To wipe them out like wind and clouds, speaking, the realm of the two is similar, but in terms of the quality of true energy, Li Yi is better.But in comparison, Gai Nie's swordsmanship is better than Li Yi's swordsmanship.

Gai Nie didn't feel annoyed when he saw that his attack was ineffective. Instead, he slapped Li Yi's Blood Drinking Knife, put the Blood Drinking Knife aside, and then stood up and stabbed directly at Li Yi's heart.

Gai Nie's sword has always been so quick and clear, pointing at the vital point.Li Yi is not weak either, he understands the meaning of the sea.The power of tolerance was astonishing. Li Yi moved his knife back to its original place, and it got entangled with Gai Nie's wooden sword without giving Gai Nie a chance to invade and attack him.

The fight between the two was mostly based on the competition of skills. For a while, the swords and swords intersected, and the lights and shadows were blurry. It looked like nothing more than a clash of swords and swords.

Gai Nie's moves are simple, and Li Yi's moves are complicated. The confrontation between the two was a great inspiration to the two people next to him. Both Tianming and Concubine Yan watched it seriously.Facing such a purely technical competition, and also a master of fake alchemy, it is really rare to see.

Li Yi also felt that in such a competition, his control over the sword technique was more profound.The knife technique gradually became round and flawless, and the connection in the middle became a bit more natural.

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382 When the World Was in Chaos

Gai Nie didn't pinch and attack fiercely, instead, he was leading Li Yi step by step, as if he was giving Li Yi a move, the supreme skill of a warrior.

The sword walks the silver snake, it seems ordinary, but every time it strangles the main way of his attack.The sword walks violent wind and rain, giving people a sense of non-stop, and temporarily defeating the enemy.

From noon to evening, the two finally stopped under Tianming's persuasion.The two of them looked at each other, Li Yi bowed his hands solemnly to Gai Nie and said, "Thank you, Mr. Gai Nie, for explaining the confusion. I don't dare to forget the kindness of your guidance. If there is something useful for me in the future, just say it, I will definitely not refuse." .”

A stiff smile appeared on Ge Nie's face, isn't that his purpose?So he was relieved.

Compared with internal strength, in a life-and-death duel, Ge Nie really can't say whether he is the opponent of this guy in front of him, he will definitely not lose, but winning is not so easy.In addition, there was a concubine Yan, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

And this time!Weakness suddenly sounded in the ears of several people, and Luna came over, and said the first sentence after standing still: "It's a small island, and there are many things we need on it."

"Bang!" There was a heavy docking sound, and the huge mirage ship moored on the shore of the small island. Some people got off the ship one after another. No one who stayed on the ship for a long time would like the feeling of being on the ship. .

There were about 2700 people, and most of the others died in the storm. Now the mirage still needs to be repaired. Li Yi and several people discussed it. Because Concubine Yan has to take care of Gao Yue, he should simply let him stay. The person who guards the Yin Yang family in the mirage.

After having these prerequisites, Li Yi got off the boat with Tianming, Gai Nie and Moon God.I wandered around on this small island, after all, it is good to breathe.

Li Yi didn't know that this wandering around almost left him here forever.


Ten months later, on the mainland of the Central Plains far away from the sea, a major event that shocked the whole country happened.

Because of this, some people started to move around, and many people were ready.

The year has come to 210 BC.

In the thirty-seventh year of the first emperor (210 BC), Qin Shihuang went to Pingyuanjin (now Dezhou Pingyuan County, sixty miles south of the old city of Zhanggong, and Shuijin in the east of the city) and fell ill. Qin Shihuang didn't want to hear "death", Therefore, the officials dare not speak of death. On August 8, he traveled to the sand dunes (the sand dune platform is 28 miles northeast of Pingxiang County, Xingzhou) and died of illness.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng died at this moment, and at the same time, successive earthquakes came one after another.

It is 1650 miles from Xingzhou to Beijing.Zhao Gao colluded with Hu Hai, the youngest son of the first emperor, and Li Si, the prime minister of the left, and falsely appointed Hu Hai as the crown prince, who was the second emperor of Qin, and bestowed Fusu on the dead son.

Hu Hai ascended the throne at this time and became Qin II, Prince Fusu, the famous Prince Rende, was killed at this time.

Then, under Zhao Gao's instructions, Hu Hai continued to kill some courtiers loyal to Qin, leaving only the last Zhang Han, who was still struggling to support.By 208 BC, with the reconstruction of the Afang Palace and the slaughter of ministers, the state of Qin entered a declining state.

At this time, Baiyue gradually stopped listening to orders, and the generals guarding Baiyue, Zhao Tuo, Tu Sui, and others were cut off from their military power and imprisoned in a small black room, never to see the light of day.

At the same time, Chen Jun made an effort to secretly contain a huge network of forces, covering several surrounding counties and counties, and firmly grasped it in his hands.Zhao Gao's order could not be delivered there, which gradually aroused suspicion.

Zhengang and Yaoyao set off again to spy on Chen Qun's information, but Xuenv unexpectedly learned about it, leading him into an ambush circle and severely wounding him.

Not only that, because of the traitor Chaoshen, many plots about Zhao Gao were sent to Xue Nu's stage.Xue Nu gradually sent people to corrupt Zhao Gao's subordinate organization.

Zhao Gao and Hu Hai were still immersed in their old dreams, lingering one after another, sensual and sensual every day, and never thought of leaving.

The remnants of the Shu Kingdom led by Shi Lan are also constantly harassing some important towns in the Qin Kingdom, growing like a snowball.

In the distant Xiongnu area, heavy snow happened again in the north, and many people starved to death and froze to death.So the season of mowing grass valley came again, constantly harassing the frontier of Qin State.

Distraught, Hu Hai once again intensified the corvee to build the Great Wall, and a peasant uprising that was about to brew was about to break out.

No one knows what forces are driving this, but those remnants of the Six Nations are happy to see it succeed.With Xiang Shaoyu taking the lead, a huge army formed by down-and-out nobles is about to appear.

In short, in the past few years, the situation has changed and many things have happened.

Among the hundreds of families, there was also great unrest, and the farmer's family fell into a slump because of the attack of the young master Fusu.Confucianism is not bad, the famous burning of books and burying Confucianism has not done anything to the real Confucianism.Just executed a few alchemists and some saprophytic scholars.

Therefore, there was no harm to Little Shengxian Zhuang, but Li Si's persecution often caused Yan Lu, Fu Nian and Zhang Liang three headaches.

Without Meng Tian's blow, the Mohists are obviously much better off.It's just that they are anxious and worried, because their giant has disappeared at this time, and they are only led by an old man in the class. With Xiang Shaoyu discussing, they don't know whether the Mo family should join this general trend.

The famous Han Xin has now taken refuge in Xiang Shaoyu, but it is obvious that he has not been reused.The rest of the people are almost all gathered, waiting for the last shot.

And what about Li Yi at this time!What is he doing again!

Since the death of Qin Shihuang, the Yinyang family has rarely moved, especially the observatory on the top of the mountain, where Donghuang Taiyi lives.No matter how few people live there, even the chief minister and the young minister rarely come here.

No one knew what that person was thinking or what he was planning.

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383 Water God Tribe

It's just that there is a gossip claiming that Huo Fenghuang's body has disappeared. It is said that someone has seen Huo Fenghuang being taken to the territory of the Yinyang family.

Luna doesn't know this at the moment, she is still fighting with Jun Yun and a group of natives at this time.

They are really strange aborigines, even weirder than the Xiongnu and Baiyue.

When Li Yi and the others landed on the island for the first time, they were already discovered by the natives here.After a year or two of their infiltration, they gradually discovered the reason for this.

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