A death sniper with [-] merit points can allow Li Yi to complete a task that is almost impossible to complete, and those few lucky draws have also greatly improved him, but all of these Everything is just a few hundred merit points.

Just less than [-] points of merit gave Li Yi a lot of strength beyond the Spike team, so what about the current [-] points?If these merit points are used well, how far can Li Yi reach?

Li Yi took a few deep breaths and told himself to calm down. It was not the first time he had experienced this kind of surprise. Even though the shock this time was relatively large, his experience was also very special, and he shouldn't be dazzled by such things.

However, the surprise was still too great. Even if Li Yi could restrain himself, he couldn't help showing a slightly lewd excited smile on his face.

After finishing the car, Li Yi entered the system space with his mind and began to consume merit points. After all the hard work, this thing was not for display, but of course it was spent immediately, and he had several very good skills. I've already taken a fancy to it, and now it's time to win it.

There are also some necessary experience books, which must also be exchanged, otherwise there is no way for him to master many professional things in this world in a short time, and it will be terribly troublesome to learn one by one. Where can I get an experience book? convenience.

Li Yi, who was wantonly exchanging money, had a wider smile on his face because of his joyful mood, and because of too much secret joy, he looked more wretched no matter what.

Unfortunately, Tang Xinyi, who was knocked out by him, just woke up at this time, and the smile on his face was clearly seen.

After the initial blankness in Tang Xinyi's eyes disappeared, her pupils suddenly widened. She looked at Li Yi with an obscene smile on her face. She knew what might happen next without thinking about it. She wanted to warn Li Yi, but she didn't know she just woke up. The reason is still something, the warning words at the end suddenly turned into high-decibel screams!


How scary is the screaming of a woman?People who haven't experienced it up close will never understand it!

The frenzied exchange was interrupted by ear-piercing screams, Li Yi returned to reality, and looked at Tang Xinyi inexplicably, wondering what kind of nerves this girl had.

"Bastard, get out of here!"

Tang Xinyi's next words made Li Yi even more at a loss, what does this mean?Looking at the situation, what does this chick think he is going to do to her?

Li Yi laughed dumbfounded, and was about to say something disdainful, when he heard the sound of a bullet being loaded, and at the same time, Chen Shanming's anxious voice on the walkie-talkie.

"Li Yi, calm down, don't mess around!"

What am I messing about?

Li Yi was even more puzzled, frowning tightly, looking at Tang Xinyi who was a little panicked, and didn't know if this girl really misunderstood something, or was deliberately pouring dirty water on him.

Too lazy to explain anything, Li Yi drove straight down, but all the guns around him were aimed at him.

Looking at a group of Spike players with weird expressions, Li Yi rolled his eyes, shrugged helplessly, and said, "If you don't feel tired, just keep carrying it."

After finishing speaking, Li Yi came to a Spike team member nearby, and regardless of the opponent's reaction, he began to grope up and down, and soon found a pack of compressed biscuits.

He was really starved, and he just went to the supermarket to replenish some things when he approached the mountains and forests. How could such supplies be compared with armaments, and he had already consumed them all the way, even if he could find a lot of food in the mountains , but you have to have time to do it, right?

In fact, Li Yi has reached the point where he is running out of ammunition and food, otherwise he would not have fallen into the trap of the wolf's teeth, and even if he is as strong as the car, it does not mean that the victory is really established, as long as Chen Shanming persists Some, I'm afraid he will lose in supplies in the end.

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118 Invincible Figure

Chen Shanming definitely didn't know Li Yi's real situation. After all, he had no direct contact with him. There was very little specific information about Li Yi. If you dare to treat him like a normal person, you will definitely overestimate him.

Moreover, it is not an exaggeration to overestimate Li Yi's various performances. This kind of person cannot be judged by common sense at all.

Chen Shanming is a talent specially trained by the special warfare brigade. He has rich combat and command experience, but during his years as a soldier, he has never encountered an opponent like Li Yi. There have been opponents who are much stronger than Li Yi, but at that time, they were only abused. Where can I accumulate any experience, and I almost understand what's going on? to the end.

Faced with such an opponent suddenly, it actually made him a little confused. It was better when Fan Tianlei was in the center of the command center. Since Li Yi eliminated Fan Tianlei, Chen Shanming fell into a feeling of being unable to start. Tang Xinyi arrived in time with the equipment, otherwise he could only rely on crowd tactics to pile up.

In that way, even if there is a chance of victory in the end, the result will be even more miserable!

Fan Tianlei can see a lot of things. After all, he is much more knowledgeable than Chen Shanming, and he has experienced more wars. He knows that even though the perverts in Yebu are not as strong as humans, they can often do things that surpass humans. Limits matter, but there are still limits in the end, and they will not become stronger endlessly, and there are still their critical points.

Just like Li Yi, who was being chased by Langya and ran all over the mountain, it seemed that his combat power hadn't weakened at all, neither his speed nor his shooting had changed, but that was just an appearance. After such a long struggle, even an iron man would be exhausted.

Although Fan Tianlei didn't know where Li Yi's limit was, he was sure that Li Yi wouldn't persist for too long. As long as the Langya people persisted, they would definitely be able to push Li Yi into a desperate situation.

It's a pity that due to the rules of the exercise, especially since it wasn't a big incident this time, Fan Tianlei didn't have to commit an active foul, so he didn't ask to remind him.

And he would announce that Langya surrendered, not because he thought that the Langya players had no way to take Li Yi. Even if Li Yi got the car, Langya could still drag him down. The main reason for admitting defeat was Tang Xinyi.

This woman seemed to be just a technical engineer, but in fact her identity was not simple. Fan Tianlei knew some inside information through some channels, but he was not particularly clear about the details. He only knew that Tang Xinyi's identity was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Fan Tianlei didn't want to get involved in troublesome things, which would greatly affect his plan, so he was afraid that Li Yi would do something excessive and cause unnecessary trouble without knowing it, so he still announced the wolf tooth throw in the towel.

Although the Spike team members admired Li Yi's strength and knew that they were not his opponent, they still felt a little unwilling to admit defeat. However, soldiers should obey orders. Since Fan Tianlei announced that he would admit defeat, they could only accept their fate.

However, admitting defeat is admitting defeat, but it is absolutely impossible to let them just pretend that nothing happened. Although the exercise is over, Li Yi is also a newcomer to Langya, and veterans like them are obliged to educate Let the newcomers know the rules of Langya.

Everyone also knew that they might not be Li Yi's opponent, so they didn't take the initiative to send it up to embarrass them. Instead, they waited until everyone gathered before they collectively surrounded the warrior off-road vehicle, and they were about to give Li Yi a disqualification At that time, it just happened to break some things that are not suitable for children.

This situation was not planned at all. A group of Spike soldiers didn't know how to deal with this sudden situation. After you look at me and I look at you, no one can come up with a good idea, so they can only let it go. Li Yi went his own way, silently waiting for the arrival of Fan Tianlei and others.

After Li Yi ate two packs of compressed biscuits, although he was still very hungry, he stopped. This thing won't make you feel full immediately, but two packs are enough to fill you up. It's just a backlash after the meeting. If it's just for the sake of being hungry for a while, I'm afraid it will be starved to death in the end.

After drinking the last drop of water in the kettle, Li Yi lay on the ground stretched out. He knew that these people might have misunderstood something, but he was too lazy to explain, so he could think whatever he wanted?Anyway, it didn't affect him, and the person in the car didn't come out in a hurry to clarify something. How could he be afraid of this as a big man?

Tiredness continued to hit, and Li Yi knew that this place was very safe, so he gradually fell asleep in peace. With the sound of his snoring, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more weird.

The Spike Warriors winked for a while, some gestured to Li Yi, and others gestured to the warrior car, and their gestures and expressions changed wildly.

However, even though it was troublesome to communicate like this, no one spoke, and even gestured lightly as much as possible, for fear of disturbing the sleeping Li Yi.

Yes, they lost to Li Yi, and everyone was full of unwillingness, but no one had the idea of ​​dissatisfaction, but no one who fought against Li Yi this time was dissatisfied, and they were all rejected. Li Yi was deeply impressed by his powerful strength.

Strong people are respected everywhere, and this is especially true in the army. One person defeated more than fifty of their special forces members. Even if there were various objective reasons for Langya's failure, Li Yi's strength is indeed Undoubtedly, in the entire Spike Special Forces, no one dares to say that he is Li Yi's opponent. The standard for everyone's private communication is how long he can survive when he fights Li Yi!

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