Yes, hippopotamus and black deer will have abnormal situations. It is precisely because of Li Yi's battle song halo that this thing could not cover a large area, but after Li Yi's research, he concluded another way to use it. The range coverage alone is extended to a line, so that the distance can be lengthened.

Of course, the relative coverage area will also be shortened.

This time it can affect the two Spike players, which is already the limit distance of Zhange's care. Fortunately, the positions of the two are more coordinated, otherwise Li Yi will move forward, and it may be difficult to escape.

Now that there are meritorious contributions from the two of them, it doesn’t matter if something is exposed, as long as everyone in Spike is dealt with as soon as possible, he can get [-] meritorious contributions, and the skill bar that can be unlocked at that time will make him completely among the strongest list of those.

Fan Tianlei had some guesses about Li Yi, just because Li Yi's current status is a bit special, his grandfather's pass was not bad, but the commander of the military region made Fan Tianlei dare not act rashly, so he could only report his findings truthfully After a while, he also showed the situation of his subordinates, which has many similarities with the incident of the Iron Fist Group, and Li Yi came from the Iron Fist Group...

Fan Tianlei doesn't want Li Yi to have a problem now, so he just reminds his superiors.

Sure enough, the reported news did not receive any response, but just let Fan Tianlei continue to do his own thing, not to be affected by unnecessary things.

In a short period of time, the situation with the Iron Fist Group was also quickly resolved, and everything returned to normal. The news about the riots in the new barracks began to disappear quickly, until it seemed that nothing had happened!

Of course, these are all things to say later, Li Yi doesn't know these yet, he is trying his best to get rid of the pursuers behind him.

It seems that this time the Wolf Fang has finally moved for real. The people who followed him were obviously several times more serious than before. Not only did they not seem to be thrown off by him, but they chased him more and more closely, and they forced Li Yi to change direction several times. , It also made Li Yi smell a strong smell of crisis.

This is like hunting. The hound does not have to kill the prey, but can also drive the prey into the trap, so that the threatening prey can be easily killed.

Li Yi's current situation is somewhat similar, except that unlike the prey, he has seen the opponent's intentions early on, and will not be easily driven into the trap.

"If this kid is slippery enough, he has been around for so long?"

In the temporary headquarters, after Fan Tianlei finished the report, he looked at the dots on the map and said something.

However, after staring at the map for a while, his brows became more and more wrinkled. After carefully considering the route of the Wolf Fang team members, and guessing Li Yi's travel route in his mind, surprise soon appeared in his eyes.

"Has the communicator not been repaired yet?"

"Report, it has been restored!"

Fan Tianlei didn't talk nonsense, directly picked up the communicator, and quickly said through the public channel: "Attention all groups, that kid Li Yi has discovered our lair. Although he is leading you around, the target is the lair!"

No matter what method Li Yi uses to find out the location of the old nest, the old nest is very empty now. Except for Fan Tianlei, a combatant, the combat effectiveness of the others is only mediocre, and they are all technicians. You can't expect them to have the same strength as the combatants .

Maybe it's okay to deal with some miscellaneous fish, but Fan Tianlei himself has no confidence in dealing with such a weird guy like Li Yi.

Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's even more embarrassing if you lose, so Fan Tianlei put down his face and prepared to call a few people back just in case.

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090 strategy success

After Chen Shanming and others received the order, they asked about Li Yi's travel route. As Fan Tianlei said, although the distance is still far away, Li Yi's goal may really be the location of his old nest.

And at this moment, news came from the team tracking Li Yi that Li Yi had lost him again!

A whole tracking team was dispatched, and they were able to lose Li Yi again, which shocked all the Spike members. This time, Li Yi ran away completely without releasing the water, which made sense completely. different.

"What's the specific situation?"

Fan Tianlei asked for details.

The leader of the tracking team described the matter in detail, and finally expressed his helplessness. Li Yi is slipperier than a loach in the city, and it is difficult to catch him in the first place.

And Li Yi still looks like he is not afraid of the five-person team at all, and there will be some feints and real counterattacks at every turn, which makes the pursuit task more difficult. Without using special transportation equipment, the speed of others to keep up is even faster. It was too slow, and the speed of reinforcements was seriously insufficient, so that Li Yi finally got rid of the tracking.

Fan Tianlei was silent when he heard the words, and he didn't use special transportation equipment, not because he deliberately released water on Li Yi, but because it couldn't be used at all!

This is not training in a military region. Helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles and other things are used casually. This is in the city. It is okay to have some assessments similar to fugitives. If you really want to use some large military equipment for exercises, let alone the superiors will not agree. Well, even the relevant local departments will not allow it. This kind of situation that affects the citizens must never happen.

I believe that Li Yi also guessed Langya's concerns in this regard, so he dared to do such provocative things.

Even through the communicator, the soldiers of Spike can feel Fan Tianlei's helplessness. In fact, these combatants are even more aggrieved because they are affected by the inconvenient transportation. When they want to make some strategic deployments, they will always be affected. restrictions in this regard.

It's like a simple encirclement. If the traffic is convenient, how can Li Yi have a chance to break out of the encirclement?

As it is now, if the support is timely enough, the tracking team will not be easily thrown off by Li Yi.

"Let's take down Wang Yadong first. Since he has been put on the bright side, we have to eat whatever he says. Otherwise, won't it appear that we are incompetent?"

After a moment of silence, Fan Tianlei quickly began to issue new orders.

Of course, the pursuit of Li Yi will naturally not stop, but the requirement is not to be too forceful. Now that Li Yi's target has been found, corresponding preparations will be made here, even if Li Yi cannot be found, it doesn't matter, as long as you Just sit back and wait for the rabbit in the old nest.

The battle with Wang Yadong was so easy that people couldn't believe it. Wang Yadong, who originally thought he would lose a few people to win, actually only let one person out.

This result can be regarded as a big surprise, but after learning that the heavy sniper is just a fake gun, everyone in Langya is relieved, no wonder Wang Yadong has never seen this thing used, it turned out to be just a fake gun!

Wang Yadong was actually full of regrets about ending the game by himself, and this was also part of Li Yi's plan. If Li Yi hadn't taken special care not to resist too much, he would not have the current record no matter what.

Although the heavy sniper rifle is a replica, it is also more powerful than ordinary sniper rifles. If it is a desperate fight, Wang Yadong thinks that he can take away three or five people from Langya, which is definitely not the poor record he is now.

However, even if he was unwilling, since Li Yi ordered him, he would naturally follow suit. He had to take a good look at whether Li Yi's carefully planned plan could handle a special warfare brigade.

Langya was brought out by Fan Tianlei this time to seven official combat teams. Counting Fan Tianlei himself, there were a total of [-] people. Except for the seven killed by Li Yi and the head of Wang Yadong, there were [-] combat personnel. .

Five of them have been chasing Li Yi closely, and there are two groups in the rear to support, and the soldiers who went to deal with Wang Yadong also changed from thirteen to twelve. These people are about to escort Wang Yadong back to their lair, and at the same time Will stay to defend the lair.

If Li Yi wants to win now, he must solve the troubles behind him as soon as possible, or get rid of the temporary headquarters of Langya as quickly as possible.

However, comparatively speaking, the three groups behind are relatively easy to deal with. Although there are relatively few people in the temporary headquarters, they have already made complete preparations, waiting for Li Yi to pounce and choose there On the contrary, it is more dangerous.

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