Li Yi said very deeply, then walked out of the room slowly, and closed the door smoothly.

Meichuan Jiazi was shocked, looked at the door in surprise, and then looked shocked.


After being demonized, Yi Qiu came to Europe to chase and kill those black knights and magicians who were practicing in seclusion, and then disappeared from the sight of the world. European magicians are very clear that this resurrected necromancer is killing After so many masters absorbed their souls, they must be hiding in some secret place to absorb and digest these souls, and then revive them completely.

Therefore, the magicians in Europe knew very well that Yi Qiu had to be found and killed when the Necromancer was completely resurrected, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

As a result, a powerful team of European magicians and black knights continuously marched into the mountain where Yi Qiu had appeared.

This mountain has a world-renowned name - Carrara.And in this world-renowned mountain, a grand ceremony will be staged.

Under a big tree in Mount Carrara, there were four old men in black magic robes sitting. The four old men sat motionless.

An old man with a meticulously combed hair walked slowly towards the four old men. This man was none other than the principal of Athena University.Rumor has it that he is the only ninth-level magician left in Europe.

The old principal came in front of the four of them, bowed slightly, and said, "May God bless you, my poor four brothers."

The four old men slowly opened their eyes after the old principal's voice fell, and gave the old principal a boring look, and then ignored the dusty old principal.

"Don't do this! Anyway, we are all the most experienced magicians in the world, so there is no need to treat old friends so coldly."

After finishing speaking, the old headmaster went straight to sit down beside one of the old men, and continued, "Your Excellency Henry must have surpassed me in practice over the years!"

"And Your Excellency Henra, your group of golden magicians from a hundred years ago should have surpassed me! If not, your practice over the years is too poor!"

"What did you say?" The old man called Henry stood up, and the wide magic robe swelled up like a huge black ball.

"Would you like to discuss it now, Your Excellency Baratu?"

As soon as Henry's words fell, a huge magic circle appeared out of thin air and wrapped the old principal in it.The old principal looked at the magic circle under his feet lightly, and said slowly: "It has been hundreds of years, and the name Baratu has been called out from the mouth of an old friend, and it feels very kind."

"Who told you to use so many names, so that you don't even get confused about your own."

One of the two old men who hadn't been there stood up slowly, and with a wave of his big hand, the magic circle under the old headmaster's feet disappeared immediately.

"Your Excellency Baratu, I think the key point for us now is not to discuss whose magic has improved and whose magic has regressed. The key now is to prevent the complete resurrection of the Necromancer."

"Your Excellency Henlow knows the seriousness of the matter," said the old headmaster, looking at Henry with a smile.And Henry was furious again, resisting the urge to do something and glaring at the old headmaster fiercely.

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding, who doesn't know that Brother Henry of the Golden Mage Group has the hottest temper."

The Golden Mage Group, a member of the European magician world appeared in the combination a hundred years ago. Henry, Henla, Henlo and Hampi are brothers of the same mother. They turned out to defeat the European magician world a hundred years ago. Many powerful magicians suddenly disappeared from the sight of the world.Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, this powerful group of golden magicians was born again because of the appearance of the Necromancer.

God knows what powerful existences will appear in the next time.Mount Carrara will witness the birth and demeanor of the world's powerful people.At this moment, Li Yi and his party are also rushing here.

In a mysterious cave in the Carrara Mountains, Yi Qiu's huge body was sitting there quietly, endless undead auras poured into his body continuously, and as these undead auras poured into Yi Qiu's body, Yi Qiu's huge body gradually shrank.

At this moment, a hoarse and evil voice sounded in Yi Qiu's heart.

"Hey - humans in this filthy world, you can't imagine that I, the Necromancer, will appear one day!"

"Yohahaha——" Another evil laugh sounded immediately, and he said in the same hoarse and evil way: "Emperor Necromancer, how are you going to treat your enemy?"

"Don't worry, this kid's body can't bear all my strength, and he needs to absorb a little more soul of the strong—"

"You have to know that now the ancient powerhouses from all over Europe and the world have come to the Carrara Mountains. If this kid doesn't fully accept your ability, you will all be scattered."

"This is a question worth pondering..."

The two evil voices stopped talking, and Yi Qiu's body gradually returned to his original appearance.

"Uh, who was I talking to just now?" The evil voice suddenly came from Yi Qiu's body again, "Oh, I forgot it was me. For five hundred years, no one has spoken, so it's really lonely what!"

The evil voice disappeared again, and Yi Qiu completely returned to his normal figure, but at this moment, Yi Qiu was indescribably evil, with a snow-white face as bloodless as a patient recovering from a serious illness.And on the bloodless face, a pair of dazzling red eyes are as deep as the stars in the starry sky, containing endless energy.

Yi Qiu stood up slowly, blinked those blood-red eyes, looked at his body, and then looked around the cave, and murmured, "Where am I?"

"By the way, I heard someone talking just now, is it the boss?"

"Of course it's your boss—" An evil voice suddenly rang in Yi Qiu's heart, Yi Qiu instinctively took a step back, looked around, and shouted: "Who—"

"Your boss—" the evil voice continued to ring in Yi Qiu's heart.

Yi Qiu's expression froze, and he exclaimed, "Why are you out again?"

== ..

247 The Evil Necromancer

"How can I not come out, the experts in the whole world are looking for you now."

"Why are you looking for me—" Yi Qiu asked in surprise.

"Hey hey hey - of course you have been killing people all over the world recently."

"You're controlling my body again—" Yi Qiu couldn't help asking angrily.

"Aren't you the one who woke me up? You woke me up to save your brother, and then I lent you my power, but I took this opportunity to occupy your body and kill thousands of people. "

When Yi Qiu was very young, his body had been controlled by this demon in his body, so he was not surprised at this moment. He also knew very well that there was always a demon-level person living in his body, and this person He is the Great Necromancer whose body has been killed for five hundred years and whose soul remains.

"I'm going back to my boss now—" Yi Qiu no longer entangled with this demon, and walked out of the cave slowly.But when he just walked out of the cave, he was dumbfounded.What appeared in front of him were endless mountain peaks or an endless forest canyon.

"Did you see the scene in front of you? On the side of this mountain and in that forest, there are experts in the world looking for you everywhere. I don't care. If you die, I will just find another body."

Yi Qiu didn't say anything, he believed the words of the Necromancer.But he really didn't know what to do at the moment, the only thing he thought about was to return to Li Yi's side as soon as possible.

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