After Fan Tianlei received the report from Pufferfish, he was also taken aback. After repeatedly confirming that the other party was not joking, he fell silent for a while.

Li Yiqiang is a bit too much. Even if he absolutely trusts his team members, this kind of thing is still very mysterious. He understands the performance of the 88-style sniper rifle. The maximum effective range of that thing is only [-] meters. Wherever it will fly, it is no longer under the control of the gunner.

If it is possible for Li Yi to hit the blue bird with a single shot by luck, the condescending shooting can also reduce the power of the bullet, but from what Tie Ying means, Li Yi did not hit the blue bird by being fooled, but Very sure.

Fan Tianlei thought about it, and after discussing it with his staff team, he believed that the last possible situation is that Li Yi modified the sniper rifle, no matter whether he has tools or not, and no matter how he modified it to be such a powerful gun, this kind of statement These are the only conjectures available at the moment.

"Everyone is there, listen to my instructions, I don't care what method you use, you must defeat Li Yi as quickly as possible, and then bring that kid here!" Fan Tianlei gave an order, and Langya's teammates started to act one after another. It's just that the atmosphere between each other is relatively silent, not as warm as before.

Li Yi really put too much pressure on them. If the shot that shot the blue bird was not a fluke, then with Li Yi's performance in the mountains and forests, it would be impossible to catch him with that exaggerated marksmanship. sky.

However, no matter how difficult it is, you can get it, and everyone is not weak. As long as the tactics are used reasonably, it is not impossible to catch Li Yi.

"Do you want to send armed helicopters to participate?"

One member of the staff team hesitated to ask a question, which made the corner of Fan Tianlei's mouth twitch. It's unbelievable that such a thing should be dispatched to deal with a new recruit.

But in the current headquarters, no one thinks there is anything wrong with this, but most of them support it.

"In that case, even if we win in the end, will we still have the face to go out in the future?" Fan Tianlei said with an ugly face, and then began to check the weapons and equipment. Based on the people under his command, it seems that they really can't figure out Li Yi's appearance.

While preparing, Fan Tianlei paid attention to the battle reports from the front line. The result was not optimistic. Even if the Wolf Fang team started to use all means, it would still be difficult to win Li Yi, and it might not be possible in a short time.

Fan Tianlei can also understand this, the mountain forest is not small after all, and it is not so difficult to find someone without police dogs, and Li Yi seems to have premeditated, Langya is best at tracking team members They were all solved by him early, and it is not so difficult to track him now.

A small number of people also has the advantage of having a small number of people. Even if it will be a disadvantage in fighting, it is very easy to hide. With Li Yi's increasingly pure jungle warfare skills, it is not difficult to disappear from the sight of Langya, as long as he hides When the skill cooling is over, you can jump out to collect the head.

After Li Yi's procrastination while hiding, the one-hour cooldown soon passed, and the skill finally turned on again.

"Little wolf wolf, come out, let me take you home..." Li Yi hummed an out-of-key tune, added a few words at random, and started humming, but his eyes were focused on the scope.

To say that the biggest shortcoming of death sniper is that you have to lock on the target, and you can't kill the person you want to kill in the air. You have to lock on Li Yi's eyes before you can activate this skill.

After the lesson of the previous shot, the Spike team members became more cautious. Even in the process of searching for Li Yi, they tried to get as close to the bunker as possible and hide themselves as much as possible.

This made it difficult for Li Yi to lock the target. After all, it is no longer like the bluebirds at that time. They all searched together in small teams. Although team strength is more important in the way of fighting, gathering together at this time has a bigger goal. According to Li Yi's ability to snipe beyond distance, spreading out is the best choice.

Moreover, scattered search can also maximize the search range. The only thing to pay attention to is that you must not take it lightly when you encounter Li Yi. Now no one can be sure of Li Yi's strength, it is best to wait for support and start together.

Without a large group of conspicuous targets, it is not easy to find a single-action Spike team member, not to mention that Li Yi did not choose the best sniper spots in order not to be predicted to be the sniper position. It's even more serious.

It took a full fifteen minutes, but Li Yi still couldn't lock on to any target. Even if a few figures appeared in the scope, they were very vigilant, and they quickly disappeared into the scope without giving him a chance to lock on completely. .

The Spike team members have rich combat experience. Even if the position Li Yi chooses is not the best sniper spot, it is still a good sniper position. The Spike team members will pay special attention to such positions and will not easily expose themselves.

He couldn't lock it several times, which made Li Yi quickly realize that it seemed that there was still a problem with his position selection, and he had to change his position.

However, when he was about to move, an extremely dangerous feeling suddenly came from behind, which made his body that was about to move immediately stop.

Li Yi slowly turned the sniper rifle, and soon saw a cautious figure slowly approaching his position. The other party obviously did not confirm his position, but it seemed that he could guess that he was nearby. You can tell it in action.

Li Yi frowned, knowing that he stayed for too long, and was finally found from the traces. If it weren't for his good camouflage skills, he might have been killed by now.

Visually measure the distance between the two sides, which is more than two meters. At this distance, there is no need to activate the death sniper skill at all, and Li Yi is confident that he can hit the target.

=================================================================== ==========================

Ask for support, ask for training, ask for attention, ask for subscription! ~~~~ ..

105 Inexplicable Killing Intent

However, even so, Li Yi did not shoot. He had already seen Wolf Fang's tactics. There may be only one person now, but as long as he shoots, he will be immediately surrounded by a group of people, and even named by several sniper rifles It's all possible.

That's why he needs death sniping to snipe beyond the distance, so that even if he exposes his position, the people from Langya will not be able to find him for a while. It is too big, and there is no way to provide effective support at all, so the distance of the Spike team members must not be too far when they are in action.

Since no one has touched the side, don't think about the kite tactics beyond the distance. The immediate threat must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Li Yi glanced quickly, and found no trace of other people nearby, but he did not relax in the slightest because of this, but became more cautious.

Not being able to see it doesn't mean there is no one, it's just that they hide too well so they can't be easily discovered.

Li Yi held his breath. He had been hiding on top of a big tree because of the need for vision. It is said that this position has a particularly high risk factor and is not suitable for use in this kind of battle. After all, there are few people on his side. It's a bit embarrassing to block it like this. No matter how good the camouflage is, it will always be seen through. Even if you can't find you when you are far away, when you are in front of you, with the quality of special forces, you want to be in front of them. It is very difficult to escape the hunt on the ground, and the probability of being discovered is very high.

However, it is not enough not to choose a big tree. If Li Yi wants to use his skills, he must lock on to the target, and the short-range target is useless. If he wants to snipe a super-long-distance target, he needs vision.

This is a strange circle, and sometimes it is so helpless.

The Langya team members approached Li Yi's hiding place a little bit, and walking cautiously, he suddenly pointed his gun at Li Yi's position. Although he didn't see anything in his eyes, his intuition made him feel that the position was dangerous.

"Very alert guy!"

Li Yi was a little surprised. This was the most vigilant person he met in the Wolf Fang team. He just scanned the opponent with a scope and was perceived. It seems that he is also a person with relatively keen six senses.

Without any hesitation, Li Yi shot out directly. At this distance, he didn't miss at all, and the bullet directly hit the Wolf Fang team member's heart.

The Langya teammate put down the gun in his hand, his face was ugly, and his eyes were obviously filled with deep resentment. After silently watching Li Yi come out of the bunker and jump off the big tree, the team member suddenly grinned.

not good!

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, and the falling trend had not yet completely ended, so he kicked on the big tree and fell straight to the ground.


A bullet hit the big tree and barely scratched Li Yi's face. If he took a step slower, he would definitely end up with a headshot.

It seems that the Spike team members have a deep resentment towards Li Yi. This time they actually aimed at the head. Even if they used practice bullets, this shot was enough for Li Yi to bear.

After landing, Li Yi didn't stay for half a second, his body rolled in the grass at the fastest speed, and he didn't just move forward blindly, he also made some changes during the rolling.

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