"Magic Front." Li Yang responded lightly, and at the same time took a step forward, saying: "It's a pity that you have just entered the red field, and you can't fully grasp the meaning of it. If you can skillfully operate the red field, maybe You will win."

Li Yang didn't lie, just now he did feel a little passive, because in this field, he couldn't completely let go of his hands to fight. Fortunately, he summoned the magic front in time, otherwise, he couldn't have been so relaxed.

And Li Yang's magic front is really a magic front, who can compete with it!

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097 Pattern Changes Again

In the dazzling red field, the Sun King tilted his head and squinted at the black hole that was crazily devouring his long sword. A pair of blood-red eyes fixed on the black hole, and then slowly stretched out his fingers, suddenly laughing and laughing. I laughed silly.

"Magic Front...hehe...haha...the red domain was breached by a weapon...haha..."

The Sun King walked towards the opposite side of Li Yang while laughing foolishly. Looking at his expression, he was completely insane at the moment. After receiving a double blow, his spirit completely collapsed, and he was able to stand entirely because of his amazing body. Xiuwei persisted.

"The man who stood on top of the world twenty years ago is really strong...hehe...haha..." The Sun King walked to the opposite side of Li Yang, blinking his blood red eyes and turning around Li Yang, while Li Yang remained motionless. Stand still.

"However..." The Sun King's face suddenly turned serious, put away his laughing and joking expression, and said with a ferocious expression: "Even if I die, I will drag you along."

After the Sun King finished speaking, he jumped towards Li Yang suddenly, and then his body suddenly swelled up, and then the entire red field burst out with light, followed by an explosion that shook the world.


The dazzling red light shoots directly out of the main hall, and a violent Nenglu spreads to the surroundings with astonishing speed and destructive power like a galloping horse and a long river. Those buildings that were still standing collapsed in this violent energy , the dazzling red light exploded all the way to the sky and merged with the setting sun on the horizon, triggering a brilliant rainbow, which lasted for a long time to dissipate.

The once glorious Sun Palace finally ceased to exist, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was just a huge ruin with thick smoke. The minions of the Sun Palace and the immediate relatives of the Sun Palace lay dead under these ruins.In the middle of the huge ruins, four tall middle-aged men stood quietly on the spot. Two circles of airflow with red ripples and black ripples intertwined to form a huge airflow circle to protect the four of them. It was flat, while the Sun King completely disappeared into the air.

The two circles of air flow gradually dissipated, Li Yang looked around, looked back at the three life and death brothers behind him, sighed slightly, and asked one of the simple and honest middle-aged men: "Shi Jiao, is this cruel? a little!"

Shi Jiao didn't move, but smiled slightly, and said: "As long as you follow Brother Li, even if you slaughter all the underground forces in Europe and be reviled by thousands of people, Shi Jiao will have nothing else to say, just one word—kill."

Li Yang nodded slightly. Decades of brotherhood have gone through ups and downs together. Even if the four of them have been separated for more than [-] years, their friendship does not need to be smooth and rainy.Now they only want to protect the people they care about, the life and death of other people is irrelevant to them!Those times that belonged to them to fight for world hegemony have passed.

"Brother Li, do Indian mother-in-laws kill?" The fox tightened the three long knives around his waist, and asked calmly, as if he was asking something that couldn't be simpler.But for the four of them, killing these people is really easy. They probably don't know how strong they were at the top twenty years ago, twenty years later!

"If you don't kill him, then that bastard won't have much fun!" Li Yang suddenly smiled. At this moment, he only had the expression that a father should have.

"Actually, the Sun King is very strong." Li Yang smiled unprecedentedly, pointed to the ruins on the ground, and said, "It's just that he doesn't know what the purpose of practicing powerful martial arts is. If he knows who to fight for, for whom? No matter who you protect, he won't go to where he is today."

The Sun King finally disappeared. When he chose to blew himself up, he was doomed. However, his goal was not achieved. Under Li Yang's imperial arrogance and the fox's demon sword protector, since a strong man like the Sun King blew himself up Can't hurt them.Therefore, the decline of the Sun King and the entire Sun King Palace was doomed as early as when Karkadi sent people to arrest Yexie.If the Sun King can even stop his son from doing such a stupid thing, then maybe everything can be saved, and the most important point, the Sun King should not find Li Yi, if he goes to the royal family where Luge was born to prove everything, None of this will happen.

Conceit, ignorance, a strong man like the Sun King is also defeated by four words. It is all his conceit, which has created the posture of being the only one in the world. Familiar with him, being strong does not mean being arrogant.No matter how strong a person is, he does not look down on the world, but has a little awe of the world.

The news that the Sun Palace was destroyed in one day spread all over the world, and the underground forces in the whole world began to be in turmoil. They all wondered who could destroy the largest power in Europe in such a short period of time. destroy.Looking at the world, who can do it?National combat power?The newly rising dark council or the Tianxiahui from China?

However, many people immediately associated it with the previous terrorist incident in Europe, and wondered in their hearts, is the Sun Palace the mastermind of this terrorist attack, and then it was destroyed by those national-level combat forces?

While this explosive news was spreading all over the world, another thing caused the whole of Europe to completely boil.The Solomon family, ranked among the top ten powers in Europe, suddenly turned to the Dark Council and declared their allegiance to the Dark Council.

However, this incident only set off a turmoil in the underground world of Europe. Although Solomon is well-known, he has long since declined. It is not surprising that he is now under the banner of the Dark Council. After all, once the Dark Council rises, it will rank fifth in Europe. The powerful forces of [-] broke through, and in one fell swoop became a powerful force in Europe that could drive side by side with the three major forces of the Sun Palace, Posa Gate, and Ganon Style. However, the Sun Palace fell within a day, and the Dark Council obviously became Europe. One of the top three forces.

The current structure of the European underground world is the newly-emerged Dark Council, the second-ranked Ganon, the third-ranked Bashamen, the newly-emerged Tianxiahui, and the Italian mafia dang, and the mysterious European magician who has never appeared and the Black Knight.

Of course, there is also a werewolf army. It is estimated that except for Li Yi and the blood clan, who can understand this matter?The rise of the Tianxiahui is not as high-profile as the Dark Council. However, the rise of the Tianxiahui has attracted many interested people to pay attention to its movements. The reason is that there is an unbeatable death vanguard in the newly rising Tianxiahui troops.

In the turbulent European underground world, one after another, major events that shocked the world took place.Faced with such a chaotic situation, many countries in the world have begun to send those national-level combat forces to Europe one after another. They have only one purpose in doing so, to prevent the occurrence of great turmoil like [-] years ago.

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098 US Eurasian Union

While these national-level combat forces were heading to the underground world of Europe, a secret meeting room of the Church of Christ.In this conference room, there are national-level combatants wearing national-specific costumes. The person sitting at the top of the conference room is obviously the Patriarch of the Church of Christ.

Sitting on the left hand of the Patriarch was a middle-aged skinny man wearing the uniform of an American imperial general, and sitting opposite this skinny middle-aged man was an old Japanese man in a black kimono.Sitting under the head of this Japanese old man is a Japanese ninja who is wrapped in a ninja suit and can't see clearly. His ninja suit has a red sun pattern printed on it. It can be seen at a glance that it is from the Japanese royal family. Member of the Royal Ninja.Opposite this royal ninja member is a middle-aged woman wearing a white casual dress with a French badge...

Sitting here, there are at least eight national-level heads of combat power, and they are discussing the great turmoil in the European underground world.

"Master Patriarch, have you found out the truth?"

Sitting under the patriarch, the man wearing the uniform of the American imperial general asked the patriarch softly.

"Well, what attacked our Church of Christ was a creature from another world, the werewolf army, and the black knights who cooperated with them were controlled by their wolf tribe's unique medicine."

"Where's the Dark Council?" asked the old man in kimono.

"In the Dark Council, there are some idle forces from the European underground world, but the ones who really control the Dark Council are also the army of vampires from other worlds."

"The patriarch means that the vampire army that appeared in the European underground world this time is operated by people from this dark council?"

"No, I think the vampires of the Dark Council are also having a headache! Because the vampires that appeared in the European underground world before are different from them. After we caught one and studied it, we found that these vampires did not come from another world at all. Vampires are man-made."


The general of the US emperor exclaimed, "Could it be that these evil forces have already mastered the body transformation?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, the vampires written here are not pure vampires, they are living people and then injected with vampire serum to give birth to a brand new vampire, which is similar to your American emperor's transformation, that is, the X-Men and biochemical special forces There is a reason."

"Does the Patriarch know which force it is?"

The man in the uniform of the US imperialist general asked anxiously.

The patriarch shook his head slightly, while the old man sitting on the right of the patriarch frowned slightly displeased, and said lightly: "Our Japanese side's purpose is very simple, which is to rescue Princess Meichuan Kako. We don't care about other things."

"Then you go and look for your princess, there is nothing to do with your Japanese side here,"

The American general stood up abruptly, shouted angrily and said to the old Japanese man, "A small island country is optional."

As soon as the American Emperor's words fell, the ninja sitting next to the Japanese old man suddenly flashed in front of the American Emperor's eyes, and the dagger in his hand pressed against the American Emperor's throat with a cold killing intent.

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