A series of explosions sounded where Li Yi and the others were standing just now. Although the members of the Thirteen Eagles ran fast, they were still numb from the stirred-up gravel.

With the help of Li Yi, Li Qizhe landed completely beside Li Yi. As soon as he landed, he immediately turned to Yu Qiudao and said, "Qiu Dao, I know that thing. It's not called me, it's called a rocket-boosted grenade." Launcher, the English name is Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher, or RPG for short. When you see this thing again, don’t call me Day anymore, or the brothers will think you are going to do that.”

At this moment, a member of the night team appeared beside Yu Qiudao out of nowhere, bowed and said hastily: "Report to the team leader, president, we are surrounded now, it is a mercenary army, and there are no less than Hundreds of 'I said'."

Li Qizhe, Yi Qiu, Chen Daozang, and Oggusge, who are not good at words, suddenly laughed and fell to the ground, while Yu Qiudao said righteously: "That's called RPG, not me, I want you to learn more, now it's troublesome!" It's a joke!"

The member of the night team held back his laughter, nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes yes yes—"

This time even Li Yi, an evil guy, couldn't help it anymore, and laughed profligately.

"Don't laugh, it's just an RPG! I'll kill all these mercenaries right away," Yu Qiudao scolded the laughing crowd with a serious face, bowed slightly to Li Yi, and followed the member of the night team disappeared from everyone's sight.With Yu Qiudao's disappearance, Yi Qiu, Chen Daozang, and Oggusge also disappeared beside Li Yi.

At the same time that Augusge, Yu Qiudao, Yi Qiu, and Chen Daozang had just left, the surrounding area of ​​this open space was suddenly illuminated like daylight by searchlights, and the motorcycle team of Tianxiahui was also at this moment. Returning to the camp of the Tianxiahui's spear team, the members of the Donghu Gang stopped panicking at this moment, and quickly gathered together to confront the members of the Tianxiahui.

The sudden change in the situation did not make the members of the Tianxiahui confused. When the entire open space was suddenly illuminated by searchlights, there was a roar in the sky above them, and then a helicopter slowly sailed to the sky above the Donghu Gang, and then Hanging there.

"Mercenaries." Li Yi looked at the crowd standing behind the searchlights through the searchlights with his amazing eyesight, and said coldly: "It's a surprise that there are such a large number of mercenaries in T Bay."

The so-called searchlights around them were all emitted by off-road vehicles. Li Yi roughly estimated that there were no less than fifty off-road vehicles surrounding them, and there were at least two mercenaries in each vehicle, standing directly in front Among the mercenaries, there are no less than [-] people, each carrying a bazooka on their shoulders, aiming at the positions of members of the Tianxiahui.

The cabin door of the helicopter was opened at this moment, and then three sturdy Western men jumped out of the helicopter. As soon as the three Western men touched the ground, Xu Yuan immediately went up to him, and said slightly displeased: "Borger Sir, it is really time for you to come!"

"Haha, Mr. Xu is really impatient. We came early and came late, but the result is the same." The Western man named Bolger smiled boldly, looked around the situation before him and continued: "Oh, what a surprise, The combat power of your East Lake Gang is too weak to be defeated like this. But your defeat is inevitable, you must know that your opponent Tianxiahui, their members are all professional soldiers who have undergone formal military training."

"What does Mr. Bolger say?" Xu Yuan asked slightly surprised.

"Don't Mr. Xu know?" Borger was taken aback for a moment, and then Ma Shan was relieved, and said: "As early as two years ago, our soldiers found out that there was an army secretly training in the coastal mountains of T Bay. At that time, I thought it was the army of T Bay who was training and didn't care. Later, I went to the Coastal Mountains to check it out. As a result, I was also shocked at the time. The members of the gang are training, and this gang is Tian Tianhui."

Xu Yuan came to his senses immediately after hearing the words, no wonder the members of the Fighting Tianxiahui just now were so well-trained and powerful in fighting. It turns out that Tianxiahui has been secretly training its gang members.And a gangster in the Tianxiahui actually uses military means to train its subordinates. What is its purpose?Is it just to dominate the underground forces in T Bay?

Xu Yuan didn't want to stop, the more he thought about it, the more sweating he felt. Could it be that Tianxiahui's ultimate goal is to enter the Twan political circle?

"Haha, Mr. Xu, don't worry, even if they are well-trained members, they have only trained for two years. You know, all the people in our mercenary army are experienced masters, almost They are all retired special forces from all over the world, if we want to destroy their army of thousands of people, our mercenary regiment will only need a hundred people."

==== ..

123 Unlucky Layout

Under Bolger's arrangement, the two Western men behind Bolger said in a deep voice to the members of the Donghu Gang standing next to them: "There is no business for your Donghu Gang now, leave this to us."

"is it?"

As soon as they finished speaking, a figure fell out of thin air, stood firmly opposite Borger, and said indifferently: "What a mercenary, so arrogant."

As soon as the words fell, the figures disappeared in place again, and the next moment, they appeared in front of the two men behind Bolger, and at the same time, they only grabbed the throats of the two men with lightning strikes.


Two slight collision sounds sounded, and the two Western men remained calm in the face of danger, and they both shot and confronted the incoming person like lightning. The tyrannical force directly bounced off the incoming person's impact, but the two were also directly hit by the incoming person. It took a few steps before retreating.

"Huh——" the visitor tilted his head slightly, looked at the two western men who were rushed back by him with a face full of surprise, and murmured, "That's right, physical skills alone can resist my attack." Attack, it seems that Your Excellency's physical skills have reached the point of perfection."

"Who are you?" Bolger looked at the man who had rushed out of the sky, and asked extremely calmly without panicking.Members of the East Lake Gang took this opportunity to surround the crowd with guns, but were immediately stopped by Bolger.

"Yu Qiudao, the leader of the night team of the World Club."

"A master of ancient martial arts?" Bolger asked with a faint smile.

"I don't dare to be a master, but it's more than enough to kill you." Yu Qiudao took a step forward calmly, and continued: "I finally understand why my boss wants to be evil. The boss finally talked about morality, but he was disrupted by you. Big brother Broken my boss's interest, you guys should be killed."

"Hahahaha——" Bolger suddenly looked up to the sky and burst into laughter, and said arrogantly: "I have seen many ancient martial artists, but you are the first one who is so arrogant."

"Today, I will let you see that under the powerful firepower attack, you ancient martial artists are just a decoration." Bolger said arrogantly, and at the same time raised his hand high and made a fierce gesture kill gesture.

As Bolger put down his hand, the mercenaries standing behind him aimed their bazookas at Yu Qiudao's position and pulled the trigger at the same time.

Boom boom boom.

A series of explosions immediately sounded, and Yu Qiudao's position was instantly covered by flying sand and rocks and thick smoke. The smoke slowly dissipated, and several big holes were blown out where Yu Qiudao was standing before, but Yu Qiudao was still missing. The figure of the knife.

Borjie was slightly taken aback, but at the same time he was relieved immediately. If the ancient martial artist was killed so easily, then the ancient martial artist is too inferior.

At the same time, several figures in the sky flashed and landed in front of Bolger. One of the figures landed high, and a long scythe appeared in his hand immediately, and he only heard a low shout: "Death is quiet."

Without giving Borger, the mercenaries and others any time to react, the entire space was immediately filled with thick black smoke, and finally directly enveloped the mercenaries and members of the Donghu Gang in this space.

As the thick smoke rose, there were bursts of screams immediately among the members of the East Lake Gang and the mercenaries, and at the same time there were bursts of rapid gunshots.

Just as Bolger was stunned, a pair of devilish eyes quietly appeared in front of him. Bolger instinctively took a step back, but those devilish eyes followed like a shadow, and the hollow and cold voice sounded at the same time.

"I don't know what kind of existence the ancient martial artists you have met, but when you meet us, your destination is determined. It is not heaven or hell, but Wandering Soul Street."

"Who are you?" Bolger asked, looking into those devilish eyes, and forced himself to steady himself.

"Yi Qiu, an evil spirit warrior."

As soon as Yi Qiu's words fell, his figure disappeared immediately, leaving Borjie standing alone in shock and puzzled.Why did this master who claimed to be an evil spirit warrior who could have killed him suddenly disappear again?

Just when he was stunned on the spot, he finally understood, and saw this evil spirit warrior waving a long sickle in the thick smoke and mercilessly harvesting the lives of the panicked mercenaries.And the first man named Yu Qiudao and the other two men reaped the lives of the East Lake Gang and mercenary members as if they were in no man's land.The members of the Donghu Gang and the mercenaries fired their guns in a panic in the thick smoke. Instead of killing the enemy, they killed countless of their companions.The four masters of ancient martial arts from the Tianxiahui who came out suddenly moved freely among the chaotic army, but they just didn't want to kill him and Xu Yuan.It was as if they were specially reserved to appreciate the most evil and cruel ceremony in the world, knowing that this was the greatest humiliation to them.

In just a few minutes, all the members of the East Lake Gang were killed, and before the surrounding mercenaries had time to save them, they were captured alive by the Tianxiahui who suddenly came out from behind with all automatic submachine guns.

The mercenary army is nothing more than that.

The thick smoke and black clouds in the sky finally dissipated, and what appeared in the eyes of Borjie and Xu Yuan were corpses and horrific stumps. The bright red blood dyed the entire grassland incomparably strange like that hell. The manju is like a sahua.

"You said, to kill the thousand-man army of our Tianxiahui, your hundred-man subordinates are enough, right?" Yu Qiudao walked up to Borjie with a smile, waved his hand slightly, and continued: "Help you correct Just kill you, the four of us are enough."

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