But Li Yi didn't feel sleepy at all, got up and pushed the door out, and then went to the cubicle on the top of the building.

No one lives here, and it was remodeled by Li Yi not long ago to become a room dedicated to cultivation.

The roof is quiet and has a good view. You can see the adjacent streets in the city no matter what happens.

If you use the Eye of True Sight here, you can almost see the entire city.

"Including some survival points I had left before, this time strangling the devil's heart is just enough for [-]."

In the room, Li Yi sat cross-legged, and the body of Unbeaten Heaven manifested, like a golden arhat.

The only [-] survival points were consumed in an instant.

"Congratulations to Bubai Tianluo's advancement, comprehension of super S-level magic, and immortal golden body!"

"Immortal golden body, super S-level magic, immune to all magic attacks below S-level, the effect of negative control status is halved, and the self-healing ability is increased by ten times. After activation, it can completely exempt from a magic attack, and the exemption cooldown time is three days."

Following the sound of the system prompt, the golden light on Li Yi's body gradually restrained, and traces of silver lines appeared on his skin, like magical inscriptions.

His whole body, as if engraved with a mysterious magic circle, became more and more indestructible!

"Very good, Immortal Golden Body, with this super S-level magic, I am truly invincible. Immunity to all magic attacks below S-level, the effect of negative control status is halved, and ten times self-healing can make me I can come and go freely on the battlefield, even if I face tens of thousands of people, I am not afraid, the crowd tactics will completely fail against me!"

"The most powerful thing is this immune attack! With this feature, it is almost equivalent to an extra life. At critical moments, even if the opponent launches super S-level magic, or even SS legendary magic, it can be completely immune."

Li Yi smiled slightly, his expression full of confidence.

Now his strength is already terrifying, and the trial of the top ten magic guides should be sure.

As long as he passes this trial, he will truly become famous. Not only can he complete the main task to get rewards, but he can also take over Fairy Tail as a matter of course.

At that time, Li Yi had the confidence to straighten his back no matter whether it was his personal strength or the forces under his command.

Whether it is the Magic Council or the royal family of the kingdom, no one can ride on my head.

At that time, as long as he wants, he can even directly take the entire country into his pocket!

= ..

135 Who dares to touch her is my enemy

"By the way, it seems that I got another talent point this time. This thing is a real good thing. Let's add a little more magic power talent."

Li Yi now realized the benefits of talent.

Especially the magic power talent, once activated, the power of the next attack will double, which is really against the sky.

Once this magic power effect is triggered, combined with his lore, even a master who is much stronger than Li Yi, he can kill in one hit!

"The talent is successfully added, and the trigger rate of the magic power talent is increased to 10%."

"10% is still too low. On average, it takes 10 times to activate once. It is too uncontrollable. It seems that I will pay more attention to this kind of task that can get talent points. It’s really powerful when it’s raised to 100%!”

Li Yi flirts a little greedily.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, Li Yi felt a killing intent approaching rapidly.

Under the inspection of the Eye of True Sight, he saw three men in black coming from the night, crossing the street, and quickly approaching the villa.

These people are agile, quick to move, and have a clear goal. They are extremely elite killers at first glance.

And it's a top-level killer.

"Is there such a profession as a killer in this world? I just don't know how good it is."

Li Yi raised his brows, these killers were obviously coming for the villa, no matter which one of the villas they were targeting, but this is Lao Tzu's territory!

If you dare to be presumptuous here, there is only one end.


With a whoosh, Li Yi stepped forward, stepping on the void, and his figure disappeared into the night instantly.

In the darkness, the three killers clung to the base of the wall, quickly climbed over the wall with their hands and feet, and quickly approached the villa.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"There is nothing wrong. Although she has remained anonymous, we have not been able to find her all these years. But recently, the prophet in the Grandmaster has sensed her aura in the Kingdom of Fiore through the Saintess Stone. Our spies have been tracking her for many days. , and now the target can be determined."

"It turned out that it was locked by the Saintess Stone, so there must be nothing wrong. But as far as I know, under normal circumstances, the Saintess Essence/Qi does not dissipate, and the Saintess Stone cannot sense it. How could it suddenly..."

"This means that the saint is broken!"

"What? It's worth it!"

"Otherwise, why do you think we were sent here? The prophet ordered that the absconded saint must be captured and executed. Now that she is broken, it is more likely that the blood of the clan will flow out."



While speaking, one of the men in black took a step forward and stabbed the long sword into the wall.

The solid stone wall was like a fragile tofu under his sword, with a sizzling, a hole was cut out.

The three of them entered in a single file, without staying in the lobby for a moment, they rushed directly to the room by the window on the second floor!

That's where Miraj lives.

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