Asdasville talked about the pain between Reinhardt and Laxmi, and the two looked at each other tacitly. Only they knew the feeling of the dumb man eating coptis.

"Do you think that kid is strong?" Although Reinhardt was stabbed in the pain in his heart, his face did not change at all. An old face that has been around for thousands of years will not change.

"That's right, although he hasn't made a move until now, that's because we haven't made a move either. I can guarantee that as long as any one of us makes a move, this kid's terror will be revealed." Asdasville smiled mysteriously Laughing, he said: "Unsurprisingly, our Osilitaire died at the hands of this kid."

"It's just a prince." Reinhardt said disdainfully, but he couldn't help but look at Li Yi who was calm and composed, and at the same time said to himself in his heart: "Why can't I feel a strong aura from him, but I feel What about a trace of evil? This kind of evil should not appear in such a human being."

At this moment, Li Yi's gaze met his. Seeing Reinhardt looking at him, Li Yi suddenly grinned, revealing a row of neat and white teeth.

A lord like Ren Reinhardt, after looking at Li Yi, couldn't help but shudder slightly under Li Yi's harmless smile, and quickly looked away.

Asdasville on the side saw Reinhardt's movements in his eyes, turned his head and looked at Badron tacitly, and both of them had such expressions.

"Terenas, three of the four lords are the masterminds behind the attack on Solomon!" Li Yi looked away and asked Terenas beside him.

"Yes, Reinhardt, Laxmi, and Asdasville are particularly passionate about the human world, but Badron on the left of Asdasville is the real conspirator, but he has concealed it The eyes of the other lords buried themselves."

After Terenas finished speaking, he looked at Badron on the left of Asdasville and showed a deep smile, and Badron also looked at Terenas surprisingly, and nodded slightly to this side.

At this moment, in the hall behind Terenas, Butler Moss and the old butler walked out slowly. Butler Moss was slightly pale because of Osiri's sneak attack, but when he saw Rhine standing opposite him When Ha Tai was waiting for the others, his whole body shook slightly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The old butler saw that Butler Moss reacted so strongly, he suddenly understood, he walked slowly to Butler Moss, and said softly: "Old man, don't forget, you still have me and Li Xiaozi."

"It was them, the three of them killed poor Augustus' parents, and I can recognize them when they turned into ashes." Moss wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, walked slowly to Li Yi's side, bent over respectfully He said: "Dear Mr. Li, please allow Moss to be presumptuous once."

Li Yi looked at Moss, who was trembling slightly due to excitement, with an imperceptible tenderness in his eyes, and said softly: "Don't forget, your Augustus still has me."

====== ..

070 completely crazy

After the three knights were killed by Halleberry and other three lords and joined the battle group, the strength of the vampire army immediately increased, and they approached Li Yi and the others without retreating. Seeing that the situation was critical, Filmers quickly withdrew Returning to Terenas, Fermos came to Terenas covered in blood, put on one knee, and hurriedly said: "I beg your lord to leave first, I will lead eighteen knights to serve you After the break."

"No, Filmers, I'm not the kind of lord who needs his subordinates to die. The reason why I stood still was because they didn't move. Filmers, you have done a good job. You take Eighteen knights fought a bloody road, the farther the better, here, leave it to me."

"Lord," Fermes said in a low voice, "This is the duty of Fermes and the Eighteen Knights, and it is also our honor. Please leave."

"Filmers, this is an order from your lord, do you want to disobey the order?" Terenas said irresistibly.

"Lord..." Fermos swept the spear in his hand, and then knelt down on one knee again after sweeping out several vampires, and said excitedly: "Lord, you can't be missing from the third one. Eighteen knights and all the knights are here!" I hope that one day you can lead everyone back to our world."

"So what if I go back?" Terenas finally moved, and slowly walked up to Filmers. After staring at Filmers for a moment, he suddenly stretched out his big white hand, gently Lightly pressing on Fermes' head, he said slowly: "The great blood king, I, the eighth-generation lord of the third branch of vampires, Tirinas, officially abdicated, and Fermes will inherit the third branch. will become the lord of the third branch. Let the great blood king witness."

"Lord..." Terenas' low and slow voice reached the ears of Fermes and the remaining members of the Eighteen Knights. After all the enemies were beaten back, they all turned to Terenas. Get down on one knee.

"Protect your lord, leave here, I will break the road for you." Terenas suddenly raised his voice and roared loudly, and walked towards the opposite vampire army without looking back.

Because the sudden movement of the eighteen knights instantly increased the pressure on the members of the night group, six of the last nine members of the night group immediately fell down, and the remaining three resisted the tide-like army of vampires.

As Turenus walked out, Moss butler standing next to Li Yi also walked slowly towards the opposite vampire army. The opposite vampire army also stopped attacking suddenly, standing on the wall-like corpse and watching indifferently. Li Yi is a man.At this moment, Prince Gus, who was fighting with Yu Qiudao, also returned to the battlefield, standing side by side with Halleberry in front of the vampire army.Gus had just returned to his team, and Yu Qiudao's figure flashed and appeared beside Li Yi, but at this moment, he was also covered in blood, and he almost fell down when he just fell.

"Boss... I lost..." As soon as Yu Qiudao landed, he immediately lowered his head and said to Li Yi, but before he finished speaking, he fell straight forward, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The moment Yu Qiudao just fell, Terenas, who was walking slowly in front of the vampire army, suddenly turned his head to look at Fermes and the Eighteen Knights, and said in a deep voice, "Now, retreat."

As soon as Terenas' voice fell, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from above. The dazzling white light instantly illuminated the entire earth, and everyone instinctively closed their eyes almost immediately.As the dazzling white light expanded infinitely, Terenas, who was in the center of the white light, had a blood-red long sword in his hand out of thin air, and then a strange red light suddenly flashed in the dazzling white light, and the terrifying breath of death instantly exploded. Sweeping forward mightily.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yi was once again shocked by the strength of the lord and vampire at his peak.Wherever the strange red glow swept across, all the vampires were chopped off at the waist. With just one blow, just one blow, the flood-like army of vampires on the opposite side was immediately cut out an exit.

"Ah..." With the appearance of the exit, Fermes yelled loudly, and shouted loudly with a spear in his hand: "The eighteen knights and all the knights obey the order, follow me, I will take the brothers home... "

After finishing speaking, Filmers took the lead and rushed out along the exit, and the knights behind him immediately followed without hesitation, and rushed through the exit.But just as they rushed halfway, two figures flashed in the dazzling white light and stopped Filmers and the others.

At the same time, the figure of Butler Moss immediately disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment he was already fighting with those two figures.These two figures are none other than Reinhardt and Laxmi.When the two saw that it was Butler Moss who rushed out of the sky, they immediately killed Butler Moss without saying a word.But Butler Moss was completely insane in the face of the two major enemies.

"Kill," Butler Moss yelled, his pale face instantly turned blood red, and the bones on his body exploded in an instant.Facing the enemy, Moss completely went berserk.

Because of the obstruction of Butler Moss, Fermes and others passed through the exit smoothly. At the end of the exit are the two lords of Asdasville and Badron. Can they pass through smoothly?

The white light shot by Terenas also gradually dissipated. As soon as the white light dissipated, the vampire army immediately swarmed to kill Terenas, Li Yi and others.

Li Yi looked at Yu Qiudao who was lying on the ground, his pupils constricted for a while, and then he made a movement that stunned Yi Qiu and Chen Daozang. He kicked Yu Qiudao on the body and yelled loudly at the same time Said: "Yu Qiudao, stand up for me and be my Li Yi's brother. It's okay to lose, even if your ribs are broken or your hamstrings are picked, you have to stand up for me and make a big splash." man..."

"Kill..." After Li Yi roared, his figure flashed towards the tide-like army of vampires.

============================ ..

071 Four against one?

Yu Qiudao lay quietly on the ground, his whole body was covered with injuries. After the battle with Gus, he returned to Li Yi with a trace of strength left, but now he was kicked by Li Yi again, which hurt so much He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body curled up into a ball.

"Qiu Dao, stand up." After Chen Daozang pierced a vampire, he strode to Yu Qiudao's side and stretched out his hand to pull Yu Qiudao, but Yu Qiudao immediately stretched out his palm, his eyes were empty and lifeless Looking at Chen Daozang, he said word by word: "Don't pull me."

The eighteen knights led by Filmers and the vampire knights had rushed out of the vampire army's siege, and the last member of the night team also fell down at this moment.

As soon as Li Yi rushed into the vampire army, the situation immediately turned one-sided. The originally aggressive vampire army was once again opened up by a gap. According to Si, among the three lords who besieged Solomon, apart from Reinhardt and Laxmi, it was Asdasville.

At this moment, Asdasville and Badron were stopping Filmers and others. Li Yi stood in the vampire army and looked at the blocked Filmers and others. Suddenly, he suddenly He rushed towards Asdasville, but the vampire army was too numerous. As soon as he rushed out, the two princes, Gus and Halliberry, immediately stopped him.

"Get out of the way," Li Yi looked at Gus and Halleberry who had rushed out of the sky, and rushed towards them like lightning with a cold shout.Gus and Halleberry also rushed towards Li Yi without saying a word.


There was a slight sound of the sword, and the Zanpakuto appeared in Li Yi's hand. As soon as the Zanpakuto appeared, the surrounding air immediately gathered towards Li Yi.

"Sijie-" Li Yi was in the air, and the long knife swept towards Gus and Halleberry instantly with terrifying energy fluctuations.Gus and Halleberry felt the majestic energy of the long knife, and they didn't dare to take it hard, so they quickly moved out of the way.

But Li Yi's long knife did not withdraw because of this, but it soared even more with Li Yi's loud shout, and a terrifying energy knife qi cut down in an instant.

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