We must not allow the Li Group to continue like this. This is the aspiration of many countries in the Americas.

And at this critical moment, a top-secret file from the White House of the US Empire floated into the hands of departments of many countries in the Americas.When the persons in charge of the incident in these countries saw this file, everyone was taken aback.

The behind-the-scenes president of the Li Group is the Li Yi who caused a bloody storm in Japan——

While everyone was shocked, they also understood the truth that it was impossible to suppress the Li Group by normal means.It is only slightly possible by using abnormal means.

After these responsible persons learned of this file, the Pentagon of the US Empire once again issued a confidential document to these people.

The document records that there were supernatural beings composed of many countries who went to kill the top leaders of the Li Group, but these members never came back once they left.After ruling out all possibilities, it is concluded that the army of supernatural beings sent out by that tribe was wiped out.

When the U.S. imperial intelligence continued to release information about Li Yi, the Japanese Prime Minister suddenly spoke internationally, because China did not cooperate with Japan in arresting Li Yi, they will personally use military force to attack or destroy Li Yi and his forces .Once Huaxia intervenes during this period, it will start a war against Huaxia.

After the Japanese government announced the news, the White House spokesperson of the U.S. Empire immediately announced military suppression against Li Yi and his forces. Following the U.S. emperor’s speech, a member of the royal family of country Y named Andre also jumped out, adhering to the The unchanging truth that they will fight wherever the US emperor fights declares that Li Yi will be his enemy.

= ..

274 Competing Car Skills

The man in the United Arab Emirates who once created a round of world financial turmoil sat leisurely in a garden playing with a statue in his hand.

At this moment, he is no longer the chief who makes the whole UAE worship, but a garden designer, of course, designing his own residence.

"Father—" A young man came up behind the man, bowed and respectfully said, "You, it's time to eat."

"Lars, you came just in time," the middle-aged man smiled gently, and asked the young man behind him to sit down.

Lars, a former student of Athena University, an alumnus of Li Yi, and the former governor of the United Arab Emirates, is the eldest son of the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Recently, the whole world is boiling. Although only a small subsidiary of the American Li Group has been disbanded, people all over the world have felt the taste of it."

The middle-aged man continued to play with the sculpture in his hand, without any fluctuation on his calm face.

"Father, this has no effect on us." Lars bowed slightly, and continued: "Compared to Father, they are still far behind—"

"No, Lars, you can't think that way. Back then, my father developed the entire UAE from the perspective of a head of state, and he also used his power to create the world's best in the UAE."

"However, the Li Group, according to the data, is not a state-owned enterprise in Huaxia, but was founded by a man surnamed Han."

"Private group?" Lars looked at his father in shock, disbelief written all over his face.

"Yes, and this man is the man you once told me, named Li Yi."

"It's him." Lars stood up in shock, staring at the middle-aged man dumbfounded.

"Look at you, that's all you can do." The middle-aged man was dissatisfied with Lars' reaction, and said slightly displeased: "As my son, I shouldn't have such an expression."

"I'm sorry, Father." Lars came back to his senses and bowed immediately after noticing his gaffe.

"Well, you will do nothing for the next time, and pay close attention to Li Yi's actions. I believe that a new financial storm is coming."

"When the U.S. Imperial Intelligence Agency found out all the information about Li Yi and released it to the American countries, they knew that it was impossible to deal with Li Yi by normal means. They could only use abnormal means. And if they did this, they would absolutely Li Yi will be angered, and in a fit of anger, it is possible to disband the subsidiaries of the Li Group all over the world. In this way, the world economy will definitely be impacted and lead to a financial turmoil. Watch carefully, Lars, these are all It's what you learn."

"Yes." Lars immediately responded, looking at the middle-aged man hesitantly.

"Just say what you want." Seeing Lars' expression, the middle-aged man said dissatisfied again.

Ruston paused, and said in a deep voice: "Father, you are no longer the head of the United Arab Emirates. If this Li Yi invites you to join the Li Group to build the world's best, will you go?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Lars to ask such a question.After a moment of silence, he slowly got up and walked into the room.When he was about to enter the room, he turned around and said softly, "Lars, your father was not so much a chief as he was an outstanding financier."

"You should know that in my life, I have completed the world's best projects such as the Burj Khalifa, seven-star hotels, and artificial ski resorts. But these are not my greatest achievements. My achievement is that I hope to complete the unfinished projects in this life. The completed world map project."

"What does father mean?" Lars asked in confusion.

"If Li Yi is willing to contribute such a huge amount of money to help me complete the world map project, I will join Li's Group."

The middle-aged man looked at Lars, suddenly smiled and said, "Do you think this is possible?"

The middle-aged man stopped talking and walked straight into the hall, leaving Lars standing there alone, pondering what the middle-aged man said.Especially the last sentence, he is very clear that starting the world map project requires at least tens of billions of dollars in funds.

Will Li Yi really pay such a huge amount to complete the world map?And these tens of billions of dollars are just to invite an outgoing leader of the United Arab Emirates who once caused the world's financial turmoil?

Obviously, no normal person would do that.


A month later, Gong Youhyuk returned to Athens, Greece after finishing all the affairs in America.He just got off the airport, and he walked to the headquarters in full swing with the company of three people.

When Xiangxiang, who came to pick up Gong Youhe, started the car and left the airport, three black Audi A8s drove out immediately behind them, following them at a leisurely pace.

"Boss, there are three tails." After Xiangxiang saw the three black A8s in the rearview mirror, she immediately sensed the threat with her instinct as an intelligence elite.

"It's okay, just drive." Gong Youhe sat in the back seat and said with a faint smile, not forgetting to take advantage of the faces of Yang Meiyun and Gao Li.

"Boss—" Xueyi, who was sitting next to the co-pilot in the front row, suddenly pointed to the sky with a serious face, and continued, "I'm afraid it won't be that simple this time."

A helicopter moved forward slowly in the sky, always keeping a certain distance from Gong Youhe and the others, and coordinated with the three black cars on the ground to form a land and air encirclement posture for Gong Youhe and others.

"Don't worry, they assassinated me so many times in America without success, now in Greece, what's the rush."

Suddenly, as soon as Gong Youhe finished speaking, the three cars following them suddenly accelerated, divided left and right, and then clipped towards their car in three directions.

"It seems that I want to compete with our Xiangxiang beauty again." Gong Youhe smiled lightly, and continued: "Xiangxiang, you can't go racing as much as you want this time, go to the downtown!"

"Understood, Boss——" Xiangxiang immediately responded sweetly, and then she stepped on the accelerator suddenly, and the car shot out like flying, and in the blink of an eye, three black cars that were close to it were thrown away. behind.

At the same time, the windows of the three cars following behind suddenly opened, exposing the muzzles of black and dark guns, and the sound of rattling gunshots immediately rang out unscrupulously.

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