So no matter how scared he was, the employer could only choose to stay. Even if it was for the lives of the whole family, he would not dare to run away without permission.

Seeing this, Scorpion naturally stopped talking nonsense, and told the people he brought to prepare for evacuation. As soon as the rattlesnake arrived, he would immediately fly back to Nan M's lair.

It's a pity that the Rattlesnake couldn't come back. One minute after he started to escape, he had already fallen at Li Yi's feet, and all the equipment and clothes on his body belonged to Li Yi.

In order to wait for the rattlesnake, Scorpion gave a waiting time of three minutes. In fact, this time was not enough for the rattlesnake to rush back, but Scorpion did not dare to stay any longer. This was already the limit time. He knew how strong those perverts were. Minutes cannot be longer.

It's a pity that Scorpion still underestimated the strength of super fighters, especially Li Yi's speed. Let alone three minutes, in less than two minutes, they were already under Li Yi's scope.

To say that there is absolutely no way that there is only a rattlesnake sentry on this road. Li Yi has to go through many obstacles if he wants to come here. The reason for running away.

It's a pity that the level of the scorpion is too far away from Li Yi, and they don't know that as long as Li Yi is willing, those sentry posts can only become decorations, just like Prussie crossed Li Yi's defense line at that time!

What's more, at this moment, Li Yi is a hundred times stronger than Prussia, and with the help of skills all over his body, let alone crossing their defense line quietly, even in the most heavily guarded place in the world, don't even try to block Li Yi at this moment. easy.

=================================================================== ==========================

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161 Lamb to be Slaughtered

After simply observing the situation in the camp through the scope, Li Yi began to harvest ruthlessly. Naturally, he didn't need to be serious about dealing with a group of mobs. With his current strength, he would crush them casually. If so, wouldn't it be a bit deceptive?

Bang bang bang!

The sound of sniper rifles rang out continuously, [-]% headshots. Now Li Yi doesn't need skills at all. He has a knowledgeable and domineering existence, and after the potential explosion has been improved, the guns are almost the same as a part of his body. Every time The attack can hit the opponent precisely.

It cannot be said that there are no such people who use sniper rifles as submachine guns, but people in the camp must have never seen them. Even the well-informed Scorpion was completely shocked by this round of attacks.

"Hidden, hidden!"

"Look for cover!"

"Twelve o'clock in front of the left of the target, the gun..."

After a short period of confusion, the well-trained soldiers began to organize a counterattack, but the mercenaries immediately chose to save their lives and got behind various bunkers.

Bang bang bang!

It was another round of bursts, and those who tried to organize the troops fell into a pool of blood, and those who were about to use heavy weapons followed suit without any accident, either being headshot or pierced through the heart.

"Okay...what a terrible marksmanship!"

The person next to Xiezi swallowed his saliva, looked at the person who fell like wheat, and said with a pale face.

Scorpion didn't speak, but just glanced at his employer from a distance, with regret flashing in his eyes, he shouldn't have talked nonsense with that fat pig, if he had called the rattlesnake back earlier, they were already on their way home, so there was no need to go through this crisis .

"Leader, what shall we do now?"

Someone asked the voice of everyone.

"I f*ck want to know what to do too!"

Scorpion really wanted to yell, but unfortunately he couldn't. With this group of people gathered around him now, he still had a slight chance of survival. If his hearts were broken, then next year's day would definitely be his death day.

"Don't worry, hide it for me. Listen to the gunshots. The weapon should be a rattlesnake. That guy doesn't have many bullets on him. Let's wait until he runs out of bullets first."

What Scorpion said was right. Li Yi really didn't have many bullets, and there were too many people in the camp. Even if he fired all the bullets, he could kill more than a dozen people. For a man with more than fifteen hundred people In terms of strengthening the strength of the regiment, it can only be a drizzle.

When Li Yi's gunfire stopped, more than a hundred shells flew towards his position in an instant, destroying the position where he was originally staying in an instant, leaving only pits of different sizes on the spot.

Or how to say it is a regular armed force, not only has the strength of a regiment, but also an artillery company, and rows of mountain artillery have also been brought over, almost like a war between the two countries.

However, after all, it is not a pure government armed force, nor does it really mean to go to war with Huaguo. The old mountain guns shipped over are all old mountain guns, and their power and performance are the same. Compared with today's artillery shells, they can only be The movement is louder, and the power is not enough to see!

This kind of thing can't hurt Li Yi at all, not to mention that Li Yi discovered it in advance when it was launched, and it has moved out of the position covered by the shell. Even if the shell flies for a long time, it is enough for Li Yi to avoid it. It is really this kind of master The gun is too weak to be suitable for the current battlefield.

What's more, Li Yi has an armed domineering presence, and can even resist shells at critical moments. It's really no ordinary joke to want this thing to kill him.

Amidst the roar of shells, Li Yi swaggered to the vicinity of the camp, exposing himself to the guns of all the snipers without any disguise.

"That guy is dying?"

After seeing this scene, this idea popped up in everyone's mind.

It turned out that after a second passed, it all turned into a desperate wail: "Is this fucking human?"

More than [-] rifle bullets flew past, but none of them hit Li Yi. In the hail of bullets, Li Yi walked step by step with such a flat expression, but none of the bullets could touch his body.

This kind of fact really makes people desperate. This is a bullet net with no gaps. Even a fly can't fly out, but a big living person can't hit it. Anyone who encounters this kind of enemy will give birth to despair. Emotions.

The dense gunfire began to be chaotic. When the rockets exploded in Li Yi, but he walked out of the smoke intact, the people present completely gave up their resistance and just looked at Li Yi blankly, not knowing what to do next. doing what.

"Tsk, I have to change clothes again!"

Li Yi removed the broken pieces of cloth again, and muttered to himself.

The domineering use of the armed color still cannot be done as one likes. It is no problem to arm the whole body, but it is difficult to control when it extends to the clothes. In order not to cause trouble for himself, Li Yi did not deliberately protect the clothes. Anyway, there are too many clothes in front of him. Yes, just pick one that fits you well.

"Hey, can you get me a suitable suit?"

Li Yi found his employer and made a request for the already stupid employer.

How could the employer dare to disobey Li Yi's words, and someone immediately sent suitable clothes with an order.

After Li Yi was fully dressed, looking at the guys who had no fighting intentions, he felt a little bit difficult for a while.

He is not a brutal killer, he likes some battles very much, and he can kill some people without hesitation, but for a group of people who have no fighting spirit and will not resist, he really can't kill them, it's not The benevolence of a woman born out of intolerance is simply bored.

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