"No need, I'll be back soon. Before dawn, whether I find Magician S or not, I'll be back here."

Artoria felt that what David said was very reasonable, but she thought that the Servant's actions should be allowed by the Master.But she is not a stubborn person. Since David is already prepared, it is okay to cover David. After all, he is not like that kind of person who has no sense of proportion.


Chaldea's computer demon "Laplace" can record what happened in the long river of time, so when history makes mistakes, Laplace will reflect on Chaldeas.In fact, devices similar to Laplace also exist in other associations, such as the "Pseudo-spiritual Calculator Three-pointed Hermes" of the Atlas Institute, as long as you enter a question, you can get the answer. Of course, there are also Maybe the answer is deliberately hidden, and higher permissions are required to unlock it.

It is worth mentioning that the "spiritic calculation device Trismegistus" funded by the Atlas Academy to Chaldea is based on the "pseudo-spiritic calculation device - three-pointed Hermes". ".

Of course, there is such a thing in the clock tower.In a certain library in the clock tower, there are also books that record various events in history. Although it is not a secret here, there are very few "historical books" that can enter and read these "historical books".Among them, El-Melloi II, one of the monarchs of the clock tower, is the one who has this authority.

Before entering the singularity, the magician S has obtained the specific situation of the clock tower from El-Melloi II.Although more than [-] years have passed, what changes have taken place in the clock tower during these [-] years.

The longer the system with a long history, the more difficult it is to change. This is the precipitation of history, and you can also call it tradition.

However, the self-contained Atlas Academy and Chaldea, which is full of modern technological features, are different. The recording method of the clock tower is full of "traditional" taste-the clock tower still records everything in the form of books.This also caused the magician S to spend a lot of time looking for the books he wanted.

Magician S certainly didn't want to find a murderer who would incinerate human beings. This kind of thinking is simply wishful thinking. He can complete the incineration of human beings without making a sound. One can imagine the degree of caution of the other party.

What the magician S is looking for is what happened to the clock tower itself, more precisely, he wants to find out the process of the destruction of the clock tower headquarters in London, England in 1888.

Because he was worried about the two children and a woman who had no sense of proportion, magician S completed the search process by himself. Finally, after spending two hours, magician S finally found the book he wanted.

"I finally found it. It's too conspicuous. Are you not nervous about the clock tower's secret? Or is it because you often read it, so you just put it in a convenient place. You are waiting, I will soon ..."

Magician S turned around and asked the three to wait a little longer, only to find that the three were already curled up in a corner and fell asleep.

The virginity was no longer noisy as before, and Justisa was not as clingy as when she was asleep, only Little Jack was always so quiet.

Little Jack curled up in Justesa's arms, and was gently hugged by Justesa with both hands. The two seemed as close as their own mother and daughter.On the other hand, Virgin was lying on her back on the floor and sleeping soundly, without the posture that a lady should have at all, her sleeping posture was as casual as her personality.

"Didn't it mean that Servants don't need to sleep?"

These three people seem to have completely violated Magician S's understanding of Servants.However, the sleep of Servants has the function of saving mana consumption, which is a good thing for both themselves and Master magician S.

Magician S returned his attention to the book, and turned the time, that is, the clock tower record to the back.

"The time is September 1888, 9...Jack the Ripper... Sure enough, Little Jack is Jack the Ripper, a combination of resentment and resentment from an abandoned child, it seems that this is how Little Jack and Justesa got along Reason."

Little Jack is a combination of resentment, and Justesa is the product of the evil in this world. The attributes of the two can almost overlap. It is no wonder that Justesa will admit that she is Little Jack's mother.

In this way, little Jack can be regarded as getting a good home.

"The attack by Jeanne Alter, Artoria Alter, and Erica Brandel... that's true, but they alone can't do it. If they find a way, they might be able to defeat the Clock Tower , but the magicians who wanted to annihilate the Clock Tower have not left any traces of battle, and they do not have the means yet."

Magician S continued to turn the page, but when he turned the time to that page, he could no longer control his trembling hands.

——The magician three thousand years ago...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The immature voice suddenly sounded, and then the magician S felt a heavy blow to his stomach.

"Pfft...cough cough cough, what happened?"

"What are you going to do to me?"

Then the stomach was hit one after another.

In the end what happened?

Magician S looked down, and found that the small silver-white head was clenching his teeth, and he knocked down Magician S's stomach one after another with his small fist that could kill a wyvern with one punch.

Seeing Magician S looking at her suspiciously, Virgin raised her head and responded with resentment.

"What, what's going on?!"

"What are you going to do to me? You lolicon, perverted little girl!"

"Where the hell did you come up with these words? No, why are you here?"

"Here's what I'm asking you, you poached egg lover!"

This is a fresh and refined statement that has never been said before.But I’m sorry, my favorite type of breakfast is big meat buns, and I’m not interested in this kind of flat steel plate that doesn’t feel meaty and still sticks to my hands.

But the magician S wondered why virginity appeared on her body.No wonder there was a kind of horse riding when he was asleep... no, it was the nightmare of being ridden by a horse. Reminiscent of the virgin's bad sleeping position, it was obvious who these young horses were.But I have to admit that the small virgin body is actually very comfortable to hold. No wonder the magician S who was riding a horse in his dream would rather die than let go.

So the question is, why did virginity appear in him?

Magician S turned his head, and immediately turned to the remaining two people here.Little Jack will skip it for now, then rule out all the impossibilities, the only possibility is the truth: the murderer (assist) is you, Justesa!

Before going to sleep, magician S found a space far away to avoid disturbing the sleeping three.Between the magician S and the virgin, there are two people, Little Jack and Justesa.

"How long are you going to hug!"

Accompanied by a coquettish sound, Virgin's head went up, and the top of her head hit Magician S's chin.It felt like his chin was going to be crooked, but thinking that it was the top of his head instead of the forehead that hit his chin, Magician S felt that he should thank the virgin for not killing him.At this time, he let go of the hand holding the virgin, probably because it was too comfortable, even when he was attacking, the magician S didn't let go of his hand.

Magician S stroked his jaw that was about to fall, but luckily he was not seriously injured, as long as he got used to it after a while, he would be fine.

"What time is it? Caster, do you know how long we rested?"

The clock on Magician S seems to be broken, and I don’t know whether it has become faster or slower. Anyway, the time on the clock is far from Magician S’s sense of time.The work of Mona Lisa is still trustworthy, which means that the problem is with the magician S.

They are now in the basement of the British Museum, unable to tell time by light.Then again, the city of London can no longer believe in the sun.

"It's been more than five hours."

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