147 An Experimental Subject

Jonathan is an official member of the Special Power Team of Country M. This time, he came to China secretly for one purpose, to secretly record all the information about Pruss and collect data on experimental subjects.

That's right, this experimental subject is Prouss, that guy is not as powerful as he said, although he is also a member of the special team in name, but he is only a reserve member.

Although he has participated in many battles over the years and is very powerful, but that is only for ordinary people. Maybe ordinary special forces members can only be completely crushed when they meet him, but when they really meet members of the night department, they will be like Like fighting Li Yi, he can be defeated easily.

This is an absolute gap in strength, and the hierarchy is very strict, which cannot be easily made up by relying on some external force.

The research institute of country M has always wanted to break this kind of platycodon, so in recent years all their energy has been devoted to human body modification, just to send those who are not talented enough to the altar.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is not an easy task, it can be said to be a very big project, sometimes talent is so unfair, no matter how hard you work the day after tomorrow, you can't catch up with those monsters.

After all, his talent is already very high, plus his hard work is not inferior to yours, how could it be possible for a stupid bird like you to overtake him?

However, although the transformation plan was not completely successful, it has also harvested a lot of useful things, especially to strengthen this aspect again by recruiting talented people. Country M is definitely at the forefront of the world.

Huaguo's Yebu is definitely one of the best among the world-class special combat forces. There are not a few masters hunted by them every year, at least double digits.

However, even the people in the Yebu don't like to face the special team of country M. That group of people may change every moment. What has become of it, is there any special device added to the body.

Unknown things are always more dangerous, especially for opponents of similar strength. Uncertain factors will become the key to victory or defeat.

It can be said that more than half of the members lost every year in the night club are lost in the hands of the special team!

Of course, more people died in the special power team!

In this underground transaction, someone happened to need a strong bodyguard, and the special power team also wanted to use this opportunity to test some new devices, so Pruss, a bench member, made an appearance. New products, and the last self-destruction of Prussia, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Therefore, it was originally a very secret underground transaction, but it was deliberately leaked by the special power team, and the news spread all over the sky, and almost everyone who should know got the news.

I thought this kind of occasion would attract the members of the night club, but I didn't want the night club to respond at all. At first, they said that they might participate, but I don't know what happened, and the night club members who were supposed to be dispatched did not show up.

Without the people in the night department, the experiment cannot be carried out perfectly. It is not enough to rely on ordinary special forces personnel. It is necessary to compete with those real masters to obtain complete data.

After Jonathan reported it to the headquarters, he was also a little depressed there. He didn't know why the people in the night department were going crazy. They didn't send people to participate in such an important event. Could it be that they really had that much confidence in their country's special forces?

Well, since you think that special forces can handle it, then I'll take away your special forces, so you should come forward, right?

After receiving instructions from the headquarters, Jonathan met with their employers without Pruss' knowledge, and urgently borrowed a batch of equipment from nearby. It was the satellite signal shielding device and the rocket launchers that ambush the helicopter.

The employer is not an idiot either. Although he is afraid of the strength of the special team and everything is very cooperative, he also found that things may have changed. The original plan must be changed. After a little hesitation, he gritted his teeth and transferred a regiment of troops , and carried a lot of heavy weapons.

Such a large-scale massing of troops on the border is no different from declaring war. Once Hua Guo gets the news, the consequences will definitely be disastrous.

However, the employer has no choice. No matter how much pressure he faces in the future, he can only do this now. No one knows better than him what kind of perverts in the special power team can make the other party make so many moves. People must be opponents with comparable qualifications, that is to say, Jonathan is targeting the Yebu of Huaguo!

A confrontation of that level, a little carelessness would affect Chi Yu, and he didn't want to be affected to death, so he had to take adequate precautions.

It is definitely impossible to quit now, and the special power team will definitely not let him go before the matter is over, so the employer is also considered wise, and did not do any risky things, but wholeheartedly cooperate with the special power team, only hope that the other party can Hurry up and get out, don't drag him into the vortex of trouble again.

It's just a pity that both the employer's and Jonathan's plans were destroyed by Li Yi alone. After the matter took a big turn, no one from Yebu was attracted.

However, the appearance of a master like Li Yi can be considered to make up for the regret. The headquarters also said that if the strength is good, the experimental body can be tested.

As a result... Li Yiqiang's behavior was too exaggerated, and the test did not detect anything at all, which forced Prussia to blew himself up.

It should be said that although Pruss is just an experimental body, it has also been carefully modified for testing new products. Coupled with his own combat experience, even if he is a member of the night department, he can fight against it. But he happened to be defeated in the hands of a special forces member in the end.

Although the strength of this special soldier is a bit outrageous...

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148 face to face

It was not within the scope of the mission for Jonathan to attack Li Yi. The reason why he shot was just out of a mentality of seeing the hunter, and at the same time to eliminate a potential opponent.

Since this mission is only for observation and recording, there is no combat mission, and it is especially emphasized that he should not show up to participate in the battle easily, so he did not carry any weapon at hand. I thought it was enough to deal with Li Yi, but I didn't want Li Yi to be too vigilant, and dodged the shot that he was [-]% confident in hitting.

Jonathan was somewhat amazed by Li Yi again. The previous battle with Pruss was just a child's game in his opinion. Only Li Yi quietly approached him within two hundred meters, but he didn't Only when he discovered this did he really arouse his interest.

If it weren't for Jonathan's good habit of observing the surroundings through the thermal detector from time to time, he might not be able to find Li Yi until he died. For this, Jonathan gave full marks to his habit.

The failure of the first shot stunned Jonathan somewhat, but it turned out that such a small distraction allowed Li Yi to successfully find the bunker, and guessing Jonathan's support, he deliberately lit a bunch of flames.

However, this is nothing. Although everything Li Yi has done has brought some troubles to Jonathan, it can't affect him too much, and everything is still under control.

Staring quietly at the big tree where Li Yi was hiding, Jonathan was very patient. He knew that Li Yi had lost all his long-range attack weapons, and if he wanted to fight him, he had to find a way to get close to him. , he is confident that he will shoot one headshot, and there will never be any accidents again.

However, as time passed, Li Yi behind the tree did not show up, which surprised Jonathan slightly.

Where Li Yi is, there is only a single big tree, and the rest of the trees can't hide his body perfectly. If he wants to move under Jonathan's nose, he will definitely be discovered by him, unless there is a prop like Xun Zhifeng - Ji , otherwise absolutely impossible.

Jonathan has so much combat experience, and at such a short distance, it is impossible for any qualified sniper to let go of his prey, let alone a top sniper in the world.

Jonathan was very sure that his target hadn't moved half a point, but had been hiding behind the big tree.

"What the hell is this kid trying to do? Waiting for support?"

Jonathan is a qualified sniper, and the most important thing he lacks is patience. Such a period of waiting can't affect his emotions in the slightest, but he can't help being a little curious about Li Yi's approach. He doesn't know what the other party's plan is. Hiding behind a tree forever?

Is it because he is afraid of him approaching quietly, or after switching positions?

Because Li Yi's elusive speed really made Jonathan a little jealous, so he didn't act rashly, but continued to wait patiently. After all, the position he chose was very good. Even in the face of Li Yi's monstrous speed, he was confident. Fighting, if he leaves here, he is really afraid of some scenes that he can't control.

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