Before the referee could speak, the audience yelled after hearing Sak's words: "Send them all, send them all..."

Amid the shouts of the audience, the referee still didn't dare to make a decision, but picked up the phone beside him and dialed it.

After the phone bug was connected, the referee explained all the situation here.

Soon, he put down the phone bug, and then shouted to the guards in front of the lounges: "Open the door and let them all come on stage!"


The iron gate opened, and the remaining ten or so gladiators walked out one after another, and stood opposite Sac amidst the hysterical shouts of the audience.

Li Yi didn't walk out of the lounge right away, but after the iron door opened, he tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand and slowly raised his head.

"One more!"

At this moment, Sac standing on the arena suddenly roared, and as his roar fell, all the gladiators looked sideways at Li Yi who was standing in the lounge and slowly raised his head.

"This man is..."

"Li Yi, it's actually Li Yi, hahahaha..."

"Isn't this the kid who killed five times in a row? It's something to watch now."

"Li Yi, why are you still in a daze, hurry up and perform for us..."

Amidst the shouts of these people, Li Yi took a deep breath, then walked out of the lounge and stepped onto the arena step by step!

...Thank you brothers and sisters who donated, thank you. ..

Chapter 18 The Jungle Eats the Strong

Li Yi's appearance once again pushed the atmosphere of the arena to the highest level.Many people hope to see Li Yi bring miracles in this arena again. For them, Li Yi's appearance is like a fresh food, which can bring them a moment of excitement and fun.This is like a high-class human being or world noble who accidentally finds a treasure that has never been seen on the street, and it will naturally feel fresh for a while.

Amidst the shouts around the auditorium, Li Yi didn't get carried away or arrogant, but came to the farthest position silently and stopped.

"You all listen to me."

As soon as Li Yi stopped, Sak said coldly, "Your enemy today is only me, so use all your breastfeeding strength, otherwise, you will be the first to die."

As soon as the voice fell, Sak took a step back suddenly, and then, he bowed slightly, and the majestic coercion followed!

Feeling the coercion emanating from Sac, the several gladiators standing at the front looked at each other, and then they suddenly roared in tacit understanding, and then rushed towards Sac with a yell.

Seeing the several gladiators rushing towards him, Sac's eyes tightened, and immediately, the two knives came out brazenly.


Turning his body quickly, the two swords swayed fiercely, like a vortex, centered on him, and then, he shot out as fast as lightning and passed the two gladiators in an instant...

After brushing past these two gladiators, Sak's speed did not slow down, and he rushed towards the gladiators who hadn't had time to kill him with the sharp whirlpool knife aura.

Li Yi, who was standing on the far side, did not move, but held the hilt of the sword with one hand and clenched it tightly with the other, and stared at Sak, who was like a wolf in a herd of sheep, without blinking.

Sak is very strong, and his speed is amazing.The two gladiators who passed by him didn't know what happened. After Sac passed between them, they stopped suddenly, and then slowly lowered their hands.

As their hands hung down, two blood mist floated out of them immediately.

At the same time, Sac, who was rushing towards the crowd, rolled up a sharp vortex and rushed forward. Every time he struck with lightning, he swept away like a hurricane, and then the gladiators who passed by him fell down. figure.

In less than a minute, Li Yi and the other two gladiators were alone on the field.

Sac, on the other hand, stood on the bodies of the two gladiators who fell at his feet, his eyes bloodshot, staring at Li Yi and the other two gladiators like a cheetah.

In one minute, ten gladiators fell down. From beginning to end, these fallen gladiators went to hell without even having a chance to scream. This astonishing speed and clean instant kill made Li Yi's hair stand on end.

The auditorium around went completely crazy, and waves of shouts resounded through the arena and spread over the entire holy land of Mary Gioia!

Under the gaze of Sak's cold eyes, the two gladiators standing with Li Yi trembled, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Obviously, Sak's strength directly made them surrender.

Suddenly, the trembling two yelled in unison, then turned and ran away.


Seeing the two who turned around and ran away, Sac grinned a bloodthirsty smile, then bowed down, and the majestic coercion spread again.


A piercing sound came out quietly, followed by Sak who jumped out like a rabbit.After rushing to the mid-air behind the two gladiators in an instant, he turned around [-] degrees, and the two knives in his hands once again rolled up a vortex of saber aura and enveloped the two gladiators away.

Seeing that the two gladiators were about to be buried under his fierce whirlpool knife aura, Li Yi, who had been standing aside and watching the battle, moved.When the vortex sword energy flashed in the air and shrouded the two gladiators, he took a sudden step forward, and exerted force at the same time with the big hand that had been holding the hilt of the sword tightly.


The long sword came out of its sheath in response, and a strange sword aura emanated.

Then, Li Yi's body was like a ghost, and he shot out with lightning...


There was a crisp collision sound, followed by Sac who retreated completely, and the knife in his right hand almost flew out of his hand.After retreating a dozen steps in a row, Sac stopped at the edge of the arena, and then looked at Li Yi who had rescued the two gladiators with a surprised expression.

Li Yi also took a few steps back. If it weren't for the two gladiators standing behind him, he would definitely be shocked by the whirlpool knife and fall off the arena!

Although he didn't fall off the arena, the gladiator fell under the arena under the impact of his retreat.

At the same time, Li Yi, who also retreated to the edge of the arena, slowly put his sword back into its sheath, then bent down and pressed the hilt, and looked at Sak on the edge of the arena in front of him without blinking.

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