There will be more later. ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bonis was stopped by a major general holding a long sword, and Hawkeye was restrained by another major general when he suppressed the giant major general. Facing the attacks of the two major generals, although Hawkeye had an overwhelming advantage, But if you want to kill them easily, you need at least a little time.

The battle between Enilo and Huang Yuan spread almost throughout the Water City, because Li Yi and others were in the city, and Enilo did not dare to use the Thunderbolt rashly. Once the Thunderstorm is launched, the entire Water City will be destroyed Disappeared at sea level!

It is precisely because of this that he, who was inseparable from the yellow ape before, was gradually suppressed, and he was gradually defeated by the impenetrable attack of the yellow ape, who had been on the battlefield for a long time!

boom boom boom…

Amidst the shocking loud noises resounding above the city of water, flashes of light from all over the sky carried terrifying power and landed on the building where the mayor's office is located. With the loud noise, the entire municipal building collapsed , in the rising smoke, Enilu drew a flash of lightning and flashed out.

Crocodile is a tall building that appeared hundreds of feet away with an iceberg!

In the collapsing municipal building, Kalifa, who was kicked away by Calakdar, was instantly submerged by the collapsed ruins before she could react!

Seeing that Enilu dodged his attack again, and the yellow ape standing in the air stopped his attack like a storm. After slightly raising his head to the opposite Enilu, his eyes tightened slightly, and then he grinned bloodthirstyly and said : "Crocodile, you scumbag is also here."

"You can chase and beat Enilu, Huang Yuan, your strength has greatly increased again."

Seeing Huang Yuan looking at him, Crocodile put the cigar in his mouth in his hand, and then said lightly: "Look at your posture, do you want to fight two with one?"

"Kill you, it's very simple!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Huang Yuan's eyes, and then he turned his head to look at Ai Nilu who was silently watching him, "And you, Ai Nilu, this water capital is your burial place!"

"Haha, Yellow Ape, you can kill Enilu before you talk about it! As for me, excuse me."

After the words fell, Crocodile took the iceberg and jumped off the roof.

As soon as he jumped up, the figure of the yellow ape came to his head in a flash, and then he kicked Crocodile hard at the speed of light.


Accompanied by the shocking muffled sound, a circle of light waves spread high into the sky.

At the same time, Crocodile flashed past him and headed towards Li Yi's direction.


Seeing Ai Nilu who stopped him at the moment of Qianjun's attack, Huang Yuan tilted his head slightly, then his expression changed, and then he backed out.

Just as his figure burst out, Enilu, who blocked him from attacking Crocodile, appeared behind him with a flash of lightning in the sky, without giving him any chance to react, he held up his fist in Thor posture, and then slammed drop.


There was another muffled sound, and the violent shock wave punched him, causing him to fly backwards.

"It's not that difficult to be armed with domineering color!"

Enilu, who successfully armed his fist, looked at the yellow ape who was blown away by him, raised his fist slightly, and said with a bloodthirsty grin: "I was just warming up with you before, and now the battle has officially begun. Tell me, How do you want to die, yellow ape..."

Because Enilo stopped Huang Yuan, Crocodile came to Li Yi's side smoothly.

When he landed beside Li Yi, he glanced at Zhan Guo and others standing opposite him, and asked Li Yi to fight: "Captain, leave the green pheasant to me!"

Li Yi didn't speak, and neither did Warring States.

The two were in a stalemate like this, neither of them spoke, neither of them launched an attack first, and they were even more deaf to the battle around them.

Seeing that Warring States has been slow to attack Li Yi, the red dog standing beside him couldn't wait.

"Red Dog!"

Sengoku, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made a sound when he found that the killing intent on Akainu was getting stronger and stronger, and then called out in a deep voice: "Aokiji!"

Hearing his voice, Akainu and Aokiji took a step forward almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Zhan Guo raised his big hand high, then swung it down fiercely, "Take it down."

"Don't be idle either."

Before Chiquan and Qingzhi could make a move, Li Yi suddenly flew out with lightning, and then slashed towards the Warring States period.

"ice skates."

Seeing that Li Yi was the first to launch an attack, and even went straight to the Warring States Period, Qingzhi simply called out the ice knife, and then slashed out against Li Yi's Soul Slayer.


Seeing the green pheasant coming out, Li Yi roared, and then frantically urged the power of the dragon and elephant, and even armed the soul-killing knife in an instant!

Right ...

The crisp impact broke the stalemate before.As the crisp sound fell, the ice skate in Qingzhi's hand snapped, and immediately after, a flash of bright saber energy flashed across Qingzhi's left shoulder...


The saber air passed, and a smear of blood rose from Qingzhi's left shoulder.

Seeing that his own body was actually hit, Aokiji couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then dodged out with a terrified expression.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Li Yi sped forward and appeared in the sky above Zhan Guo's head, and the soul-killing knife was pressed down hard.

Seeing that Sengoku was about to be slashed by the Zanhun Dao, Akainu, who was standing on the side and couldn't wait for a long time, rushed out of the sky, blasting against the sky with huge burning fists.


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