Li Yi didn't explain the misunderstanding, nor did he answer directly, but asked curiously: "Are you afraid of the Happy School?"

"I'm afraid, there are some forces in the Jianghu who are not afraid of the Xiaoyao faction!" the wooden idiot said with certainty. ..

088 Please be more professional

Is the Xiaoyao faction that strong?

Li Yi recalled it carefully, and found that although the Xiaoyao Sect is legendary, the sect has a small number of people, and Wu Yazi's disciples are not counted. It seems that the Xiaoyao Sect only has one master, Xiaoyaozi, and three apprentices Including Li Qiushui's younger sister Li Canghai, there are only five people, why are they so feared?

"I didn't expect the Xiaoyao Sect to be so powerful. If I really had such a backing, it would be much easier to travel around the rivers and lakes, but unfortunately, I am indeed not a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect." After Li Yi sighed, he said to the fool with a serious look.

A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the wooden idiot. He has reached such a point. He is a person who is about to die, but the other party still refuses to admit his identity. Could it be that even a dead person is not at ease?

Anger was churning in his heart, and the wooden idiot simply stopped talking nonsense with Li Yi. After a few quick breaths, his breath quickly became indistinct, obviously he had reached the last step.

Li Yi shrugged speechlessly. The picture in front of him seemed to have made the wooden idiot mad. said:

"After all, Lao Lan and I were hostile to you. I know that it is impossible for you to help senior brother Lan deal with Fang Boqing, but I sincerely hope that you can believe me and get out of here quickly. Fang Boqing will come back to deal with you soon. It is absolutely impossible for Lao Lan, who was injured by the God of the Underworld, to take out Fang Boqing's palm!"

After the wooden idiot finished speaking, he finally swallowed his last breath, and when he died, he secretly despised Li Yi. He never thought that this generation of Xiaoyao faction walking would be such a timid person that he dared not admit to a dead person His own identity, does he think that if he does not recognize others, he will not be able to recognize his identity?You know, among the group of geniuses who were abused by Wu Yazi back then, he was also a dumb idiot. How could such a profound move be forgotten?

Li Yi didn't know that the wooden idiot still had a lot of resentment towards him until his death, but after a moment of silence on the spot, he suddenly said, "Why don't you make a move?"

Li Yi asked inexplicably, but a voice replied: "Since you have discovered it, it doesn't make sense to sneak attack or not, so why should I do such useless work?"

As the grass swayed slightly, Brother Fang walked out slowly with his tattered body.

Li Yi looked back at Senior Brother Fang, shook his head slightly and said, "You have reached your limit, and you still have the power to fight now. If you delay for a while, you won't even be able to catch my knife."

Brother Fang was silent when he heard the words. After a while, he forced a strange grin and said in a hoarse voice: "It's useless, even if I am in my prime, I still can't catch your knife!"

After saying that, Senior Brother Fang still looked at Li Yi with that complicated look, and the changing expressions in his eyes showed that he was full of entanglements at the moment.

After the two held each other quietly for half a minute, Senior Brother Fang finally fell to the ground slowly. At the same time, a large amount of black blood began to emerge from the wound, and streams of dark purple blood also flowed out of his mouth.

"Ahem, what a pity, if I could meet you sooner, maybe my future will be very brilliant. As long as I get your skills, the shortcomings of the immortal skills may be able to be supplemented. At that time, the realm of transformation will not be far away for me. .”

Brother Fang was coughing up blood while muttering to himself, looking at the sky blankly, not caring about Li Yi's reaction at all, just talking to himself.

"Those two idiots are so ridiculous, they actually think you are a member of the Xiaoyao sect. Although the tricks you use are very similar to the Beiming magic skills, can't they see that the internal strength of the two of us is closer, you are obviously my immortal The people who teach are right, and even the successors secretly cultivated by the leader, am I right?"

Li Yi's mouth twitched when he heard this, Nima, are you all sick?Leaving aside the question of whether the exercises are similar or not, even if they really practice the same exercises, should they be from that sect?Can't it be that the martial arts mind is leaked, or lost or something, and then learned by others?

This group of people is simply sick. Their own strength is not strong enough, and their eyes are not vicious enough, so they know how to misidentify people there. Please be more professional, isn’t it that you can recognize the identity of the enemy with a single shot? When it comes to me, everyone will admit their mistakes?Is it because I'm not famous enough?

Li Yi didn't bother to talk to Senior Brother Fang, who was dying. He wasted a lot of time here. If he didn't leave, he might be completely surrounded here.

There was a low whistle in his mouth, and soon a sneaky head got out of the grass, and after seeing Li Yi's gesture, he quickly got out of the grass and came to Li Yi's side.

This person is Feng Xinglie who has been secretly arranged by Li Yi, and it is precisely because of Feng Xinglie that Li Yi will use Heavenly Demon Bliss unscrupulously. Even if he encounters a situation like Senior Brother Lan, as long as Senior Brother Lan dares to continue to attack If he didn't evacuate immediately, then Feng Xinglie, who was hiding on the side, would attack. With Li Yi's suction power, he believed that he could easily kill the opponent.

After all, with the strong and sometimes weak suction force of Heavenly Demon Bliss, it is difficult for the enemy to maintain his balance. In this situation, if Feng Xinglie can't kill the enemy, then Li Yi has to think about whether to kill Feng Xinglie, this idiot first !

"I guessed that the leader would send someone to arrest me, and maybe even do it himself, but I didn't expect that he would send someone like you. Are you not afraid that you will be damaged here? Although your current combat power and strength are not enough. Proportional, but if it’s not for the suppression of skills, I believe it’s not difficult for other first-class masters to take you down, just for a secret book of rubbings, why do this?”

"Is this secret book really that important? As long as you train you well, your future achievements must be higher than those of the leader based on your talent. Why did you send you here? I can't figure it out. Could it be that for a force like the Immortal Cult? In other words, shouldn't the genius who can become a strong person in the transformation environment be more important?" ..

089 Surprised, the broken pages of the golden body of the demon

Just when Li Yi was about to leave with Feng Xinglie, Senior Brother Fang was still talking to himself, but at this time his mind may have been confused, he didn't say anything, and some words were even more ambiguous. It takes a lot of effort to hear what the other person is saying.

However, although he heard some things, Li Yi has no interest in it. No matter what kind of rubbings and cheats, or the Xiaoyao School, or the Immortal Sect, it is meaningless to him. In Li Yi's current situation, What he needs most now is rest and comprehension of the recent battle gains. If he does not digest these things for too long, the consumption will be greatly reduced after a long time. This is a very waste, and it is likely to have a negative impact on future growth. damage.

Therefore, except for the rewards and punishments that can interest Li Yi a little bit, don't think about wasting his time on anything else. Of course, it is a pity that none of the three people have rewards and punishments. None of them are representatives of their respective powers.

However, Senior Brother Fang's next actions still made Li Yi pause for a while.

Senior Brother Fang stretched his hand into his bosom, pulled hard on his chest, and quickly took out a thin book from a pair of interlayers. Senior Brother Fang looked at the book, tears began to appear in his eyes, and said with a sob: "I was an orphan since I was a child. , if the leader hadn’t picked me up and brought me up, I’m afraid I would have starved to death when I was five years old. Be vigilant, thinking that the Immortal Art he gave me has reservations, otherwise how could there be such a flawed magical art."

"However, when I killed the altar master who grew up with me while the leader was out, and snatched the only copy, I finally realized that it turned out that the leader didn't have reservations about me, but the immortal art itself. It’s just broken skills, the reason why the leader can cultivate better than others is because he has a higher talent in martial arts, and at the same time, he is less afraid of suffering and death!”

"Master, Fang Boqing, I'm sorry if I kiss you. I'm sorry for the training and expectations of me. Now Fang Boqing returns the secret book, hoping to alleviate the mistakes Boqing made!"

"I am loyal to the sect. Except for this, I have never done anything wrong to the sect... just because I am not reconciled, I want to become stronger... I want...magic skills..."

After Fang Boqing babbled a few times, he finally spread his hands and died completely.

And Li Yi also happened to come to Fang Boqing at this time, leaning over to pick up the thin book in the opponent's hand, he was not afraid that Fang Boqing would spoil him, not to mention that Fang Boqing was already extremely weak, Li Yi was not afraid even in his heyday.

The reason is just like what Fang Boqing said, Li Yi's kung fu really suppressed Fang Boqing. This can be seen from the first time Li Yi fought against him. Although Li Yi had many advantages at that time, Fang Boqing was after all The old Jianghu who has rich experience in fighting has faced countless sneak attacks. Although there will be a short period of panic, he will still deal with it calmly after a while.

But even in such an old Jianghu, when facing Li Yi's attack, there are still three saber qi that did not stop him. This is not because he reacted slowly, but because he couldn't defend at all. The internal force will tremble violently. After blocking four or five times in a row, the meridians in the body will even feel like they are being torn apart, and the internal force will even stop for a while.

It was this momentary pause that allowed Li Yi's saber energy to successfully break through the defense, and then penetrated it without hindrance, as if there was no strength in his body protection.

Facing such a completely oppressive opponent, if Li Yi is still cautious, then he should stop taking risks, go home and honestly marry a wife and have a baby!

Picking up the book, Fang Boqing didn't respond at all, the vitality of the whole body was completely released, and the dead could not die again.


"Found the broken page of Tianmo Strategy, scanning its corresponding sub-volume...Data read 1%..5%..."

"...100%, data read successfully!"

"Sorry, not enough data to integrate broken pages..."

"The data shows that this fragmented page is one of the five wonders of the Heavenly Demon, the Golden Body of the Heavenly Demon. Because of too many losses before and after, its data cannot be fully displayed. It is recommended that the host not learn it easily!"

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