"We have suffered a great loss. I will smash them into meat paste." The burly man with serious chest and abdomen injuries said hummingly.

"I will help you, but now the chief has received news that we should assist him in encircling and suppressing a Qin army, what do you think?" asked the man intact.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for him, how could we be like this." The man with the broken arm said angrily, full of anger.

"What's the matter? Could it be that your injury has something to do with the big boss?" the man Who was intact asked.

"It has something to do with the chief's daughter, Princess Roy, and it was because of her that we were ambushed." The burly man said.

"His daughter betrayed our Baiyue?" the Wanhao man frowned and said.


"Is it the order of the chief?" The burly man hesitated.

"Big boss, big boss, does he still have us in his eyes? Maybe he has already gone to Qin Gou." The man with the broken arm said sarcastically, full of disdain for the big boss.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are supported until now because of the big boss. This time, let's send [-] soldiers to help the big boss!" said the man intact.

"just in case……"


In the tent of Baiyue people in Xiou facing Meng Ao, in Song's tent, Song was sitting high above, reading a letter from the Qin army.

"Honorable leader of Baiyue, the envoy from the Great Qin Kingdom greets you. I believe you should have heard of me. My name is Li Yi, the one who captured [-] of your Xiou people. I want to talk to you , can you? You set the time, I set the place."

Looking at the calligraphy like chicken paw prints, written on a piece of rice paper as white as clouds, the corners of Yiyu Song's eyes twitched, what a waste of money!Besides, isn't it embarrassing to show your calligraphy like this?Let me also see that Yiyu Song doubts whether this is a Daqin person with an arrogant personality.

Taking a long breath, Yixu Song's mood was a bit complicated. Obviously, the other party had already made it clear that his clansmen were in the hands of the other party. At the same time, he had also heard Meng Ao mention it, and believed that the other party would not deceive him.

There is also Montenegro, which is one of his greatest helping hands. It seems that he has to go if he doesn't go this time.

Opportunity not to be missed, just in case...

Shen Ling paused for a while, and then Song summoned a Baiyue man to give him orders.


In the dense forest that Li Yi has repaired, the 1 soldiers and horses that Li Yi has rested this time are only a few miles away from Meng Ao's camp, and they can be seen by looking at each other.However, Li Yi did not meet Meng Ao, but stood on the side of Baiyue people with a military flag, forming an angle with Meng Ao.

"Li Yi, why don't you join Meng Ao?" Shao Si Ming asked, blinking his big innocent eyes.

"Ahem, don't tempt me! I'm very pure." Li Yi felt a little uncontrollable, and stabilized for a while before saying: "How should I say it! Well! I want to talk to the chief of Baiyue in private. Talk to Meng It's not appropriate to stay together."

"You want to seek refuge with the Baiyue people." Exuding a dangerous atmosphere, Da Si Ming looked at Li Yi, his hands flushed suddenly.

"Damn! Murder my husband!" Li Yi screamed, his voice was so sad that it was comparable to Dou E, Du Juan crying blood, comparable to...

"Don't play tricks." Da Si Ming had no choice but to accept the fingerprints, and said dumbfoundingly.

"If I want to appease them, I must talk to them, so that I have a chance! Hitting alone will definitely not work." Li Yi said calmly.

"You want to appease Baiyue people?" Shao Siming and Da Si Ming both looked at Li Yi with eyes like idiots.

"Don't believe it?" Li Yi said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, not knowing what kind of calculations he had in his heart.

"I believe you have ghosts." Da Si Ming said, she absolutely did not believe that such a stubborn Bai Yue would agree to appease him.

Shao Si Ming didn't believe it either, but she didn't speak.

"Okay, since that's the case, how about we make a bet?" Li Yi smiled like a fox.

"Gambling? What are you betting on?" Da Si Ming said unconvinced.

= ..

079 Skyline

Riding a tall horse, Li Yi smiled, thinking about the bet with Da Si Ming just now, he felt relieved, "Haha, this has fallen into my trap!"

According to the agreed time, it is evening unitary time, that is, around 5:7 p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m. modern time.

This is a barren mountain without many plants. To be precise, it should not be a mountain, but a small hill.

The other party had been waiting for a long time, and Li Yi got off his horse and stepped forward to meet him.And the soldiers who followed him from afar were lurking on the left and right, waiting for changes later.

Da Siming and Shao Siming were left under the mountain bag by Li Yi.He went up alone, which not only showed his sincerity, but also contained his heart.

This is a rough-faced man, with a hard face, not angry and majestic. A bronze halberd is firmly planted on the rocky ground behind him.

Li Yi's heart trembled when the strong breath of iron and blood came, but with the help of the system, any coercion would be of no use to him.

Yixu Song is also observing Li Yi, in his eyes, this is a rather handsome man.He is somewhat like a Confucian scholar in the Central Plains, but with a sense of pride that Confucian scholars do not have. He is set off by a black iron armor, and he looks tall and straight, a heroic figure.

Song Xinxia praised: "What a Qin general."

"You are the chief of Baiyue?"

"You are General Li of the Qin Army?"

The two shouted almost in unison.

Looking at each other, both of them couldn't help laughing.There is a bit of sympathy in this.

"Boss, let me talk first!" Li Yi said with a hint of refusal, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he wanted to preemptively strike and gain the upper hand.He knew that the person in front of him was definitely not easy to deal with. After all, being able to sit on the head of Baiyue, a multi-tribal alliance, was definitely not easy, and his skills were superb.

"Hehe! The guest is up to you, I'll invite first." Yiyu Song released his aura of being in a high position, with a strong aura of compelling king, with a sense of majesty.This is the oppression of the superiors on the subordinates, not a legend, just like modern small farmers facing intellectuals, like modern white-collar workers facing the president and chairman of the board, just like modern small civil servants facing CPPCC members or leaders.

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