Only at this time did Li Yi realize that the guilds in this world are not like sects, but more precisely, they are like a company where they work, and they don't include food and lodging!

Paralyzed, I am penniless now, where can I rent a house?

Seeing the rare embarrassment on Li Yi's face, Elusa couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled.

"I have known for a long time that the master will not remember such trivial things if he is careless. Dangdangdangdang-see what this is?"

As she spoke, she took out a piece of paper from her hand as if conjuring, on which was printed the magic imprint entrusted by the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Look, Sister Kana gave me this. It's a very simple commission. As long as it is completed, we can get the right to use a villa for three years, and there will be a reward of [-] J!"

"The rent of a villa is hundreds of thousands a year, right? I don't believe it's such a simple task with such a huge reward."

Li Yi curled his lips, but now that he has no money and no place to live, there is nothing he can do about it.

After taking the entrustment letter from Ersha's hand and opening it, Li Yi couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"There are ghosts in this world?"

The content of this entrusted task is: there is a villa courtyard in the western suburbs, which has affected the surrounding residents because of the haunting.The homeowner was forced to have no choice but to spend money to entrust the magic guild.

Compared with the three-year rent-free and one hundred thousand J, the cost of this villa is several million.

If the haunting problem can be solved, the landlord still earns.

= ..

013 Flute of the Curse

"I don't believe there is any ghost. Most likely there is something like a demon at work. Master, let's go and have a look. By the way, I can experience it."

Erza is full of energy.

Li Yi thought about it, and that's right, although Elusa's magic power is strong enough now, she lacks actual combat experience and cannot display her true strength in battle.

I can't protect her like this forever, otherwise, how can she become a magnificent goblin queen?

"Let's go, then. Go and see where we'll be living for a long time to come."

Li Yi raised the corner of his mouth and said.

The mission destination is not far from the Fairy Tail Guild, about three blocks, just walk around.

This is a very old European-style courtyard, single-family villa, with a low-key shape but connotation.

Behind the solemn gate is a large flower/garden, but it is a pity that because no one lives there all year round, it is full of weeds, and even the paths and passages are covered.

"Master, let's go in and have a look."

Erza greeted and walked directly inside.

Li Yi followed behind, but frowned.

Something was wrong with this place.

Li Yi had seen this kind of grass in Rob's magic handbook before. It was called White Soul Grass. It was shaped like a bone spur, and each plant looked like a human palm.

This courtyard is obviously not like a cemetery, there is no reason to breed so many white soul grass.

The only possibility is that there is an extremely strong undead magic nearby, which caused the invasion.

And the moment Ersha walked into the courtyard, Li Yi released a wisp of knowledgable arrogance.

Knowledge-colored arrogance is also forcibly converted into magic in this world. It is called insight. As the magic level and magic power increase, the scope will expand, and many things can be detected. It is more useful than pure knowledge-colored arrogance.

Li Yi's current insight technique is only C-level, and can only gain insight into the situation within a range of ten feet around his body, and if it is used in battle, it is limited to within a range of three feet around his body.

But that's enough.

With the blessing of the insight technique, the scene in front of Li Yi suddenly changed, and the air was filled with black gossamer, like moths.

If you listen carefully, you can even hear the howling of innocent souls.

As soon as Ersha walked into the courtyard, she was immediately surrounded by those black moths in the air. If she hadn't practiced Dragon Elephant Wisdom, she would be invaded by those black qi right now, and she would be seriously ill one game.

Li Yi approached her calmly, and with a wave of his hand, the black moths were dispersed.

The two walked through the thick weeds, pushed the door and entered, and finally entered the interior of the villa.


The door was pushed open, and a foul smell rushed towards them, and evil magic waves immediately surrounded them.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Crying and howling!

The whole villa turned into a dark ghostland, with undead flying all over the sky, making eardrum-stinging screams.

There are many bones and blood dripping.

Ersha is a girl after all, seeing this scene rashly, her face turned pale with fright, and she threw herself into Li Yi's arms.

Li Yi hugged her and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, it's just an illusion. There should be a seal left by dark magic here, and we accidentally touched it."

"A seal of dark magic?"

"Well, this place is not simple, there must be something powerful sealed."

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