"That's good, that's good."

Li Yi nodded repeatedly, then patted Franky on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Brother, you really helped me a lot."

"I see…"

Frankie nodded like Li Yi, and then looked at Li Yi sympathetically, "I can imagine how you spent that difficult night before."

"My confidant." Li Yi shook his head and said with grief on his face, "I won't mention it, it's all tears."

Frankie didn't expect that Li Yi, a big pirate with a reward of one billion, would talk to him about such a boring topic. Looking at Li Yi who shook his head and sighed with grief, Frankie put away the smile on his face, and then looked serious. He asked: "Li Yi, you invited me on board before, but you were sincere!"


Seeing that Franky actually put this topic on the table first, Li Yi quickly put away his smile, and said, "Wouldn't it be a pity for such a majestic pirate ship to lose a peerless boatman like you? So, I sincerely invite you to join the Sea Pirates, if you still think I am not sincere enough."

After a slight pause, Li Yi suddenly pulled out the soul-destroying knife from his waist and handed it to Franky, "Here, take it, draw it in from here, and then take out my heart, you will see my heart There is a big word of sincerity written on it!"

"Stop it."

Frankie glared at Li Yi, and said angrily, "I didn't joke with you."

"OK OK."

Li Yi put away the Soul Slayer Knife, then patted Franky on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "What are you still doing, hurry up and get on the boat."

"Let's go now?"

Frankie trembled slightly in his heart, and then roared loudly: "Can you prepare yourself a little bit, and leave like this, and suddenly."

"Why are you so mother-in-law? This is not like you, Frankie. You are a super man. Let's go, everyone is waiting for you."

On the deck, Robin, Hancock, and Avril stood there at some point. After Li Yi's voice fell, the three women shouted in unison: "Frankie, get on board!"

Before Frankie came back to his senses, Hawkeye, Crocodile, Enilo, Smoker, Bonnies, Luki, and Khalifa all came to the deck, lined up, and looked at Frankie.

Looking at the members of the Godly Pirates who were staring at him, Franky fell silent.

He had dreamed of this day for many years, but he never expected that it would actually happen at this time.He has nothing to say to the members of the Pirates of God, just two words, one heart!

After being silent for a while, Frankie took a deep breath, then turned to look at Li Yi, "You haven't named this ship yet, Captain..."

Hearing that Franky changed his direct name to the captain, Li Yi smiled, and then stepped forward to Franky's side.

The next second, he suddenly made a sound, and said endlessly and boldly:

"The violent wind rolled up the waves and the sky was bloody, and no one would fall down.

With one sword, the world is injustice, and the eternal hegemony, who will rule the roost?

The enemy is wiped out with three thousand swords, and I will not bend down in my life!

Those who have aspirations will live up to the sky, ride the wind and waves, and the gods are domineering enough to swallow dragons. "

Hearing Li Yi's passionate words, the Godly Pirates on the deck all stood up straight, their eyes wild!

After a slight pause, Li Yi suddenly waved his hand and said domineeringly: "This boat is for Tunlong!"


The fourth update today, there are three more chapters to come, sleep first, then update after getting up, ..

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Franky boarded the Dragon Swallowing and officially joined the Pirates of God.

Li Yi didn't stay in the water capital anymore, and let Franky set sail and leave the port.

From then on, the God Sea Pirates began their mythical chapter!

A few days later, a huge pirate ship sailed towards their target island after sailing at sea for several months.

The red sun symbolizes the pirate flag fluttering in the wind, hunting.

On the deck, the tall Tiger stood at the forefront, looking forward to the looming island in the distance, and behind him stood Jinbei, Hachi, Aaron and others quietly!

The Sun Pirates, a team led by Tiger, the hero who liberated the slaves of the Holy Land Mary Joa!

In order to escort a little human slave girl to her hometown, they came all the way, but they didn't know that the little girl's hometown was under the control of the navy at this time, and as long as Tiger landed on the island, he would be surrounded by them.


The little girl standing beside Tiger looked at the small island that appeared in front of her, and said excitedly, "Are we there yet?"

"Well, the small island ahead should be your hometown."

Tiger smiled gently, then bent and squatted down, and then said: "When you return to your hometown, you must ask your parents to remove the mark on your back. Although I will give you the sun mark of the Sun Pirates Cover it, but it will also cause you trouble. Because, that is the mark of a pirate."

"Yeah, I know." The little girl nodded fiercely, thinking that she was about to be separated from Tiger, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Very flat."

After the little girl nodded in agreement, Tiger stood up and looked back at Jinbei who was standing beside him.Hearing his shout, Jinbe immediately stepped forward and called out respectfully: "Brother Tai."

"When you dock later, you will be on the boat. I will send the little girl to the entrance of the village and come back."

"Don't you need us to accompany you?" Jinping was slightly taken aback, and said cautiously: "If..."

"They're all simple villagers. There's nothing to worry about." Tiger smiled, then looked sideways at the little girl.

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