With a bang, the dagger fell to the ground.

It was only at this time that Mira came to her senses and shouted, "Go, you are not his opponent!"

"Let's go? It's a big deal for me, and you still want to go?"

A fierce look flashed in Dunn's eyes, and he flew up with a sneer, approaching Elfman.The huge beast king's body of the opponent seems to have no deterrent effect on him.

"If the sacrificial ceremony is forcibly interrupted, Lord Demon King will definitely be very angry. A saint of Satan's evil spirit is not enough to make him extinguish his anger. However, if you add a beast king's soul and a pure human soul, Maybe it's almost there."

"Boy, I'll send the three of you siblings to an underground reunion!"

Amidst the roar, Du En's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already flown behind Elfman, with black claws sticking out like eagle hooks.

"Brother be careful!"

Lisanna yelled, waved her little hand, and a magical light blasted towards Dunn.

She knew that the other party was strong enough to capture Mira, so she was merciless when she made a move, and directly used a super S-rank magic scroll.

"Holy light shines!"

The magic light burst suddenly in mid-air, turning into a piece of white holy light.

This holy light has the power to dispel all darkness and evil, especially for demons, it has a stronger lethality.

Where the white light passed, the demon elders lying on the ground screamed and were burnt to powder by the holy light.

Dunn also snorted, and the black claws seemed to be burning.

At the same time, Elfman turned around and punched out, the ground shook and the whole palace was crumbling.

A big hole was directly blasted out of the ground, and the intense baptism of holy light even scorched the entire hall to black.

"Hey, dead?"

Elfman grinned.

"Don't be complacent, hurry up and save my sister."

Lisanna reminded.

Elfman nodded when he heard the words, turned and walked towards the altar, but just as he turned around, he saw a look of panic on Mira's face: "Get out of here!"


Elfman reacted a bit slower, Lisanna on his back turned her head when she heard the words, only to see a darkness enveloping, a huge black phantom poured into the hall like a tide, instantly time, drowning everything in darkness.

Can't see five fingers.

A shadow appeared in front of my eyes, and there was a bang——

Elfman screamed, and Lisanna, who was on her back, also fell down. In the endless darkness, countless shadows emerged, like evil spirits, constantly gnawing at them.

"Just because you dare to fight with me? In this dark curse of death, sink down!"

Du En's voice came from all directions, and Elfman let out unwilling anger. He attacked frantically in the dark, shaking the ground, shaking the earth, and shattering the earth. Not a hair on him.

From the perspective of Mira outside, nothing happened in the hall, Dunn was standing there, but Elfman and Lisanna seemed to be blind, they couldn't see anything, they just stood there , sinking into the curse of darkness, his expression was extremely painful.

"Don't hurt them, I can cooperate with you. As long as you let them go, I am willing to die!"

Mira shouted with red eyes.

It's a pity that the other party is indifferent.

"At this point, it's too late to say anything. Whether you want to or not, you will die, and so will they."

Dunn smiled cruelly.

There was despair in Mira's eyes. She struggled angrily, but unfortunately she couldn't break free from the magic chain. Seeing that her younger brother and sister were about to die before her eyes, he couldn't do anything.

"You devil..."

"I was originally a devil, and so were you, weren't I? A devil should do what a devil should do, instead of having so much indecision like a human being. So did your parents, so they died."

Dunn sneered again and again.

"You will be punished."

"Really? What is retribution, I haven't seen it yet. If you know, please let me see that retribution..."

Du En said triumphantly, he liked the feeling of being a winner very much, and he found it very interesting to see the expression of the enemy hating him but helpless.

But he didn't know that retribution would really come, just sooner or later.


================================================ ..

197 Squeeze Your Demon Clan!

boom -

A sudden explosion made the entire Demon God Palace tremble!

The walls of the main hall were suddenly smashed into pieces like pieces of paper, and the broken stones disintegrated and shot out, making Du En feel pain all over his body, and as the terrifying air wave was released, a tyrannical aura enveloped the audience .

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