"These fluorescent light spots are all enchantment cages hidden in the void nodes, used to imprison and suppress innocent souls separately! We are now trapped in it!"

Li Yi turned his head and glanced at Mebis, but he didn't mean to blame him. After all, except for some individuals with strong divine sense like him, most people would not be able to detect the danger of these fluorescent lights at all.

Although Mebis is a legendary powerhouse, she has no magic power now, and she is already the same as an ordinary person. Besides, she has not entered the city of excessive death, so it is normal not to know.

"There are at least tens of thousands of these fluorescent cages in this city of vain death, each suppressing the souls of the dead and strong. We are only in one of them now."

"Fortunately, we are lucky. The power of the repressed souls suppressed in this fluorescent barrier is not too strong. At most, they are only at the level of S-level wizards. They will not cause us too much trouble."

Li Yi briefly analyzed the current situation. After hearing the words, everyone calmed down. They mobilized their magic powers and used their supernatural powers to kill all the evil spirits who attacked!

In front of the powerful super S-rank mage, a few ordinary innocent souls naturally couldn't make any big waves, and they were all wiped out soon.

However, the ghosts in this dead city are different from the evil ghosts outside. After being killed and wiped out, some of the remaining power will be condensed together by the power of the netherworld, turning into a special soul of the dead, which is very powerful for magic guides. The practice of a scholar is of great benefit, and the effect is better than Mingjin.

Trafsa and the others collected the souls of the undead on the ground one after another, all of them beaming with joy.

Although this dead city is dangerous, it can also be said to be full of gold. As long as enough innocent souls are killed and the souls of the undead are extracted, their strength will be greatly improved, and they are expected to break through the half-step legend in this life.

This huge harvest made them temporarily forget about dealing with Li Yi, and each of them only thought about how to get to the next fluorescent enchantment, continue to kill innocent souls, and harvest the souls of the undead.

The three of Li Yi did not collect these undead souls, because they all had the original power in Li Yi's five-element enchantment to maintain their cultivation. No matter how good the undead souls were, they could not compare to the original power of the five elements.

"These fluorescent cages are actually more like an alchemy furnace. These imprisoned and suppressed dead souls will gradually be refined by the power of the netherworld as time goes by, and transformed into this kind of dead soul soul, which is equivalent to a kind of soul unique to the netherworld. Super magic crystal. Great for human mages, just as effective for ghosts and gods, or even better."

Hearing this, Mebis couldn't help frowning, and said in surprise: "If it's really like what you said, wouldn't it mean that this dead city is a medicine garden and pill furnace controlled by a transcendent? We rushed into it rashly. If you enter, you will definitely be hit by his destruction."

"Whether it is true or not, I don't know yet. But with so many fluorescent barriers, it is really not easy to find the soul body of the END."

Li Yi turned his head, glanced at Naz, and said, "Is there any way for you to quickly sense the location of the END? If we search one by one like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to find it in the next life. And what if there is really something transcendent here?" It is too dangerous to exist and stay for too long."

Naz hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and said, "I'm not sure if it will be useful. Maybe I can try to determine his approximate location, but it may not be accurate."

"It's okay, it's much easier to have a general direction."

Li Yi nodded. Under his signal, Naz dripped a drop of blood and activated the magic power, which seemed to be inductive with some aura in the dark.

After a while, he opened his eyes, pointed ahead and said, "I can feel it, but it's still far, far away, it should be in this direction!"

"This direction?"

Li Yiwen said that his eyes penetrated the fluorescent enchantment, shuttled among the vast light spots like a sea of ​​stars, and finally seemed to see a terrifying dark abyss, which was filled with tides that flowed against the sky, and there was an irresistible force shrouded in it. Standing, rejecting the visitation of all forces.

== ..

315 Ghost King Threat

Although he couldn't see it, Li Yi could feel that in the depths of the unknown darkness, there was an unspeakable horror.

And at this moment, Trafsa, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, with a bit of fear and trepidation in his expression.

"That direction is the center of the dead city, the legendary birthplace of the water of the underworld and the sea of ​​bitterness, the source of darkness, the devil's transformation pool and the dark magic abyss. It is the center of the eighteenth floor of hell, full of unbearable With the power of imagination, the souls of super S-rank wizards and above are all imprisoned there, including the legendary legendary remnant souls!"

"Oh? Only super S-rank souls are imprisoned there? Natsu, END died and fell asleep at the beginning, and its strength should be very weak. How could it be imprisoned in such a place?"

Naz didn't speak, but Trafza explained: "This kind of thing can't be generalized. If the soul power is strong enough, even if you don't have a cultivation base, you will still be detained in the core area."

Hearing this, Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you know a lot about the city of death. Since the souls of super-S-level mages and above are all imprisoned there, your companion must be there too, just right , when the time comes to rescue together, the transaction between us will be completed."


Traf agreed indifferently, then glanced at the barriers covered with sealing spells and said, "But our question now is, how do we get out of this fluorescent cage?"

"This cage can only trap the soul of an S-rank mage at most. It's not easy for us to get out, just blow it up."

Li Yi smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and punched, the fluorescent enchantment in front of him was shattered like glass in an instant, and disappeared into the city of death in vain.

The figures of the people reappeared on the empty street, but this time, everyone knew the existence of those fluorescent enchantments, so they tried to avoid them as much as possible during the march, unless they encountered places that could not be avoided, they would use magic power to sweep them away. , forcibly broken.

In this way, everyone followed the direction of Naz's induction and went all the way. After breaking dozens of fluorescent cages, they finally approached the so-called core area.

However, as they went deeper, the fluorescent barriers in front of them also became stronger and stronger, and the unjust souls imprisoned inside became more and more fierce, and there were even some monsters not weaker than super S-rank magicians. Powerful ghost king!

These ghost kings used to be relatively weak souls, so they were not imprisoned in the core area.

But as time goes by, ghosts will also devour each other to grow themselves, so these powerful ghost kings appear.

In the previous fluorescent enchantment, everyone was attacked by three powerful ghost kings, and they were almost injured. The only two remaining Super S-rank mages under Trafza lost one of them again.

"Damn it, if we go deeper, the ghosts we meet will become stronger and stronger. God knows how many ghost kings there will be! Maybe we'll die before we go deep into the center!"

Trafza couldn't help cursing. After entering the city of death, two of the three super S-class mages under him had died. They were all loyal masters who were cultivated by him secretly and completely loyal to him!

If it wasn't for bringing Li Yi into the designed place according to the plan, Trafsa would have quit now.

But he thought about it again, the matter has reached this point, no one would be reconciled to quitting halfway, and he himself is not sure that he can kill Li Yi now and release END, so he can only follow the plan and wait for Jeff to make a move. This is the only way to win.

Therefore, apart from complaining a few words, he didn't really intend to quit, and he still followed Li Yi and others firmly, and continued to move forward.

"Hmph, it seems that Trafza's patience is better than I imagined. I deliberately refused to help twice, causing him to lose two men. I thought it would force him to jump over the wall, but I didn't expect him to be so patient! It seems that Jeref must have set up a huge trap for me in the final core area, so I really need to be more careful."

From the corner of Li Yi's eyes, he could see all the most subtle changes in Trafsa's face, but on the surface, he also remained calm and continued to rush towards the next fluorescent barrier.

Here is the last cage outside the core area, and it is also the only way to break through. If you bypass this node, you will only continue to wander in the city of death and get lost in the endless fluorescent star sea.

This last fluorescent barrier outside the core area is larger than any one encountered before, and the number and power of the unjust souls inside are also unprecedentedly powerful.

Li Yi and the others had already made psychological preparations for this point. After all, this is the place closest to the core area. The soul of a mage who can be imprisoned here would have at least super S-level strength.

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