The current predicament made Li Yi frowned. Even if he knew Langya's intentions, he didn't have a good solution. If Langya really had a way to lock his position, then even if he tried his best, he couldn't escape. day of birth.

The reason why Li Yi was able to deal with Langya in the mountains for so long was that his whereabouts were uncertain, which made it impossible for Langya to lock on the target and formulate a joint attack plan.

A single team member of Langya can't pose a threat to Li Yi, even if there are three or five, it will be difficult to catch him. Now Li Yi is really like a fish in water in the mountains and forests. During the shuttle, he is more slippery than veterans like Langya. To stop him, he had to mobilize more than a dozen people at the same time, and under such a big move, it was easy for Li Yi to spot him, and he would definitely find a weak point in advance and escape.

This puts everything into an endless loop. You can't catch it with too few people, and you can't catch it with too many people. If you want to kill Li Yi successfully, you can only lock him clearly and keep him under the gaze of Langya all the time. , so you can play whatever you want.

Now Langya has clearly achieved this, so the next thing to do is to play well with Li Yi, knowing that he can play Li Yi until he can't move, or until he voluntarily surrenders.

Naturally, Li Yi will not surrender easily. Although he lost an advantage and put him in a very difficult situation, it is absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to admit defeat. This is an exercise related to [-] points of merit, and the Wolf Fang players can take it seriously However, Li Yi has to show desperate momentum, otherwise, how can he get the [-] points of merit?

And the Godwork system will give such exaggerated rewards because it is really difficult to win, and there is not even a rule that Li Yi can only complete it alone. It can be seen that the system also understands that Li Yi himself has no possibility of defeating Langya. He can find foreign aid.

Unfortunately, the only foreign aid Li Yi could find was Wang Yadong. The others he knew were either not strong enough, or they didn't have enough friendship. If he could invite anyone from the Yebu, it would not be difficult for the two of them to join forces to take down Spike.

Thinking about the members of the blood soaking team, the kind of strength that makes Li Yi feel deeply pressured, if you cooperate with such people, it must be very cool to fight!

However, this kind of thing is just thinking about it, and there is definitely no way to cooperate with those people in a short time, let alone fighting together, they almost become enemies.

Thinking of the members of the blood-soaking team, Li Yi couldn't help touching the dagger that had never left him. This dagger originally belonged to Drunk Fox, a master of the former Yebe, but for some reason, his will was so depressed that he even took it away. The way to arouse fighting spirit is also a strange person.

This dagger Li Yi knew it was extraordinary the first time he saw it. In fact, the forging process is very powerful, and the texture is also very special. It is not at the same level as the daggers equipped on the army. I tested it with the opponent's dagger, and after the two daggers fought, my own dagger was fine, but the ground mouse's dagger cracked.

Naturally, Li Yi wouldn't use such a powerful weapon as a display. He used it to solve many troubles during his journey through the mountains and forests.

After thinking wildly and diverting his attention, Li Yi's tense nerves were relieved. After three minutes of silence, he soon felt the danger that was getting closer and closer. He couldn't help but get up again, and started the story that he didn't know when it would end. run.

"The target is moving again, be careful not to confront him head-on, just keep dragging him like this!" Chen Shanming looked at a red dot on the computer screen, not using a communicator to command Spike's team members.

Fan Tianlei had already been eliminated, and the command of the battle was naturally handed over to him. Therefore, Chen Shanming had no way to rush to the front line, so he could only command the team members remotely with the equipment Fan Tianlei borrowed from the division.

This set of equipment is not super advanced. It is actually a set of thermal detectors. Just like in the original book, this set of equipment comes from Tang Xinyi and her assistant Gu Xiaojie.

In fact, when Li Yi saw Tang Xinyi joining the exercise with this equipment, he felt all sorts of tiredness in his heart. Thermal detectors have long been popular in the world, and there are many ways to deal with them, but Tang Xinyi and the others still treat them as Like a baby, a professional team is developing it.

People have been playing with the leftovers for a long time, and this place is still high-tech, and I don't know what some people think. I guess it's just to find something for Tang Xinyi to do, so that she won't be idle every day and cause some unpleasant things thing.

I didn't watch the research project that was originally fanfare, but because Tang Xinyi was unhappy with He Chenguang, she put it aside after a practice and started to compete with He Chenguang, playing some simulation games.

Since it is such an amazing project, can you just throw it away?Sure enough, it was originally a game, for Tang Xinyi!

Li Yi didn't know Langya was using this kind of thermal detector at first, and guessed several results, but some of the lights were dark, so he missed the most likely one until he saw it through the scope. After Tang Xinyi, it suddenly dawned on her!

That's right, Tang Xinyi is as willful as in the original book. It doesn't matter if you're practicing or not, it's really about intruding, meddling if you say you want, and there's no pressure to make trouble.

After hearing that the person blocked by the spike fence was Li Yi, Tang Xinyi immediately expressed that she would also participate in the exercise.

The loss last time was a bit unclear, so this time she wanted to compete with Li Yi again to really compete.

Chen Shanming kept silent about this. His official position was not as high as Tang Xinyi's, and he really couldn't tell others what to do. Although this was a Langya exercise, there was no rule that others were not allowed to join. Without Fan Tianlei's objection, he couldn't do anything about it. No matter what to say, I can only let Tang Xinyi mess in. ..

112 Bait

How much Tang Xinyi's combat strength is, even Li Yi can't do it, and he is definitely not as good as him in close combat. I believe that the Wolf Fang players can win steadily, but I don't know how strong they are in other aspects.

However, even if he doesn't know the real situation, Li Yi can still make a rough guess. Maybe Tang Xinyi's strength is considered top-notch among ordinary troops, but she can only be regarded as mediocre in special operations troops. Perhaps she is best at technical engineering. It may also be undercover, but it is definitely not a battle.

There is indeed some combat power. Whether it is a few shots in the original book or Li Yi's personal probing, Tang Xinyi's strength can be accurately estimated.

But these restorations were enough for Tang Xinyi to participate in the current battle. This is a drill. If it is a real battle, Tang Xinyi will have serious consequences. Not only will she die because she is not strong enough, but it will also cause other Spike team members to spend energy To protect her is not what an officer should do at all.

This troublesome woman made Li Yi fall into a brief silence. He believed that even if he succeeded in sniping from a long distance, that woman would not quit easily. If he wanted to completely eliminate her, he could only do something real.

Moreover, Li Yi is also very interested in Tang Xinyi's car at this time. If you want to grab the car, you must get close to it. Instead of wasting ammunition and skills, it's better to go straight to it. Anyway, it's on the way, isn't it?

"You're so arrogant, you dare to drive after you come after me, do you really think I'm a fake sniper?"

Having said that, Li Yi did not act hastily. Tang Xinyi's actions may be her willfulness, but it is more likely that Langya set Li Yi a trap.

You must know that his whereabouts are being monitored by Langya all the time. If he is interested in that warrior car, he will probably fall into the trap of Langya completely.

The reason why Langya's people spend time with Li Yi is because they have no better way to catch Li Yi. If there is a chance, they will definitely not be polite to Li Yi.

No one wants to be in this kind of weather and stay in this kind of environment all the time. It is difficult for those who have not experienced the distress to understand it. They are naturally happy to be relieved earlier.

But Li Yi is too sophisticated, and everyone really can't handle him in a short time, so they can only consume each other, and whoever falls first will lose.

Tang Xinyi's intrusion is an opportunity for both parties. Langya can use the car as a trap to lure Li Yi into the bait, so that Li Yi may be taken down in one fell swoop.

They were not afraid that Li Yi would not take the bait, it was hard not to bite such a good bait.

Because as long as Li Yi successfully captures the car, he will be able to throw the Wolf Fang a long distance, and buy enough rest time for himself. When the time comes to deal with the Wolf Fang, the outcome will be a bit hard to say, anyway, the current situation Tactics will fail completely.

In order to highlight the importance of the car, Langya didn't even prepare other spare vehicles. They had absolute confidence that as long as Li Yigang came to grab the car, they would guarantee that he would never return.

However, everyone in Langya would never have imagined that just seeing Tang Xinyi's appearance, Li Yi had already seen through Langya's tracking methods. In a battle where the intelligence of the two sides was not at the same level, Langya was destined to suffer again.

"Mr. Tang, the target has spotted you and is approaching you. Please be careful!" After Chen Shanming gave a routine reminder, he immediately began to direct the other team members to prepare. Anyway, he also knew that Tang Xinyi might not listen to what he said. It is useless to say more, it is better to use the limited time to organize your own manpower.

Sure enough, Tang Xinyi didn't take Chen Shanming's warning seriously. She was staring intently at everything around her. She wished that Li Yi would show up now so that she could have a good fight with her.

There were many reasons for her loss last time. Tang Xinyi didn't think that Li Yi was much better than her, especially this time it was not melee combat, but her best firearms. She was confident that she could beat Li Yi in this respect.

The Langya people must have told Tang Xinyi about Li Yi's ability to snipe from a distance, but her first reaction was not to believe it. She knew the performance of the gun very well. Dead things have their own rules. It doesn't mean that it will explode with you once you get excited. That's a completely ridiculous idea.

No matter how powerful a sniper is, if he dies, he will use all the performance of the firearm to the extreme, but it is impossible to go beyond the attempt. Even if there is, it must be a fluke, and it cannot be a real skill.

She didn't believe that Li Yi could hit the Type 88 sniper rifle with a guaranteed hit at about [-] meters. This kind of thing makes people want to laugh.

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