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213 It's a Big Sin

It was also a coincidence that they had just retreated here when they heard the group of guardian mercenaries discussing how to deal with Li Yi. Naturally, they couldn't sit idly by and attack directly to entangle Hai Geyin and the others.

These five people now have extremely strong power, and each of them has devoured the magic power of at least dozens of companions, far more powerful than ordinary super S-rank mages.

Naz and Gray teamed up to deal with one, but they were completely suppressed and fell into a disadvantage.

The opponent only dispatched four people to suppress Ersha and the others.

"These miscellaneous fish, the four of you stay here to deal with them. I'll kill Li Yi and get the Sirius Jade."

While speaking, Brother Hai turned into a ray of magic light because of his stature, soaring straight into the sky.

At this time, Li Yi had already fled away from the small island, and flew directly towards the depths of the sea.

He didn't dare to fly towards the city, because he was followed by a powerful black dragon, and this guy's casual breath could kill thousands of civilians.

Li Yi is not a savior, but he doesn't want to make life miserable because of himself, that would be a great sin.

So he could only run towards the sea. On the vast sea, no matter how powerful the Black Dragon King is, he would not hurt innocent people. Moreover, the sea was so vast that it was impossible. Li Yi could escape into the sea for a while and get a buffer.

Every step gave birth to lotus, and the aurora flashed. Li Yi alternately displayed various movements, and finally even used Lingbo Weibu, which was specially used to escape for his life.

After the Lingbo microsteps are converted into magic, the speed is extremely fast, and it is far better than ordinary flying magic.

It's just that the only downside is that you can't cast magic on the move.

In order to improve Lucy's combat power, Li Yi taught her this magic and practiced it himself.

It's just that this kind of passive escape is rarely encountered, so I have never had a chance to use it.

Now that it is used, the speed is really extremely fast, with a flash of figure, it has already traveled hundreds of feet in the air!

However, the speed of the Black Dragon King Aku Norollia was even faster.

The magic wings spread out and soared into the sky, shortening the distance by hundreds of feet in an instant.

"Boy, you can't escape my palm! The black dragon's claws!"

Seeing that Akunorollia was getting tighter and tighter, and the huge black dragon claws smashed into the sky, the space Li Yi was in was directly torn into pieces.

A terrifying claw shadow hit the sky, directly blocking his way.

In this case, if Li Yi continues to run forward, he will directly bump into this sharp claw shadow, and even if he does not die, he will peel off his skin!

"Damn, I'm just too lazy to work hard with you, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Li Yi gritted his teeth cruelly.

Nima is a very strong man, isn't he amazing?I am still a god, now you are injured and still so rampant, you need to know that a hairless phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, so fuck it!

"The five-fold transformation of the devil's fetus, the body of Asura, three heads and six arms!"

With a roar, Li Yi's figure suddenly stopped, turning into a three-headed and six-armed troll image, his figure soared, and he was actually on par with the huge body of the Black Dragon King.

Two huge monsters confronted each other on the sea, Li Yi stretched out all six arms, and the origin of the five elements was activated.

"The sacred dragon roars!"

The three heads released three beams of dragon's breath with completely different attributes at the same time.


boom -

Three beams of light intersected and bombarded the Black Dragon King. With a bang, the huge body of the Black Dragon King shook slightly and stopped.

"What kind of monster are you, a demon?"

Akunorollia looked at Li Yi with a bit of sarcasm: "You run, why don't you run away? Or, do you think you can compete with me if you become like this?"

"Holy Dragon Claw!"

Li Yi was too lazy to argue with him, his answer was to attack!

The five arms stimulated the origin of the five elements at the same time, and the five sacred claws bombarded down at the same time.

Five claw shadows bombarded the Black Dragon King one after another, forcefully knocking him back tens of feet, a piece of black dragon scale was shattered, and dark red dragon blood dripped onto the surface of the sea.

Just one drop, it actually dyed the sea red!

Countless fish and shrimp in the sea exploded into a blood mist because they couldn't bear the power of the dragon's blood escaping.

"You actually hurt me?"

Akunorollia was slightly surprised at first, and then, the scarlet eyes were filled with anger!

For so many years, except for a limited number of people, no one has ever been able to hurt him!

Even if it's just a piece of scale, a drop of dragon's blood.

"Boy, I really underestimated you. You actually have the ability to hurt me. If that's the case, you are qualified to die at my hands."

The aura on Akunorollia's body suddenly became gloomy, and the more intense dragon power and killing intent enveloped the four directions of the sea!

The sea water was boiling, and countless creatures in the sea fled in panic.

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