In the command room, Admiral Ducao couldn't help showing a satisfied smile when he saw this.

The wandering Ruiz can see Li Yi's origin, is Ducao a real god, and why can't he see the shadow of the god that once haunted Li Yi?

Even if the godhead is shattered and fallen, if he can cultivate again, then his godhead and power will even surpass everyone's imagination and become a real super god existence!

The moment he saw Li Yi defeating the solar flare, Ducao had already made an important decision.

"It seems that the strongest commander of the Xiongbing Company no longer needs me to worry about."

Teacher Liu and the others were taken aback when they heard the words, and asked in unison: "General, what is the company of soldiers?"

"It is a military unit specially composed of super fighters to deal with any ultra-conventional cutting-edge war. All students of the Super Seminary will be incorporated into the Xiongbing Company. The Xiongbing Company is not under the command of any organization or individual, and belongs directly to me. And the leader of the country, the level refers to the standard of the highest military unit in the country!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but gasped in unison.

Not to mention other things, the rank alone is quite remarkable by referring to the standards of the highest military unit in the country.

You must know that at present, no army in the country or even in the whole world has really enjoyed this privileged treatment.

To put it simply, in the future, if any ordinary soldier of the Xiongbing Company goes outside, his rank will be higher than that of the commander of an ordinary army. What is the concept?

Even if it is an ordinary soldier, the mayor of Juxia should be polite when he sees him!

"General, although the students of the Super Seminary have made great progress, they have not yet completed all the training subjects. They still need to grow. Now we must rush to incorporate them into the army? I am afraid that these guys are not enough to deal with real wars what!"

Jess said with some concern.

Ducao heard the words, glanced at everyone, and suddenly sighed: "There is no way to do this. As far as I know, that bastard Karthus did another very fucking thing. He made the fallen angel Morgana Teleported to the earth. Morgana is a difficult evil god, her arrival will definitely bring a devastating disaster to the earth!"

"Fallen angel Morgana, could it be that the magic cloud that day..."

Everyone looked ugly.

But Ducao's words were not finished yet.

"Morgana has just arrived, so she may not come out to make trouble so soon. It's a long-term plan, but besides her, we have a bigger problem now!"

"What's the trouble?"

"A demon king that only existed in myths and legends was released, and now it only retains the evil thoughts in its nature, which is extremely destructive. He has appeared in the jungle not far from Juxia City, causing a lot of damage. Huge casualties. This is also the purpose of my coming here today, we need a company of soldiers!"

"A demon king who can't even be subdued by an army? What's the origin?"

Ducao was silent for a while, and said in a heavy tone: "Monkey King!"


The actual combat exercise was over, and everyone boarded the armed helicopter directly and returned to the Super Seminary.

Sitting on the plane, everyone discussed the previous battles, analyzed the pros and cons, and learned from experience. The discussion was very heated.

Lena, Caitlin, Carter, and Rui Mengmeng surrounded Li Yi with admiration, listening to his comments on the performance of the four of them just now.

Now Li Yi has completely convinced the four girls with his own strength, even the coldest Carter and the proudest goddess Lena are absolutely convinced by him now.

"Kaitlin, your performance just now was very good, you handled many details very well, and your mobile shooting skills are becoming more and more proficient. But you should be more calm, a sniper must be able to kill with one hit, don't Easily reveal your position."

Caitlin nodded when she heard the words, and felt that what Luo Fei said was right. Her previous performance was very eye-catching, but for a sniper to let herself fall into the siege of the opponent, this in itself was a huge mistake.

Of course, this can't be all her fault, the main reason is that her teammates are too foolish.

Thinking of this, Kaitlyn cast a contemptuous look at the three fellows in Durban. The three guys, at this time, the topic has unknowingly shifted to island country action movies, and their natures are hard to change.

It seems that it is really difficult to expect them to learn lessons seriously.

"Besides, Carter, you have grasped the timing of entering the battlefield very well, but while killing the enemy, you should pay more attention to protecting yourself, and don't rush in and pursue it easily. When you are attacked by surprise, you are actually very vulnerable. At this time You should find a way to rely on your teammates instead of trying to deal with everything on your own."

Carter nodded grimly upon hearing this.

Li Yi is right. Her ruthless personality made her extremely isolated. Whether it was killing an enemy or encountering danger, she subconsciously only wanted to deal with it by herself, and never thought of relying on her teammates. To put it bluntly, she was right His teammates have no confidence.

This is not a problem of strength, but this kind of character is enough to affect her strength.

"Rui Mengmeng's performance in this battle is remarkable. As a rookie who has just entered the Super God Group, you have done a good job. But there is one thing, don't be too eager to express yourself. Remember that we are a team and we need Co-ordination."

Li Yi's words made Rui Mengmeng's face blush, and she vomited mischievously, expressing that she would learn her lesson.

As for the rest of Lena, to be honest, Li Yi has nothing to say.

Leina's aptitude and understanding, as well as the fact that she is a god, have determined her strength.During this period of time, Lena has improved the most among all of them. If she hadn't met Li Yi, she would definitely be the most powerful existence in the super god group.

She no longer needs Li Yi to point out any shortcomings. As long as she continues to maintain this, her strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds, and she will truly exert the power of a god.

What Li Yi is really worried about is that she will be hit by herself, which will affect her confidence.


That's all for today's seven chapters, and we'll continue tomorrow. ..

041 ​​The same goal

For Lena, Li Yi doesn't want to say anything more. For Lena, this kind of failure is also a kind of spiritual experience. She will come out slowly by herself, and her strength will also have a great improvement by then. .

Everyone was immersed in their own feelings, and it is conceivable that after returning this time, their strength will have a huge improvement.

And Li Yi was not idle at this time.

Although in terms of his combat experience, this kind of confrontation is basically a play, and it can't give him any insights, but in the confrontation with Leina, he also has many unexpected gains.

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