Sure enough, after running for a few minutes, Li Yi encountered a Spike team member who rushed over.

This person is not particularly strong, but he hides in a very wretched position, and he is very good at hiding. Even with Li Yi's keen perception, he didn't even have the slightest perception before the opponent shot.


A bullet flew past Li Yi's arm, and Li Yi was immediately startled into a cold sweat. If he hadn't changed his body just because of the road surface when he was walking, I'm afraid this shot would have killed him.

The distance is really too close, even if he improved his evasion skills in the battle, there is no chance to use it at such a distance, it is really thanks to this coincidence.

Da da da!

After missing a single shot, followed by intensive bursts of shooting, Li Yi fell to the ground following the force just now, and rolled all the way behind a tree, only barely avoiding the attack. ..

107 The Weird Disappearance

Li Yi had been mentally prepared for such a battle, but he didn't expect to meet a guy who was particularly good at hiding, and he almost fell for it, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The firepower they dealt with was so strong that Li Yi could hardly find a chance to fight back, so he could only fight back honestly when he finished shooting and changing the magazines.

But in the current situation, time is too precious. If you are held in place by the opponent, you will be surrounded by a large army behind you in a few minutes, and you will be spanked by then, and you will definitely be surrounded and beaten by others.

After Li Yi took a breath, he decided to take a risk and force a counterattack, otherwise he would have no chance.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, there was no way to aim at all. Li Yi pulled out his pistol and fired a clip, hoping to hit the opponent by feeling, or to suppress a wave.

It's a pity that there is no effect at all, and the bullets of automatic rifles have never stopped.

Right now, the sniper rifle is useless, and the fight is about who has the most firepower. However, Li Yi doesn't have any rifle or micro charge, so it is completely impossible to compare the firepower with the opponent.

After firing a magazine again, Li Yi had a headache and had to think of other ways. It’s not enough just to be exhausted like this. The guy on the opposite side is very good at shooting, and there is also a pistol to suppress when changing magazines. Don't give him any space at all.

It is definitely impossible to go back, and the degree of danger behind must be several times higher than here. Even if you take the risk and force your way, you cannot turn back.

When the opponent's rifle ran out of bullets again, Li Yi finally gritted his teeth and rushed out. Even if he was suppressed by pistol shooting, this was the best opportunity after all. If he missed it, he would have to wait another round.

Seeing Li Yi rushing out of the bunker, the Spike team immediately guessed Li Yi's thoughts, abandoned the rifle without hesitation, leveled the pistol and started shooting steadily.

Bang bang bang!

The two began to shoot each other with pistols, but Li Yi, who was forcing his way forward, was still at a disadvantage. Soon he was hit in many places, but none of them were critical, so he didn't stop, but approached his opponent as fast as he could. The pistol was out of bullets.

Emperor Tian paid off. In Li Yi's resolute sprint, the opponent finally fired all the bullets in the pistol, and he was not hit critically, so the exercise can continue.


The Spike team members had rich combat experience and did not choose to continue using pistols. At this time, changing the magazines was completely courting death. Melee combat was inevitable at this distance, so they decisively dropped their guns and collided with Li Yi.

The moment the two of them made contact with each other for the first time, the Wolf Fang team members changed their expressions. They knew that Li Yi's close combat strength was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong, and he suffered serious injuries with just one blow.

"Hey, how can you say that you shot me several times? Even if it's not a vital point, it must have some impact, right? Even if this is a drill, don't you have to follow some actual rules?" Knowing that he was not Li Yi's opponent, he actually chose to delay the time verbally. He knew that his teammates would arrive soon, so he only needed to delay for a little time.

How could Li Yi talk nonsense to the opponent, such an obvious little trick was directly ineffective against him, and the attack was made again, still triggering the burst of skill potential, and a heavy whip kick swept over.


The Spike's body was directly kicked away. Even if he defended, he still couldn't resist Li Yi's violent and domineering attack.

"To put it simply, this kind of injury really doesn't have much impact on me, and it can even stimulate my stronger will to fight!"

Before the Spike team had reacted from the previous blow, Li Yi quickly stepped forward to make another hand knife, knocking the opponent unconscious to the ground, and said something to himself naturally before leaving.

Li Yi didn't waste time. After getting rid of the obstacles, he continued to run with the sniper rifle on his back. He already felt the obvious threat coming from behind, compared to the three snipers who were already targeting him.

As soon as Li Yi left with his front foot, Chen Shanming led people to chase him up. Looking at his teammates who fell on the ground, everyone's expressions didn't change much. They all saw Li Yi's toughness, and it was nothing worthwhile to be killed alone. strange place.

After arranging for one person to stay and take care of his teammates, Chen Shanming led his men to continue the pursuit, but this time the route was changed a bit. Instead of just biting Li Yi's tail, he began to surround him in a fan shape. The purpose was to cooperate with Fan Tianlei in front and completely Block all Li Yi's escape routes.

Li Yi, who was running non-stop, suddenly paused. After looking back and observing carefully with the scope, his brows immediately frowned slightly.

Just through Chen Shanming's changes, he knew that something bad was bound to happen, and maybe the road ahead of him would be even more dangerous.

There is still a lot of cooldown time for death sniper, and now there are not many merit points, and they cannot be exchanged for useful skills. The lottery draw is too unstable.

"Attention No. [-], the target will contact you within a minute, over!"

Although Li Yi kept hiding all the way and had the natural terrain to help cover him, he couldn't completely get out of Spike's field of vision. Chen Shanming could easily calculate his route.

After Fan Tianlei agreed, he and the two people he brought chose a position on the spot, preparing to fight Li Yi in an ambush.

However, Li Yi was not seen a minute later, which surprised Fan Tianlei. He didn't expect that Chen Shanming could make a mistake in such a simple situation.

Just as I was about to ask, I received a report from Chen Shanming in advance: "The target has disappeared!"

Yes, in such a big place, only a few hundred meters away, when the encirclement was completed, Li Yi disappeared from under their noses!

After Fan Tianlei confirmed with the other two people, and made it clear that Li Yi hadn't appeared in sight, he really didn't understand, where could Li Yi go?

=================================================================== ==========================

Ask for support, ask for training, ask for attention, ask for subscription! ~~~~ ..

108 one word: slip

After Fan Tianlei brought people together with Chen Shanming, the two groups looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

A big living person disappeared from under the eyelids. If you say that the Spike team members really rarely experience this kind of thing, they have already caught the turtle [-]% of the time, and the turtle ran away in the end. This feeling is really extraordinary. Tired.

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