."

David didn't tell everyone about Joan's difficult opponent. Anyway, he also saw the magician S rushing over with Justesa.Lixiang can't determine the location of Joan of Arc now, but she can feel the connection between herself and Joan of Arc, which means that Joan of Arc is still alive.

"Mordred is what I met when I was fighting Black Saber..."

Arturia glanced at Mordred. She was still lying in the ruins and hadn't gotten up. It seemed that she was really unconscious this time.But this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Mordred's body is very strong in the artificial human made with the bodies of Arturia and Morgan. An attack of this level will not kill her, otherwise it will have broken down into spirit particles. Back to the Hall of Valor.

——Do you want to make up the knife when she can't resist?

Artoria's heart was about to stir.

"Is this really okay?" Matthew secretly glanced at Mordred who was in a coma, and then asked Artoria in a low voice, "After all, she is Mordred..."

Mordred, King Arthur's lifelong enemy and son of King Arthur.Not only disintegrated Britain in the prosperous period, but also killed his father, King Arthur.Now that Mordred and Artoria are together, let's not talk about how weird it is to have the same face. It is already unimaginable that they can walk together just because of their relationship.

Arturia also showed a very tangled expression on her face, obviously also worried about how to deal with her relationship with Mordred.

However, she didn't choose to kill her relatives right away, but was able to resist her anger rationally, which was an incredible thing in the first place.

Throughout the ages, there have been many blood relatives who have killed each other for power.Power is as intoxicating as money, and after enjoying their pleasure, no one can resist their charm.

Perhaps this is Gao Jie of the King of Knights.Power is not something that cannot be given up, and Artoria has more noble ideals.

"Times have changed, Lixiang. The Britain that belonged to me has long since ceased to exist. I don't need to be troubled by the past until now. Although Mordred is the murderer who destroyed Britain, the reasons for the destruction of Britain are not the same. Only this one, it is unfair to completely blame Mordred for this crime. And this is the time when help is needed, Mordred usually looks sloppy, but he is very reliable when it matters.”

"Hahahaha, is the father praising me? I heard it, and I wrote it all down. Even if I go back to the Hall of Valor, I will never forget it."

Hearty laughter was exchanged from the ruins, and Mordred got up from the ground triumphantly.

In the end, the brat was still pretending to be dizzy, and he woke up when he shouldn't have made a sound, completely ignorant of the atmosphere.

Modraid held his fist, and the steel gloves made a banging sound on the armor on the chest, and then said proudly: "The battle of fighting is given to me. By the way, you are the father of the father. Master. I am very capable, back then I single-handedly won over half of the lords in Britain to rebel, and I almost succeeded."


Is this brat's brain not working well?

Looking at Arturia who was about to draw her sword and slash, I couldn't believe what the daily life of the Knights of the Round Table was like.

"Huh? Jeanne is here."

Lixiang discovered that Joan of Arc was approaching through the command spell, but after she said what she said, the few people waited for a long time before seeing Joan of Arc appearing slowly.

It seems that Joan of Arc has also experienced a battle, and the clothes and armor on her body are stained with blood. Fortunately, Joan of Arc does not show any signs of injury in her movements.Although the breathing is disordered, everyone thinks that this is the effect of the battle.

But Jeanne's appearance was really strange, she couldn't see Lixiang and the others even though she was right in front of her eyes, and even ignored Lixiang's voice.

Arturia walked over and grabbed Joan's arm to wake her up.

"Jeanne, are you alright?"

"Who... Artoria..."

Seeing Arturia, Joan also realized that everyone was here.

"Lixiang and Matthew are both here..."

When she saw these two girls, Joan's expression became very complicated, and her hesitant expression made people very concerned.

"Huh? Why is Mr. David here? Aren't you staying in Chaldea?"

"Because both Mona Lisa and the director said that this singularity is very dangerous, I was really worried about Master's safety, so I secretly followed."

"Nonsense, obviously you came here because you were restless." Li Xiang glared at him fiercely, but now she was in no mood to settle accounts after autumn. "Jeanne, you are not injured, are you? Whose blood is on your body?"

"Blood... This is my blood, but the injury has been healed."

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